10. The following proportions and cost of materials, and amount of labor required to lay 1 perch of rubble masonry, are reasonably accurate, and will serve to give an idea of how to estimate such work.

Cost of Rubble Masonry. Using l-to-3 Lime Mortar.

1 perch stone (25 cubic feet) delivered at work.....


1 bushel lime........


1/6 load of sand, at $1.50 per load.......


1/3 day mason's labor, at $2.50 per day......


1/4 day helper's labor, at $1.50 per day.........


Total cost...........................


Using 1-to-3 Portland Cement Mortar.

1 perch stone........


1/2 barrel Portland cement, at $2.60 per barrel.....


1/6 load sand, at $1.50 per load......


1/3 day mason's labor, at $2.50 per day......


1/4 day helper's labor, at $1.50 per day......


Total cost...........


Using- l-to-3 Rosendale Cement Mortar.

1 perch stone.......


1/2 barrel Rosendale cement, at $1.25 per barrel.......


1/6 load sand, at $1.50 per load....


1/3 day mason's labor, at $2.50 per day.......


1/4 day helper's labor, at $1.50 per day......


Total cost............
