New Zealand has 2,374 miles of railroad in an area of 104,000 square miles.

Approximately 30 per cent, of the cost of producing iron ore in the Lake Superior region constitutes mining supplies.

It is said that one of the best and healthiest trades in the world is that of dye-making from coal tar. Tar and the smell of it is the best of all tonics and tissne-builders. The average life of a tar worker is eighty-six years. The mortality is 30 per cent lower than in any other factory trade.

A factor of safety for a laced belt is one-sixth its breaking weight for leather, and one-eighth for rubber. A belt traveling 3500 feet per minute will require a tension of but 9.5 pounds for each inch in width, in order to transmit one horse-power, and one having a width of 100, divided by 9.5, equalling 40.5 inches, will transmit 100 h. p, . ,

The first vessel to navigate the great lakes was the "Griffon," built by La Salle and his party in 1679, near the site of the present city of Buffalo, on Lake Erie. The " Griffon " was about 50 tons burden, and and carried La Salle with 34 men and five guns safely from the point where she was built to Mackinac, and thence to Green Bay. She started to return with a cargo of furs in the following year, but was lost, probably on Lake Huron. From the 50-ton " Griffon " to the 7500-ton iron ore carrier of today is a long step

Engraved diamonds show some very beautiful effects. It is reported that a French jeweller, Bordinet, has invented tools for diamond engraving, and it is said that only his son is permitted to use them. Among the surprising things produced is a diamond cut in the form of a ring, polished on the inside, and covered with delicate engraving on the upper surface. Another is an engraved diamond fish. Diamonds are also engraved with armorial bearings.

Quartz crystals, unless large and without flaws, are of but little value as cabinet specimens. Fine, large, clear crystals or twin crystals are valued, particularly the latter. Twin crystals of quartz, when perfect, bring high figures, $100 or more having been known to be paid for superb quartz crystals from Japan.