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A Manual Of Weeds | by Ada E. Georgia

With descriptions of all of the most pernicious and troublesome plants in the United States And Canada, their habits of growth and distribution, with methods of control.

TitleA Manual Of Weeds
AuthorAda E. Georgia
PublisherThe Macmillan Company
Copyright1914, The Macmillan Company
AmazonA Manual Of Weeds
A Manual Of Weeds

By Ada E. Georgia Assistant In The Farm Course, New York State College Of Agriculture, Cornell University

With 385 Illustrations By F. Schuyler Mathews Author Of "Field Book Of American Wild Flowers'

To The Revered Memory Of John Walton Spencer My Employer, Teacher, And Friend, To Whose First Suggestion And Encouragement The Beginning Of This Book Is Due

The Rural Manuals

Edited by L. H. Bailey

Manual of Gardening - Bailey Manual of Farm Animals - Harper Farm and Garden Rule-Book - Bailey Manual of Fruit Insects - Slinqerland and Crosby Manual of Weeds - Georgia Manual of Home-Making - In preparation Manual of Cultivated Plants - In preparation

Nature is the great farmer. Continually she sows and reaps, making all the forces of the universe her tools and helpers. The sun's rays, wind, rain, frost and snow, insects and birds, animals small an...
-What Is A Weed?
A weed is a plant that is growing where it is desired that something else shall grow. It follows that a plant may be a weed in some places and not in others. Cockle in the wheat fields is most undesir...
-General Principles
1. Allow no weeds to ripen seeds. 2. Kill while in the seedling stage if possible, for then the weeds die most easily and in the greatest numbers. 3. Induce autumn germination of the seeds of an...
-Financial Loss Due To Weeds
Weeds cause a direct money loss to the farmer and to the nation. In the first place, the presence of weeds in such abundance as to attract notice, reduces the selling value of the land. A prospective ...
-Dissemination Of Weeds
Most various are the ways and most interesting are the natural mechanical appliances by which plant offspring are helped to leave the place of their birth and strike out in the world for themselves....
-Chemical Herbicides
This is comparatively a new way of fighting weeds and further experiment is needed for discovery of all its merits. Professor Henry L. Bolley, Botanist at the State Experiment Station of North Dakota,...
-Common Brake, Or Bracken. Pteris aquilina, L. Eagle Fern, Upland Fern, Turkey-foot Brake
Native. Perennial. Propagates by spores and by rootstocks. Season of leaf-production: Early spring until autumn frosts. Fruiting fronds: Ripe in August. Range: Throughout the world. In this country mo...
-Sensitive Fern Onoclea Sensibilis, L. Meadow Brake, Polypod Brake
Native. Perennial. Propagates by spores and by rootstocks. Season of leaf-production: April till first autumn frost. Fruiting fronds: Appear in June and July, but do not release spores until the follo...
-Field Horsetail Equisetum Arvense, L. Meadow Pine, Green Foxtail Rush, Pinetop, Pine Grass, Snake Grass
Native. Perennial. Propagates by spores and by rootstocks bearing small tubers. Spore-bearing stems appear: April to May. Sterile stems produced: All summer. Range: American continent from Green...
-Virginia Beard-Grass. Andropogon Virginicus, L. Broom Sedge
Sedge-grass. Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: July to September. Seed-time: Late August to October. Range: Massachusetts to Illinois and southward to Florida and T...
-Johnson-Grass. Sorghum halepense, Pers. (Andropbgon halepensis, Brot). Means-grass, Syrian-grass, Aleppo-grass, False Guinea-grass, Egyptian-grass, Morocco Millet, Arabian Millet, Evergreen Millet
Introduced. Perennial. Propagates by seeds and by rootstocks. Time of bloom: Early June to July. Seed-time: July to August to September; when cut for hay crop, both blooming and seeding time may...
-Crab-Grass. Digitaria sanguinalis, Scop. (Syntherisma sanguinalis, Nash.). Finger Grass, Polish Millet, Purple or Large Crab-grass
Introduced. Annual. Propagates by seeds and by rooting at the lower joints. Time of bloom: July to September. Seed-time: August to October. Range: Throughout the world. Habitat: Cultivated...
