Notable Events In August


1.Battle of the Nile.............1798

2. Close of 1st Session 13th Congress....1813

3.Columbus first Sailed for America....1492

4.Order by Pres. Lincoln for 300,000 men. .1862

5. First Atlantic Cable Landed........1858

6.Ar. of "Mother Ann" in N. Y. from Eng. .1774

7.War Department Established.......1789

8.Elbr'g. Gerry, U. S. Envoy in Fran. depts. 1798 9.Trty defin. bound. bet.U. S. and Brit. Am. 1842

16. Missouri Admitted as a State.......1821

11. Free Soil Nat. Con v. at Pittsburg, Pa...1852

12.Com. Hardy sails from Stonington,Conn. 1814 13.Great Earthquakes, last'g 3 d'ys, in Peru. 1868 14.Fort Oswego N. Y. taken by the French.. 1756

15.Fort Dearborn Massacre at Chicago....1812

16.Battle of Bennington............1777

17.Los Angeles, Cal., taken by U. S......1846

18. First Am. child born of Eng. Parents...1587

19.Peace of St. Ildefonso...........1796

86.Atlantic Sunk...............1852

81 .Slave Insurrection in S. Hampton, Va___1831

22.Gold Fields Discovered in Australia...1851

23. Fort Morgan Surrendered.........1864

24. Washington, D. C, Burned by British___1814

25. Montreal taken by the Iroquois.....1689

86. First American Pension Granted.....1776

27.Battleof Long Island...........1776

28.British Slavery Abolished.........1833

29.Haverhill, Mass., des. by Fren. and Ind's. 1708 30.Treaty of Peace bet. Dutch and Indians.. 1645 31. Martial Law Proclaimed by Fremont...1861


Notable Events In November


1. Great Earthquake in Lisbon........1755

S.Washington's Farewell to his Army...1783

3. Great Patent Granted to Plymouth Co___1620

4.Venetia Annex'd to Kingdom of Italy...1866

5. Gun-powder Plot Discovered........1605

6 .A. Lincoln First Elected President....1860

T.London Gazette, Oldest Living Journal. .1665

8.The Trent Affair..............1861

9.Battle of Piketon, Ky ...........1861

16.Louis Napoleon Banished to America...1836

11.Pilgrims Cast Anchor in Cape Cod Harb.1620

12.Panic in England.............1857

13.Remarkable Display of Shooting Stars.. 1833

14. First American Episcopal Ordained....1784

15.Explosion of Powder at Inkerman,Russia.l855

16.Capture of Fort Washington.......1776

17.First Meeting of Congress at Wash....1800

18. Cape of Good Hope Discovered......1497

19.1st Protestant Mis'n'ry Soc'y in New Eng.1644 20. War Declared Against Holland by G. B.. 1780 21.The Phoenix was Lost on Lake Michigan.1847

22. Grand Duke Alexis Arrives inWash'ton. .1871 23. Battle of Chattanooga, Tenn.......1863

24. Destructive Eruption of Vesuvius.....1759

25.New York Evacuated............1783

26. Treaty with Sardinia............1838

3T. Cracow declared a free Republic.....1815

28. Three hundred Africans landed in Ga...1858

39.Ohio admitted to the Union........1802

36.Peace Treaty bet. U. S. and Eng. signed. 1782


Notable Events In September


1. Napoleon III. Captured at Sedan.....1870

2.Treasury Department Established....1789

3. Definitive Treaty of Peace with G. B...1783

4.French Republic Proclaimed.......1870

5.Pacific Ocean Discovered by Balboa...1513

6.Great New York fire; Loss, $10,000,000.. 1839

T.Independence of Brazil..........1822

8. Loss of the steamer "Lady Elgin"....1860

9.California admitted to the Union.....1850

16.Perry's Battle on Lake Erie........1813

11.Battle of Brandywine...........1777

12.Hudson Discovers Hudson River.....1609

13.Capture of Quebec - Wolfe Slain.....1759

14.Salem, Mass., Founded ..........1628

15. Moscow Burned..............1812

16.First Overland Mail for California....1858

17.Battle of Antietam............1862

18. Washington Laid Corner Stone of Capitol. 1793

19.Battle of Chickamauga, Tenn.......1863

36.Paoli Massacre...............1777

31. Great Fire in New York..........1776

22.Post Office Department Established...1789

33. Andre Arrested...............1780

34.Battle of Monterey............1846

35.12th Amendm't to the Con. of U. S....1804

26. Battle of Silstria, Turkey.........1809

27. Steamer Arctic Lost............1854

28. Explos. of Str. Adelphia - 12 Lives Lost.. 1878

29. Great Auroral Display in U. S.......1859

36. Siege of Yorktown Begun........1781


Notable Events In December


1. Portugal Becomes Independent of Spain . .1640

3.Battle of Austerlitz............1805

3.Illinois Admitted to the Union.......1818

4.First Gen. Assembly in Pa. at Chester...1682

5.Ind. of U. S. Acknowledged in England___1782

6.Hayti Discovered by Columbus......1492

T.Delaware Ratifies the U. S. Constitution. .1787 8.Firein Santiago, S.A - 2,000 People Burn'd. 1863

9. S. A. Becomes Independent of Spain....1824

16.1st Pat. for Locomotive Steam Engine.. 1828

11. Washington's Army at Valley Forge...1777

12.Treaty with Brazil.............1828

13.Battle of Fredericksburg.........1862

14.Charleston, S. C, Evacuated by British.. 1782

15.Patent Office Burned at Wash., D. C....1836

16. Dreadful Earthquake at Naples, Italy...1857

17. Violent Bread Riots at Montreal, Can...1875

18. American Slavery Abolished........1865

19.Battle on the Black Water.........1861

20. South Carolina Secedes..........1860

31. The Pilgrims Landed............1620

33.Plymouth Settled.............1620

S3. Wash. Resigned his Military Commis...1783

24 .Tr'y of Peace Bet. U. S. and Eng. Sig'nd. 1814

25.Merry Christmas.............. 1

26.Expulsion of Tea Ships from Phila....1773

ST. First Negro Insurrection.........1522

28.Iowa Admitted...............1846

89.Terrible R. R. Accident at Ashtabula, O.. 1876 30. Banks Generally Susp'd Cash Payments.. 1861 31. Battle of Quebec..............1775