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How To Get Ahead - Saving Money And Making It Work | By Albert W. Atwood

There are some men who save because of fear of what the future may hold in store. However, this class does not achieve the greatest success. Strong men, confident of their own abilities, prepare for opportunities as well as emergencies. They save to win.

TitleHow To Get Ahead - Saving Money And Making It Work
AuthorAlbert W. Atwood
PublisherThe Bobbs-Merrill Company Publishers
Copyright1917, The Bobbs-Merrill Company
AmazonHow To Get Ahead - Saving Money And Making It Work
The purpose of this book is to help young men and women of moderate earning capacity to save and invest money. Incidentally its aim is to show the advantages of thrift. The main purpose is the practic...
-Introduction. Continued
Waste is a tax on the whole people. If a man puts up a building to manufacture a silly and unnecessary luxury, the maintenance of that building is a tax upon the population, because the money that wen...
-Chapter I. Money - Its Use And Abuse
DON'T pretend to despise money. Because if you do people won't listen. Ninety-nine out of a hundred of them are striving for it - and they know you are. Even the minister who preaches the gospel of se...
-Money - Its Use And Abuse. Continued
Spending money for foolish objects is never justified by saying that it makes work for milliners and dressmakers. For if there were no extravagant hats the milliners who build them would be engaged in...
-Chapter II. Real And Unreal Wants
I AM inclined to think that one great secret of being able to save is to know what you want and what you don't want. Knowing how to employ most efficiently the money which you do spend is also very im...
-Real And Unreal Wants. Part 2
But vain show fools no one. It defeats itself. Even the spendthrift recognizes a fellow-being who is living beyond his means and thinks none the better of him. It must always be remembered that a good...
-Real And Unreal Wants. Part 3
A dime a day would build up a serviceable library. A dime a day would pay for a week's vacation in summer. A dime a day would buy a twenty-five cent gift for one hundred and forty-six poor children ...
-Chapter III. Personal Finance
SOME folks have an idea that saving money consists entirely in stopping expenses. But that is merely hoarding. Of course the first step in saving is to cut out foolish expense. One must have enough co...
-Personal Finance. Part 2
Don't forget future debts and obligations in making up a budget. Keep accounts of them or they will come out of the woods like a highwayman. Perhaps you can include under savings such items as insuran...
-Personal Finance. Part 3
Nearly all mechanical devices for saving are a tacit acknowledgment of the weakness of human nature. But how much better it is to acknowledge we are weak enough to need a savings device than be so wea...
-Chapter IV. Family Finance
IF A MAN or a woman has a home the spending of money assumes even greater importance than with the individual. No matter how successful the earner may be, it is too often the case that the spender get...
Yearly Income Clothing Food Improvement Insurance and Savings Operating Expense Rent $1000 $100 $300 $100 $150 $150 $200 ...
-Budget. Part 2
I think in general it is well to be frank with one's local merchant. They are more than glad to assist customers in buying the most durable, genuine and substantial goods. Of course if a buyer insists...
-Chapter V. Saving On Small Wages
IN the last two chapters there was set forth the absolute necessity of system and plan in any effort to save money. But I know these chapters will leave many people unconvinced. It is all very well ...
-Saving On Small Wages. Part 2
Excess in anything is dangerous, but especially delusive in money matters. People try to save too fast and too much at a time. They put more into the bank than can be kept there comfortably. Then come...
-Saving On Small Wages. Part 3
In other words, don't count yourself among those whose income is too small to save anything until you are absolutely certain you have cut out extravagance. The problem is being solved by thousands eve...
-Chapter VI. Saving With A Purpose
NO man can save without a purpose unless he is willing to narrow his life and dwarf his soul. What was your first attempt at saving money? Did not a doting uncle or aunt give you a toy bank with a few...
-Saving With A Purpose. Part 2
One of the chief aims for a young man or woman is a college education, or some kind of special business or professional training. Do we need testimony to prove that education is worth almost any priva...
