
Bronchocele, or Goitre, is very common among house pets, showing itself in a large and rather soft swelling in the front of the throat. The treatment consists in rubbing in iodine outward ly, and, if this fails, giving it internally also. The interna, remedy may be according to the formula (3); but, if the expense is objected to, the sarsaparilla may be omitted. The ointment is as follows: Iodide of potassium, 1 drachm; Lard, 1 ounce. Mix, and rub in the size of a filbert, night and morning.


Cancer is a malignant disease, that is, it is incapable of a cure by the natural powers, and must be eradicated either by the knife or by caustic. It is, however, very doubtful whether by their means the disease is checked for any length of time, and does not return after the lapse of a few months. The knife is the only remedy, and should be used only by practised hands. When, therefore, a cancer is to be removed, a veterinary surgeon should at once be called.

Encysted Tumors

Encysted tumors are sacs or bags of various sizes, just beneath the skin, containing a thick, glairy, and transparent fluid resembling the white of an egg. They are readily detected by their soft yielding feeling, and by their evident want of connection with the surrounding parts. Nothing but the knife is of the slightest use. By cutting through them, the sac may readily be torn out, each half at a time, taking care not to leave a particle behind, as it is sure to grow again into another sac of the same size as before.


Abscesses, the result of inflammation, are very common in the dog. They show themselves in the early stage, as hard painful swellings more or less deep, but gradually coming to the surface, when the skin reddens, and they burst in the course of time. Very often, however, the matter forms so slowly, and has such a tendency to burrow among the muscles, that, if it is let out by the knife in the early stage, it produces great exhaustion from the quantity formed. Matter may be detected as soon as it is thrown out, by the sensation given to the fingers of each hand called "fluctuation." That is to say, on pressing one side of the swelling with the left hand, the other side rises beneath the fingers of the right, is an elastic way, just as happens with a water-pillow, when pressure is made upon it When, therefore, this fluctuation is clearly made out, a lancet or knife should be inserted, and made to cut its way out, so as to leave a considerable opening, which should be so arranged as to let the matter drain out at all times.

This is what in surgery is called a "depending opening."