A certain dealer in photographic materials has quite a trade in anastigmat lenses, and is frequently the recipient of complaints regarding the small air bubbles sometimes found in such lenses. Most of us, of course, are fully aware that these small bubbles in no way detract from the value or quality of a lens, and are a guarantee in a way of genuine Jena glass being used.

The other day Mr. Dealer had received several letters regarding air bubbles and had dictated a like number of letters explaining the matter. His good wife is quite an amateur gardener and when he arrived home he found her struggling with the problem of how to annihilate the insect life that was attacking her rose bushes. The two problems seemed to remain uppermost in his mind, as after he had fallen asleep he experienced most remarkable dreams, and eventually found himself awake again just as he was explaining to his wife that the trouble with her rose bushes was due to lens bugs.

In order that the professional may be fully informed regarding these small air bubbles, we reprint herewith a statement from the Bausch & Lomb Optical Co. in regard to the matter, together with some most excellent advice from the same source regarding the care of lenses:

"With all the skill and care required in producing clear and homogeneous optical glass it is found impossible to avoid some small air bubbles.

"All such glass as could in any way prove detrimental for optical purposes is rigidly excluded from use, first by the maker and likewise after careful tests by us, and in any case where bubbles may be found in the lenses, either single or grouped, they are of such a nature that the actual loss of light is inappreciable, and so far as the optical quality of the image formed by the lens is concerned, the presence of these small bubbles has no influence whatsoever.

"A lens should remain for an indefinite time in as good a condition as when it leaves the manufacturer's hands, provided a few simple rules are observed, to which we draw attention:

"Protect the lens as much as possible from dust and finger marks.

"Do not subject it to sudden and extreme temperature.

"Do not expose to the heat of the sun or steam coils.

"Avoid damp places.

"Never use any polishing material, alcohol, or other solvent on the lens.

"Do not allow it to fall or get a sudden jar.

"Occasional cleaning is not only advisable, but also very necessary when the lenses show dust, finger marks or moisture on the surfaces.

"To clean use a well washed linen handkerchief only.

"If dusty, blow off the dust first, then wipe.

"To remove finger marks or moisture, breathe upon the surface, and wipe; always wipe lightly, and with a circular movement; a camel's hair brush is convenient to remove dust before cleaning, and afterward, remove lint.

"If the inner surfaces require cleaning, the utmost care should be observed to remove the lenses one by one, clean, and replace before others are taken out.

From A Nepera Print By J. E. Ralston Seattle, Wash.

From A Nepera Print By J. E. Ralston Seattle, Wash.

From A Nepera Print By J. E. Ralston Seattle, Wash.

From A Nepera Print By J. E. Ralston Seattle, Wash.

"Should the lenses or mounting require more attention than the above, do not entrust the same to any but the maker."

December. Our Illustrations

Through the courtesy of J. E. Ralston, of Seattle, Washington, we are enabled to reproduce some of the latest examples of his work on Nepera.

Accompanying the prints was the following expression:

"If giving permission to Studio Light to publish some of my prints will answer as a certificate of character to my good friend, Nepera, I certainly will grant it.

"The old world is good to us now and Mrs. Ralston attributes it to - as she calls it - The Happy Trio, viz.. Ralston for the operating room, Seed and the little Tank for the dark-room, while Nepera has full charge of the printing department.

"In recommending Seed' and Nepera' I'm recognizing. I think, two potent factors that have contributed so much toward our higher prices. One must be an ingrate that can only see himself in his photographic success. Cordially yours, J. E. Ralston."