-Saving With A Purpose. Part 3
There are many crises in life, but many of the greatest are connected with love, marriage and the duties they bring. The young man who expects to be married can save far better before than after that ...
-Chapter VII. The Road To Business Success
DOWN in the bottom of our hearts we all know that success and happiness in life depend upon ourselves. No man is sure of having anything except what he himself earns, saves and invests - unless he is ...
-The Road To Business Success. Part 2
And have you ever noticed that the man of means keeps a sharp lookout on his daily personal expenses - a closer watch than does the man of moderate means? This gives the owner of money a glimpse each ...
-The Road To Business Success. Part 3
It may be said that many professional men, physicians, teachers, literary persons, artists and musicians are careless with money and yet seem to be happy and contented. I am sure they are not so conte...
-Chapter VIII. Making Money Work
MEN with great natural aptitude as money-makers often administer their finances badly and receive practically no benefit from the money they earn. Perhaps they are extravagant, or inefficient spenders...
-Chapter IX. Your Best Partner - A Bank-Account
RARELY does any man achieve business success without first forming a strong and close association with a carefully selected bank. Likewise a bank-account is the initial step toward the fruitful invest...
-Your Best Partner - A Bank-Account. Part 2
Fourth Always write your name exactly as you wrote it on the bank's signature card. Mrs. William Smith may be the same person as Mary V. Smith, but the bank-account doesn't stand that way. Adopt...
-Your Best Partner - A Bank-Account. Part 3
Don't expect your banker to be impressed by unsalable, unknown securities. Two shares of stock of the kind plainly indicated by a great English novelist are better for the purpose than sheaves of cat...
-Your Best Partner - A Bank-Account. Part 4
If a depositor does not ask for interest on his checking account he is often allowed, even by the largest banks, to keep a very low balance. Often a charge is made if the account is allowed to fall be...
-Chapter X. Your Best Partner - A Bank-Account (Continued). Trust Companies
ALTHOUGH a bank-account is your best partner, it can not meet all the problems that arise from the possession of money and property. You will find a powerful ally of the bank in the trust company. The...
In speaking of banks I have had in mind up to this point the commercial bank, organized under national or state laws, or the trust company, rather than savings-banks, or savings departments of ordin...
-Savings-Banks. Continued
A savings-bank account is practically always the best investment for a boy or girl. A successful man in Washington, D. C, heard about my plan to write this book and wrote as follows: Having a crowd ...
-On Being Afraid Of Banks
Some people are afraid of all banks. Of course, there are strong and weak banks, but as a rule there is no other class of institution so easy to find out about as a bank. If a bank is not all right, p...
-Chapter XI. The Best Insurance Policy
IF a young man can afford only one investment, and especially if others are dependent upon his earnings, life-insurance is always the best. It comes first; it is most elementary, fundamental and essen...
-The Best Insurance Policy. Continued
Among the great advantages of life-insurance are these: It eliminates worry and increases initiative. A man works much better if he knows his family is provided for. It is absolutely safe. Among the...
-Forms Of Insurance Policies
Whole Life Policy This is the commonest and fundamental form, from which all others are derived. It provides for a fixed annual payment throughout the life of the insured, in return for which the com...
This is a subject that people need to know more about. It is a practical method of old-age pensions. Annuities are just the opposite of life-insurance. They protect you against living too long instead...
-Chapter XII. Owning A Home
BUYING and owning a home is by no means solely a financial proposition. It is a business affair like being married, having children or getting an education. A home that you can call your own is a rock...
-Owning A Home. Part 2
The main factor in borrowing money on mortgage is not, as is commonly believed, the rate of interest, but the permanence of the loan. The man who is building a home half on cash and half on money borr...
-Owning A Home. Part 3
The vital principle of this purely cooperative idea is that the loans shall be made only to persons living in or near the community, so that the officers are able to estimate accurately without diffic...
-Chapter XIII. Different Kinds Of Desirable Investments And Their Advantages
A BANK deposit, life-insurance protection and a home are usually the first investments to be considered by a young man or woman who would get ahead in business or professional life. As they come first...
