Symptoms are vomiting in the morning of frothy yellow bile, usually after eating grass, an unusual thirst, sometimes a diarrhoea, refusal of food, and in some cases the eyes and mouth and skin take on a yellow cast. For treatment first give a dose of castor oil, so as to keep the bowels open and remove the excess of bile. If there is much nausea and sickness of the stomach give carbonate of bismuth. A dose of from two to twelve grains simply should be placed on the tongue and the mouth held for a moment until it is swallowed. If this does not give good results use the following prescription: Diluted hydrocyanic acid twenty drops, liquor bismuth one ounce, water to make six ounces. The dose is from a teaspoonful to a tablespoonful every three hours. In most of these cases giving the stomach a complete rest will do more good than anything in the way of drugs. In some cases good results follow the use of small doses of quinine or the extract of taraxacum.