The first thing to do is to draw the leg into a natural position. Then take two pieces of light board, one-eighth of an inch thick and about the width of the dog's leg; have the boards full long, wrap them with cotton and over this draw a strip of cloth-about two inches wide. Bring the boards one on each side of the broken leg and draw the strip tight, wrap it tightly around the splints about a dozen times and tie firmly. Change the bandage every few days, as the leg will swell more or less and the bandage will work loose, which must be prevented; it must be kept tight and firm.

For A Dog With A Broken Hip Or Shoulder

Put him in a small place so that he cannot turn around and so lie on the broken part. There is no use in trying to keep a bandage on a broken hip or shoulder on account of the shape. Have two or three places for the dog to lie in, so that he will have a dry place at all times. Have a wall built about three or four feet high, so that he cannot climb out, for he will get very tired of lying in this place for five or six weeks; but the quieter he is the sooner he will get well.

To change a dog with a broken limb or a sick dog from one place to another, pick him up by taking hold of him at the center of his hips or back and at the back of his neck; he will feel no pain when you handle him so. Lay him down on the side that is not broken. If he seems cross, muzzle him while setting the limb and pet him; give him anything he wants to eat, so that he will gain strength.