-Different Kinds Of Desirable Investments And Their Advantages. Part 2
In each of the two main classes the quality of the individual mortgage as an investment depends upon the conservatism of the valuation placed upon the property and upon the percentage which the mortga...
-Different Kinds Of Desirable Investments And Their Advantages. Part 3
Few loans are made by reputable firms except on new buildings; and, as the loans always run for short periods, the investor is asked to buy only into mortgages on new buildings. New buildings, or at l...
-Chapter XIV. Different Kinds Of Desirable Investments And Their Advantages. Part 4
IN THE previous chapter it has been suggested that bonds, like direct mortgages, represent liens, which means a claim, or hold, on property. This is an important point, because beyond question the chi...
-Different Kinds Of Desirable Investments And Their Advantages. Part 5
General mortgage bonds are those secured by a mortgage on a corporation's property whose various component parts or some of them have previously been mortgaged to secure other bonds taking prior rank....
-Different Kinds Of Desirable Investments And Their Advantages. Part 6
The reason for this is that the money which a stockholder invests is subject to all of the ups and downs of business. The stockholder of a corporation is a partner in every sense of the word. Moreover...
-Different Kinds Of Desirable Investments And Their Advantages. Part 7
For a conservative reliable judgment upon any given investment, I can not too highly recommend a consultation with one's banker. By that I do not mean with the broker or investment man who has stocks ...
-Chapter XV. Safety And High Income
UNLESS an investment is safe, strong, secure, it is utterly futile for a person to go any further with it. This point should be passed upon competently first of all. Then it is time to consider other ...
-Safety And High Income. Part 2
Not only does general knowledge put up prices and thus reduce interest rates, but what might be called an active market for securities tends to reduce the interest rate. To have a stock or bond listed...
-Safety And High Income. Part 3
In the choice of an investment, as in the choice of a house or a suit of clothes or an automobile or anything else, the primary consideration is suitability. This truth has never been put so well as b...
-Safety And High Income. Part 4
In the next place it does not follow that because a bond or stock is not listed on the stock exchange it is without a market on the outside, among bond and brokerage firms. In government and municip...
-Chapter XVI. Especially For The Small Investor
THERE is very little excuse nowadays for even the smallest of investors buying unsound securities. Formerly only the fakers offered stocks and bonds in small amounts or on easy terms. There was the sa...
-Taking The First Step
No question is more frequently asked by investors than this: How shall I purchase bonds? Where shall I buy them, and how am I to go about it? Don't invest money with strangers unless you first loo...
-Taking The First Step. Part 2
If you expect to deal through a broker who is not in New York, ask your bank to write to a bank in the city where he is in business. If you do not keep a bank-account, ask some friend who does, to get...
-Taking The First Step. Part 3
A good plan is to ask several different bro-hers and dealers to suggest investments for a given sum. Then compare their recommendations and take what seems the best. If more than one agrees on the sam...
-Chapter XVII. How To Avoid Loss
THERE is no such thing as a sure remedy against losing money through investments. That is a sad fact which savers of money might as well accustom themselves to at the beginning of their careers. And t...
-Practical Rules For Avoiding Loss
This book is not written to tell men how to succeed in private business where private capital is concerned. I am interested, in writing this book only in what might be called, to use a rather long wor...
-We Answer A Question
A reader writes this letter to Mr. Atwood, whom we employ to advise our readers how to make their money earn more money: 'Why do you spend all your time in advising us about bonds, and farm mortgag...
-We Answer A Question. Part 2
The most elementary common sense teaches us that to obtain safety one must distribute the risk, or as bond dealers say, diversify one's investments. Insurance companies and savings-banks are safe ju...
-We Answer A Question. Part 3
Look at the company's balance sheet for its statement of bills and notes payable. If this debt is large and there are no offsetting liquid assets, let your most unpopular neighbor buy the stock. Don'...

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