In laying the floor, some measures should be adopted to prevent or check the inroads of these vermin. They are very destructive about stables. They undermine the pavement, eat the wood-work, choke the drains, and rob the horse of his food. Where they abound in great numbers they know the feeding hours, and they watch the departure of the man after food is placed in the manger, which they enter in a drove and manage to eat as much as the horse, who seems to care little about them, Hellebore or arsenic, it is said, will kill them in great numbers when mingled with a warm malt mash and placed in the manger. The horse of course must not partake of this. He must be in the stall with his head tied securely to the rack. Soap waste is sometimes laid around the foundations of the outside walls,, They are unwilling to burrow through this, but they will, if very anxious to get in. Some rough or sharp material should be laid under the pavement, and around the walls on the outside.