-Small Or Smooth Crab-Grass. Digitaria humifusa, Pers. (Syntherisma linearis, Nash.)
Introduced. Annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: July to September. Seed-time: August to October. Range: Nova Scotia to South Dakota, southward to Florida and Louisiana. Habitat: La...
-Old Witch Grass Panicum Capillare, L. Tumbleweed Grass, Tickle Grass, Witch's Hair
Native. Annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: July to September. Seed-time: Late August to November. Range: Nova Scotia to British Columbia, southward to Florida and Mexico. Habitat: Sandy so...
-Sprouting Panic-Grass. Panicum dichotomiflbrum, Michx. (Panicum proliferum, Lam). Sprouting Crab-grass, Knee-grass, Spreading Panicum
Native. Annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: July to September. Seed-time: Late August to November. Range: Maine to Nebraska, southward to Florida and Texas. Habitat: Moist, rich so...
-Switch-Grass. Panicum Virgdtum, L
Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds and by rootstocks. Time of bloom: August to September. Seed-time: September to October. Range: Maine to Manitoba, southward to Florida and Mexico. Habitat: Sa...
-Barnyard Grass. Echinochloa crus-galli, Beauv. (Panicum crus-galli, L.). Cockspur Grass, Cocksfoot Panicum
Introduced. Annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: July to September. Seed-time: August to October. Range: All cultivated regions of the world. Habitat: Moist, rich soil; gardens, fie...
-Yellow Foxtail Grass. Setaria Glauca, Beauv. Pigeon Grass, Pussy Grass, Summer Grass, Wild Millet
Introduced. Annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: July to September. Seed-time: August to October. Fig. 8. - Barnyard grass (Echinochloa crus-galli). X 1/5. Range: All cultivated reg...
-Bristly Foxtail. Setaria Verticillata, Beauv
Introduced. Annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: July to September. Seed-time: August to October. Range: Nova Scotia to Ontario, and eastern part of United States to New Jersey and Ken...
-Green Foxtail. Setaria Viridis, Beauv. Bottle Grass
Introduced. Annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: July to September. Seed-time: August to October. Range: Throughout North America except the far North. Habitat: All soils; invades a...
-Sand-Bur Cenchrus Tribuloides, L. Hedgehog Grass, Bur Grass, Cockspur Bur, Sandspur, Bear Grass
Native. Annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: June to August. Seed-time: July to September. Range: Maine and Ontario to the Dakotas, southward to Florida, Texas, and Southern California...
-Rice Cut-Grass. Leersia Oryzoides, Sw
Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds and by rootstocks. Time of bloom: August to September. Seed-time: September to October. Range: Newfoundland to western Ontario, southward to Florida and...
-Canary-Grass. Phalaris Canariensis, L
Introduced. Annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: July to August. Seed-time: August to September. Range: Nova Scotia to Ontario, southward to Virginia. Habitat: Gardens, roadsides, w...
-Vanilla-Grass. Hierdchloe odorata, Wahlenb. (Savastana odorata, Scribn.). Sweet-grass, Holy-grass, Seneca-grass, Sweet Quack-grass
Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds and by rootstocks. Time of bloom: April to May. Seed-time: Beginning of June. Range: Newfoundland to Alaska, southward to Pennsylvania and the shores of the Grea...
-Porcupine-Grass. Stipa Spartea, Trin. Weather Grass, Needle Grass, Auger-seed Grass
In South Dakota it is called Wild Oats. Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: June to July. Seed-time: July to August. Range: Prairies of the Middle Western States from Ohio to the ...
-Western Stipa Stipa Comata, Trin. & Rupr. Needle-grass, Needle-and-thread
Native. Perennial. Propagates by seed. Time of bloom: June to July. Seed-time: July to August. Range: Plains of the Missouri River, the Rocky Mountain foothills of Northwest Canada, and in Ne...
-Poverty-Grass Aristiaa Dichotoma, Michx. Three-awned Wire-grass
