Oiling is a rather common and economical way of finishing kitchen, pantry, bathroom, and porch floors and is by many considered more satisfactory for pine floors than varnishing. Oil is easy to apply, gives a finish that is durable and not slippery, and penetrates the pores of the wood so that it is proof against grease and water spots. Oiled floors, however, darken with use and in time become dingy because dust clings to them and unites with the oil on the surface.

Boiled linseed oil is the kind most commonly used and may be applied clear, either hot or cold, or combined with turpentine, which makes it penetrate the wood better and leave a thinner film on the surface. A mixture of equal parts of oil and turpentine is recommended for pine floors.

If desired, a floor may be stained before it is oiled, but in any case it should be clean, dry, and free from dust when the oil is applied. The oil should be brushed on lengthwise of the grain of the wood, rubbed in with a soft oily cloth, and any excess wiped off with a dry cloth. After the oil has dried for a few hours, the floor may be polished with a weighted brush covered with a clean woolen cloth or piece of carpet. Most floors will absorb two coats of oil.