Falling or inversion of the vagina is a consequence of general debility. It is liable to follow whelping and to accompany congestive diseases of the womb. This condition is sometimes observed during oestruation, disappearing as that period passes.

The vaginal mucous membrane protrudes through the orifice having the appearance of a red, soft, and shining body, which pressure readily returns.

With the prolapse certain other symptoms are manifested. Pain and discomfort are often considerable; difficulty in passing water exists, and at times the action of the bowels is interfered with.


No time should be lost in returning a prolapsed vagina, as the longer the condition exists the more difficult it will be to remedy the trouble. Previous to making the attempt the protruded parts should be thoroughly cleansed, dried and oiled. After their return, vaginal injections may be used of a solution made by adding one drachm of tannin to a quart of water.

Constipation should be guarded against, as straining induces the prolapse. The diet should be mild, unstimulating and digestible.

Tonic remedies are indicated to tone up the general system. The following may be wisely given. -

℞ Pulv. Ferri gr.xx.

Ext. Nucis Vomicae gr.v Ext. Gentianae ℥ ss.

Ext. Conii ℥ss.

Ft. Pil. No. xxx. Sig. One three times daily.

If the means advised prove insufficient after a fair trial, a surgeon should be consulted and the treatment intrusted to him.