Materials: Unbleached muslin 4 1/4" x 8"; luster cotton; crewel needle No. 6; thread No. 50; needle No. 6; cotton poplin 4 1/2" x 8 1/2" stamped with cross-stitch design (or a square of Penelope canvas 4" x 4" may be basted on and the design worked out on this and the canvas threads pulled out). See illustration on page 36.

Make the cushion of the muslin and stuff rather hard with fine sawdust.

Work the cross-stitch design.

Turn to the wrong side one-fourth inch all the way around, and baste.

Fold through the center the short way, wrong sides together, baste and overhand the sides. Draw the cover over the cushion and overhand the remaining side. Finish the edge with a cross-stitch, chain-stitch, or twisted cord.