Mr. H. O. Osborn, of Castleton, Vt., in a letter covering an order for a club of subscribers, says:--"It may not be uninteresting to you to learn that the last six names are those of young men in my employ. I have myself been your subscriber for the past four years, and knowing as I did the value of your paper, I felt it a duty I owed to my men to recommend the paper to their notice, and the result is as above. I am proud to think that I have so many in my mill who can appreciate its worth. I hope at no remote date to send you another list of names from among my own men, and I am certain that if every manufacturer would consult his own best interest he would do all he could to place your paper in the hands of his workmen, for I feel it to be a valuable acquisition to all in any way connected with machines."

We believe that employers who wish to improve the condition of their employés can render them no better service than to make each of them a Christmas present of a year's subscription to this paper. Send in the names early, so that we may know how large an edition to print to supply the demand. We close this Volume with over 30,000--nearly 35,000--subscribers, and we wish to commence the new with at least 50,000. Send in your names.