The Long-haired Cats, otherwise known as the Asiatic or Eastern Cats, vary only slightly ill conformation, but greatly in color and in the quality of their coats. The coat may be woolly in texture, may be coarsish in texture, or it may be as fine as silk; but more commonly there is a mixture of an upper coat of silky hairs with a close, woolly under coat growing, around the roots of the former. An important quality in all Long-haired Cats is the frill or "lord mayor's chain," which is a crest of hairs around the neck at the line where the fur of the cheeks pointing downward meets that of the neck pointing forward. They vary in their eyes, ears, and the length and form of the tail. The Long-haired Cats include the various families known as the Angora, the Persian, the Russian, the Chinese, and the Indian.