Something to Do. - 1. Make a cartoon story about two girls. One of these girls was careless about wearing her rubbers and raincoat and carrying her umbrella. The other girl always remembered to wear them. Perhaps you can think of good names for the girls as, for example, "Miss Sickly Wet Foot" and "Miss Healthy Rubbers." 2. Make jingles or rhymes about what to do when your clothing gets wet. Keeping Cool in Summer. - The problem of dressing properly in summer is, generally, how to keep cool. The clothing should be such that it will help the heat to escape from the body. The fibers that are the best conductors of heat will keep you coolest. You have already learned that cotton and linen are the best conductors of heat. This explains why we generally wear cotton and linen clothing in summer.

Weaves that are open and allow the air to circulate freely are cooler than close, firm weaves. When the air can not escape it becomes saturated with moisture from perspiration. This moist or humid air makes evaporation very slow and consequently we are too warm because the body heat can not escape. If the temperature of the air should be greater than that of the body as sometimes happens in tropical countries, it is desirable to keep the hot air from getting to the body. In this case would you wear clothing that is a good or poor conductor of heat? Does this explain why men sometimes wear flannel shirts and felt hats when they are working in the sun?

Why is it that we generally wear light-colored clothing in summer and dark-colored clothing in winter? Is a white dress on a hot summer day merely cooler to look at or really cooler to wear? Scientists tell us that dark colors absorb more heat from the sun than light colors. This explains why you are warmer when you wear a dark blue dress than when you wear a light blue dress. In winter, try Benjamin Franklin's experiment of putting a piece of black cloth and one of white on . the snow in the sunlight.

Things for the W. T. W. Club to Do. - 1. Discuss the right kind of garments to wear in winter and in summer. Make rules about things to remember when selecting your clothing for winter and for summer.

2. Discuss what to do when you get your feet wet on the way to school or if you are caught in a rain. Make rules to follow.

3. Make rules about wearing coats and rubbers in the house.

4. Make a rule about what to do after strenuous exercise.

Keeping the Underclothing Clean. - It seems unnecessary to say that everyone should keep the clothing clean. Yet unless we know certain facts it may seem that our clothing is clean when it really is not. The body not only gives out three pints of water daily in perspiration but it also gives off oily secretions through the pores of the skin. Even when a bath is taken daily there is still a certain amount of perspiration and oily secretion taken up by the undergarments. This makes it necessary to have clean garments at least twice a week and it is desirable to change them more often if possible. The garments worn during the day should not be worn at night but should be given a chance to air. Hang them on a chair near an open window so they can air while you are asleep. The night garments should be aired during the day and not rolled up and put under a pillow. Have a hook in the closet on which you make a habit of hanging your night garments.

Since underclothing must be washed so frequently, it is important to select a kind that can be easily laundered. Wool is the least cleanly of fibers because it absorbs and holds the oily secretions from the skin more readily than any other fiber. It is not easy to thoroughly cleanse wool. It can not be boiled as cotton can and if not properly washed it will become harsh and lose its softness. Silk is the cleanest of the fibers because of its smoothness, which prevents it from catching and holding dirt. It is easily cleansed but is much more expensive than cotton. Linen and cotton are probably the most satisfactory fibers. They can be easily cleansed and boiled so as to make them thoroughly sanitary.

Something for You to Think About. - You have learned certain things about keeping the body warm, keeping the body dry and about keeping underwear clean. With these things in mind what would be the points in favor of buying cotton underwear? Silk underwear? Wool underwear? Linen underwear?

Why Is It Your Duty to Wear Healthful Clothing? - Wearing the right kind of clothing is one way of keeping well and everyone likes to be healthy. We like to be well because it is unpleasant to be sick. Have you ever realized that when you are sick it is not only unpleasant for you but it is unpleasant for other people. Someone has to take care of you, which makes extra work and trouble. It may make extra expense for medicines and doctors. If you are absent from school your teacher or someone else must help you to make up the work you have missed. Do you think you have any right to cause so much trouble if you can avoid it? If you are careless about wearing rubbers, changing wet clothing and wearing the right kind of clothing you are failing to do your duty to yourself and to other people. It is not considerate of other people to be careless about how you dress even though you think it will not harm you. Does this help you to understand why your mother reminds you to take an umbrella and rubbers?