β. biflorus. Stouter (2f high); hds. very numerous, mostly 2 or 3-flowercd, nearly black. - South, common.

16 J. repens Mx. Low, tufted with creeping stolons; lvs. subulate-linear, fascicled at the lower joints; cyme simple: hds. few, 3 to 8-flowered; sep. subulate, awn-pointed, the 3 inner much longer; caps, slender, trisulcate, much shorter than the perianth. - Wet places, Ga. and Fla. Sts- many, 2 to 6' high. Fls. 3 to 4" long.

17 J. Stygus L. St. filiform, erect, rigid, leafy; lvs. setaceous, slightly channeled, obscurely nodous; hds. few (1 or 3), terminal, about 3-flowered; sep-oblong, acute; stam. 6; caps, triangular-elliptic, acute, longer than the perianth; seeds oblong, the loose testa produced into an appendage at both ends. - Perch. Lake, Jefferson Co., N. Y. (Gray) and Newfoundland. Fls. unusually large, straw-color.

18 J. trifidus L. St. sheathed at base; leaf solitary, linear setaceous, near the top; sheath ciliate; bracts foliaceous, long, grooved; hd. solitary, sessile between 2 long bracts, about 3-flowered, terminal; capsule blackish, globular, beaked. - White Hills, N. H, and Mt. Marcy, N. Y. Sts. crowded, threadlike, 6' high. Radical lvs. 1 to 2, very short, cauline leaf resembles the 2 bracts, apparently forming with them a foliaceous, 3-bracted invol. Jl.

19 J. Conradi Tuckm. St. low, erect, slender, leafy; lvs. few, subfililform, obscurely nodous; fls. separate, scattered, central and unilateral on the slender branches of the di-trichotomous panicle; sep. lanceolate, margins scarious, rather shorter than the acuminate caps. - Wet places. Can. and U. S., chiefly coastward. Sts. 6 to 9' high, wiry, turfy. Stam. 6. Fls. often changed to little tufts of leaves.

20 J. bufonius L. Toad Rush. Low, slender, tufted; sts. forking; branches floriferous their whole length; fls. separate, greenish, remote; sep. lance-subulate, awn-pointed, the 3 outer longer; caps, triangular oblong, obtuse, mucronulate, much shorter than the perianth; seeds oval, obtuse. -Order CLI Juncaceae Rushes Part 3 2094 Damp, waste places, in all countries. Sts. many, 3 to 8' long. Lvs. few, 1 to 2' long. Fls. many, secund. Jn. - Aug.

21 J. Greenii Oakes & Tuckm. Scape tall, subterete, striate; lvs. filiform-setaceous, subterete, scarcely channeled, shorter than the scape, with sheathing base; panicle dense, branches suberect; bracts setaceous, one of them much longer than

. the panicle; fls. single, approximate; sep. ovate, acute, twice shorter than the tri-angular-acuie, shining caps. - Wet grounds, R. I., Mass. (Ricard). A handsome rush, 1 to 2f high, rigid, strict. Lvs. all radical. Panicle 2 to 3' long, one of the bracts twice longer, the other twice shorter. Caps. 2" long, reddish brown.

22 J. tenuis Willd. St. scape-like, slender, erect; lvs. subradical, linear-setaceous, shorter than the stem; bracts 2 - 3, much longer than the panicle; fls. single, approximate, green; sep. acuminate, longer than the subglobous-triangular capsule. - A very common rush, about foot-paths and roadsides, and in fields and meadows, U. S. and Can. Stems wiry, 6 - 24' high. Leaves very narrow, 3 - 8' long. Panicle subfasciculate, 5 - 10-flowered, varying to subumbellate and 20 - 30-flowered, the rays very unequal. Jn., Jl.

β. dichotomus. Panicle regularly forked once or twice, branches erect, incurved, with the contiguous lis. regularly distychous; sep. scarcely longer than the capsule. - Waysides, Somerville, Mass., also South. (J. dichotomus Ell.)

23 J. bulbosus L. β. Gerardi. St. very slender, compressed; lvs. mostly radical, linear-setaceous, shorter than the stem; panicle small, few-flowered, sub-trichotomous, longer than the bracts; fls. separate, approximate by pairs or 3s, dark-colored: sep. equal, acute, incurved, rather shorter than the subglobous, obtuse, caps. - A common rush, in salt marshes, N. J. to the Arc. Sea, usually with dark green foliage and brown capsules. Sts. not bulbous, tufted, erect, or decumbent and stoloniferous, 1 to 2f high, tough and wiry. Lvs. 3 to 8' long, bracts 6 to 12". Fls. 12 or more, at length brown or blackish. Jl, Aug. - It makes good hay.