In cases of inflammation arising from external violence, but so circumstanced that suppuration cannot be prevented, the indication is to moderate the inflammation, which, if the injury be considerable, will probably be violent Therefore, the best means calculated to lessen the inflammation and constitutional disturbance must be employed without delay.

To free the part from the purulent matter, and to promote the approximation, and afterwards the reciprocal agglutination of the opposite surface of the cavity which contained the matter, are the general indications in the treatment of abscesses. These objects must be fulfilled, either by bringing about absorption and dispersion of the matter, or by dia-charging it, and healing the part with the aid of methodical dressings and suitable medicines.

Instances of the rapid absorption of abscesses in consequence of a sudden attack of profuse diarrhœa, or copious increase of urine or perspiration, are not unfrequent, and this is unquestionably the least painful mode of cure; so that what nature thus occasionally brings about, art has likewise attempted to accomplish by means of active purgatives, diureties, sudorifics, and stimulating applications.

But abscesses resulting from acute inflammation seldom admit of absorption, they are almost sure to burst, and the continuance of a degree of suppuration seems afterwards to be essential to bring the cavity into a healing state. Nor are the thick cysts of certain chronic abscesses more favourable to this mode of cure, because before their opposite sides will enter into the adhesive process, fresh inflammation is requisite to modify their texture.

In consequence of the general ill-success, however, which attends the plan of endeavouring to disperse abscesses by absorption, we do not as a rule make the attempt "We try indeed to prevent acute inflammation from advancing to suppuration at all, and when this cannot be accomplished, we must aim at lessening the abscess in its early stage; but as soon as purulent matter has been unequivocally formed, we more commonly direct our plans to the discharge of pus than to the absorption of it.

The common applications to inflammation which is to suppurate and form an abscess, are poultices and fomentations. These are useful when inflammation attacks the skin, either in the first instance, or after an abscess has approached so near the skin, that this becomes secondarily affected. This benefit appears to arise from the skin being kept soft and moist. Such is the use of a poultice in inflammation, either before or after suppuration, until the abscess is opened. But when poultices and fomentations are applied to inflamed parts in which we wish to avoid suppuration, reason and principle will not justify the practice, though such applications may be proclaimed by experience to be proper. When, however, suppuration cannot be avoided, the most approved plan is not to persist in the use of cold applications, but to have recourse at once to emollient applications. If it should happen that the parts are indolent, and hardly admit of true inflammation, in consequence of which a perfect suppuration cannot take place, stimulating the skin brings on a more salutary, and of course a quicker inflammation. Acting then upon this principle, blistering preparations applied over chronic abscesses may sometimes be proper.

Emollient poultices are commonly applied to inflamed parts in which suppuration is known to have taken place. These can have no effect upon suppuration, except that of lessening the inflammation, or making the skin more easy. The inflammation must have reached the skin before poultices can have much effect, for they can only affect that part But we must consider in a humane spirit the ease of our patient; therefore poultices and fomentations are, on this principle, very beneficial, for by keeping the skin moist and warm the sensitive operations of the nerves of the parts are directly soothed. On the other hand, if the inflamed skin is allowed to dry, the inflammation is increased, and the patient's suffering is unnecessarily prolonged and lengthened. As warmth excites action, the fomentations should be as warm as the animal can bear without causing inconvenience. Warm emollient applications are also very useful in accelerating the progress of the matter to the surface of the body.