The Trilliums are easily distinguished by the arrangement of their three drooping, toothless leaves in a whorl, at the top of a smooth, stout, and usually purple-stained stalk. The blossom has three flaring, pointed green sepals, with an equal number of petals which alternate with them; also six stamens and a three parted pistil. The root is deep-seated and tuberous. This species is very common throughout the Eastern States, and the rather large, dark purple or maroon flowers have a disagreeable, musty, fetid odour. It grows from eight to sixteen inches high, and the much veined, loose-textured leaves are very broad, often broader than long. The solitary flower is borne on a short, curved, erect or drooping stem. The lanceshaped petals are a little longer than the sepals, and spread open nearly flat. The stamens have very conspicuous whitish anthers, and a prominent, purplish pistil. Singularly enough, the rank odour emitted by the flowers attracts the green fly, so commonly found wherever tainted or putrid meat and fish are exposed. The purplish oval fruit is often one inch long. The flowers vary, and are frequently pinkish, greenish or even white. Strange, too, that the dainty, chaste, and fragrant Lily of the Valley and this coarse-scented plant should belong to the same family. The astringent root of this species was highly regarded as a medicine by the Indians and the early settlers. It is still known as Bethwort, and is used as a tonic, and as a remedy for coughs and other throat afflictions. The plant blossoms from April to June in damp, rich, shady woods from North Carolina, Tennessee and Missouri, northward into Canada. Also in Japan.