. Native. Annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: August to October. Seed-time: September to November. Range: Maine to Ontario, southward to Missouri, Oklahoma, Texas, and Florida. ...
-Few-Flowered Aristida. Aristida Oligantha, Michx
Native. Annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: July to October. Seed-time: August to November. Range: New Jersey to Nebraska, southward to Mississippi, Louisiana, and Texas. Habitat: ...
-Sand-Grass. Aristida Fasciculata, Michx. Three-awned Needle-grass
Native. Annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: August to October. Seed-time: September to November. Range: Kansas to California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas. Habitat: Dry, sterile fields, p...
-Mexican Drop-Seed. Muhlenbergia Mexicana, Trin. Meadow Muhlenbergia, Wood-grass, Knot-root Grass
Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds and by creeping root-stocks. Time of bloom: August to September. Seed-time: September to October. Range: New Brunswick and Ontario to the Dakotas and so...
-Nimble Will, Drop-Seed Grass. Muhlenbergia Schreberi, J. F. Gmel. (Muhlenbergia diffusa, Schreber.). Wire-grass
Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds and by rooting at the joints. Time of bloom: August to September. Seed-time: September to October. Range: From Maine to Minnesota and southward to Kansa...
-Marsh Foxtail Alopecurus Geniculatus, L. Bent Foxtail, Water Foxtail, False Timothy Grass
Introduced. Perennial. Propagates by seeds and by taking root at the lower joints. Time of bloom: June to August. Seed-time: July to September. Range: Newfoundland to British Columbia, southward th...
-Sheathed Rush-Grass
Sporobolus vaginiflorus, Wood Native. Annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: July to August. Seed-time: August to September. Range: Maine to South Dakota, southward to Florida and Texas. Habit...
-Small Rush-Grass. Sporobolus Neglectus, Nash
Native. Annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: July to August. Seed-time: August to September. Range: New Brunswick to the Dakotas, southward to Virginia and Texas. Habitat: Sterile a...
-Smut-Grass. Sporobolus Indicus, R. Br. Indian Rush Grass, Indian Drop-seed
Introduced. Perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: July to September. Seed-time: August to October. Range: Virginia to Arkansas, southward to the Gulf of Mexico. Habitat: Fields, m...
-Wild Oats. Avena Fatua, L
Introduced. Annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: June to July. Seed-time: July to August. Range: All parts of the country, but most abundant and troublesome in the grain-growing sectio...
-Wild Oat-Grass. Danthonia Spicata, Beauv. Poverty-grass, Bonnet-grass, Wire-grass, Wildcat Grass, Turkey-strip, Old Fog
Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: June to July. Seed-time: July to August. Range: Eastern part of the United States and Canada, westward to the Dakotas, southward to the Gulf of M...
-Bermuda Grass. Cynodon Dactylon, Pers. (Capriola Dactylon, Kuntze.). Scutch Grass, Dog's-tooth Grass, Wire Grass
Introduced. Perennial. Propagates by stolons, or runners which put forth roots at the joints. Rarely by seeds. Time of bloom: July to August. Seed-time: August to September. But no seed is produced...
-Goose-Grass. Eleusine Indica, Gaertn. Yard-grass, Crab-grass, Wire-grass, Crow-foot Grass
Indian Eleusine. Introduced. Annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: June to September. Seed-time: July to October. Range: In nearly all parts of North America except the far North. ...
-Hairy Spear-Grass. Eragrostis Pilosa, Beauv. Tufted Spear-grass, Slender Meadow-grass
Introduced. Annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: July to September. Seed-time: August to October. Range: Maine to Minnesota, southward to Florida and Texas. Habitat: Fields and wast...
-Stink-Grass. Eragrostis megastachya, Link. (Eragrostis major, Host.). Strong-scented Meadow-grass, Pungent Meadow-grass, Snake-grass, Candy-grass
Introduced. Annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: June to September. Seed-time: July to October. Range: In southern Canada and in most parts of the United States. Especially troublesome in th...
