This bird, although not so gaudily colored as some of his tribe, is one of the most beautiful and valuable. There are numbers of them, imported both to this country and Europe, from Africa, where they are only found. They can be taught to whistle a tune distinctly, and correctly; and they articulate words, and whole sentences, in a fine, full, and sonorous bass voice. And I believe they are the only species of those birds which have propagated their kind in a domestic state. They are docile and intelligent, and form strong attachments to those who feed them. When yonng they are easily taught, and are possessed of good memories, never forgetting what they have once learned. A few years ago I had one in my possession for some time. I taught him to whistle, "Over the water to Charley." He whistled it clearly and correctly, and would speak some sentences very distinctly. I have had some of them since, which have showed the same facility in learning.


The common staple diet for Parrots is bread and milk, as for Thrushes; for this I have substituted for them, as well as the Thrushes, Indian meal and milk, and find it much better food for them. I had one of this species last summer, for two months, which I fed on meal and milk, and, two or three times a week, a piece of apple. He moulted during that time, and when he left me he was in beautiful plumage, and good health; and I have in my possession now, a Green Parrot, which has no other food but a little mug of meal and milk, every morning. He is also moulting freely, and is in as good health as ever I saw a bird in that state. This season is the most hazardous time for those birds, and I do not recollect of ever preserving a favorite Parrot, which had not died moulting. The African Parrot is very fond of meat, both raw and cooked; but it brings on disease, and had better not be given.

Characteristics Of The Sexes

The general color of this bird is a bluish silvery gray, the feathers on the upper parts edged with brownish gray. The tail a deep vermilion. There is no distinguishable difference between the male and female.


Found on the Coast, and Interior of Africa - Resident.