-Chess Or Cheat. Bromus Secalinus, L. Wheat-thief, Williard's Brome Grass
Introduced. Annual or winter annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: June to July. Seed-time: July to August. Range: Throughout North America wherever grain is grown. Habitat: Grain fields, was...
-Soft Chess. Bromus Hordeaceus, L
Introduced. Annual or winter annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: June to July. Seed-time: July to August. Range: Nova Scotia to Virginia, and westward to the Mississippi River. Not co...
-Downy Brome-Grass. Bromus Tectorum, L. Slender Chess, Early Chess
Introduced. Annual or winter annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: May to July. Seed-time: June to August. Range: Massachusetts to Indiana, Colorado, Washington, Virginia, and Mississippi. Ha...
-Perennial Rye-Grass. Lolium -Perenne, L. Ray-grass, Common Darnel
Introduced. Perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: June to July. Seed-time: July to August. Range: Nearly throughout the northern United States. Habitat: Fields, meadows, pastures, and road...
-Darnel. Lolium Temulentum, L. Poison Darnel, Bearded Darnel, White Darnel, Ivray, Poison Rye-grass, Annual Ray-grass
Introduced. Annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: Late June to July. Seed-time: July to August. Range: Locally in most of the United States as far south as Georgia; abundant on the Paci...
-Quack-Grass. Agropyron Repens, Beauv. Couch-grass, Wheat-grass, Scutch-grass, Twitch-grass, Quitch-grass, Dog-grass, Devil's Grass, Whickens
Introduced. Perennial. Propagates by seeds and by creeping, jointed rootstocks. Time of bloom: June. Seed-time: July. Range: The whole of North America except the extreme north. Most injurious in t...
-Wild Barley Hordeum Jubatum, L. Squirrel-tail, Flicker-tail, Skunk-tail, Tickle Grass
Native. Biennial or winter annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom. June to August. Seed-time: July to September. Range: Labrador to Alaska, southward as far as Maryland, Kansas, and California. Mo...
-Little Barley. Hordeum Pusillum, Nutt
Native. Annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: Late May to June. Seed-lime: June to July. Range: Ontario to British Columbia, southward to Arkansas, Texas, and California. On the Atla...
-Wall Barley. Hordeum Murinum, L. Waybent, Barley-grass
Introduced. Annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: June to July. Seed-time: July to August. Range: California and Oregon; also in Atlantic States along the coast near seaports. Habita...
-Low Galingale. Cyperus Diandrus, Torr
Native. Annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: August to October. Seed-time: September to November. Range: New Brunswick to western Ontario and Minnesota, southward to the Carolinas and Kansas...
-Nut-Grass Cyperus Rotundus, L. Nut Sedge, Coco Sedge, Coco-grass, Hydra Cyperus
Introduced. Perennial. Propagates by seeds and by tuber-bearing rootstocks. Time of bloom: July to September. Seed-time: August to November. Range: Virginia to Kansas, southward to Florida an...
-Chufa. Cyperus Esculentus, L. Northern Nut-grass, Yellow Nut-grass, Yellow Galingale
Introduced. Perennial. Propagates by seeds and by tuber-bearing rootstoeks. Time of bloom: July to September. Seed-time: August to November. Range: New Brunswick to Minnesota and Nebraska, southward t...
-Straw-Colored Cyperus Cyperus Strigosus, L
Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds and by tubers. Time of bloom: July to September. Seed-time: August to October. Range: Maine to Ontario, Minnesota, and Nebraska, southward to Florida an...
-Baldwin's Cyperus
Cyperus echinatus, Wood Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds and by rootstocks. Time of bloom: July to September. Seed-time: August to October. Range: Virginia to Missouri, southward to ...
-Meadow Rush. Scirpus Atrovirens, Muhl. Club Rush, Dark-green Bulrush
Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds and by rootstocks. Time of bloom: June to July. Seed-time: July to August. Range: Nova Scotia to the Saskatchewan, southward to Georgia and Missouri. ...
-Slender Rush. Juncus Tenuis, Willd. Wire-grass, Field Rush, Yard Rush
Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: June to August. Seed-time: July to September. Range: Throughout North America and most parts of the world. Habitat: Lawns, yards, meadows, and pa...
-Common Rush. Juncus effusus, L. and its varieties. Soft Rush, Bog Rush
Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds and by rootstocks. Time of bloom: June to July. Seed-time: July to August. Range: Throughout North America. Habitat: Marshes, wet meadows, and pastures; muck far...
-Death Camas. Zygadenus Venenosus, S. Wats. Poison Camas, Poison Sego, Hog's Potato, Mystery Grass
Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds and by bulbs. Time of bloom: May to June. Seed-time: June to July. Range: South Dakota to British Columbia, southward to Nebraska, Utah, and California. Habitat:...
-Common Bunch-Flower. Melanthium Virginicum, L
Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds and by rootstocks. Time of bloom: June to August. Seed-time: July to September. Range: Rhode Island and New York to Minnesota, southward to Georgia a...
-American Hellebore Veratrum Viride, Ait. False Hellebore, Swamp Hellebore, Green Hellebore, Indian Poke, Earth Gall, Bugbane, Itch-weed, Duckretter
Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds and by thick, fleshy rootstocks. Time of bloom: May to July. Seed-time: June to August. Range: From Quebec to British Columbia and Alaska, southward to Georgia a...
-Field Garlic Allium Vineale, L. Wild Garlic, Crow Garlic, Wild Onion
Introduced. Perennial. Propagates by secondary underground bulbs, by bulblets produced on the flowering stalk, and rarely by seeds. Time of bloom: Late May to June. Seeds: Seldom produced. Aeria...
-Meadow Garlic. Allium Canadense, L
Native. Perennial. Propagates by aerial bulblets, occasionally by seeds. Time of bloom: May to June. Seeds: Seldom produced; aerial bulblets ripen in July and August. Range: Maine to Minnesota, sou...
-Saw Brier. Smilax Glauca, Walt. Chain Brier, Prickly Bamboo, False Sarsaparilla
Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds and by tubers. Fig. 44. -Meadow Garlic (Allium cana-dense). X 1/5. Time of bloom: May to June. Seed-time: July to September. Range: Massachuset...
-Yerba Mansa. Anemopsis Californica, Hook
Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds and by rootstocks. Time of bloom: May to September. Seed-time: June to October. Range: Southern California to Southern Utah, Arizona, and New Mexico....
-Hemp. Cannabis Sativa, L
Introduced. Annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: July to September. Seed-time: August to November. Range: New Brunswick to Ontario and Minnesota, southward to North Carolina, Tennessee, and ...
-Tall, Or Slender, Nettle. Uritca Gracilis, Ait
Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds and by rootstocks. Time of bloom: June to October. Seed-time: August until cut off by frost. Range: Nova Scotia to British Columbia, southward to the Ca...
-Great, Or Stinging, Nettle. Urtica Dioica, L
Introduced. Perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: July to September. Seed-time: September until cut off by frost. Range: Nova Scotia to Ontario and Minnesota, southward to South Carolina a...
-Western Nettle. Urtica Holosericea, Nutt
Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: August to September. Seed-time: September to October. Range: From Utah and the Wasatch Mountains westward throughout California. Habitat: Wast...
-False Nettle. Boehmeria Cylindrica, Willd
Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: July to September. Seed-time: September until cut off by frost. Range: Quebec and Ontario to Minnesota, southward to Florida and Kansas....
-Patience Dock Rumex Patientia, L
Introduced. Perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: June to August. Seed-time: July to September. Fig. 51. -False Nettle (Boeh-meria cylindrica). X 1/4. Range: Newfoundland to Ontar...
-Narrow-Leaved Dock. Rumex Crispus, L. Yellow Dock, Curled Dock
Introduced. Perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: June to September. Fig. 52. - Patience Dock (Rumex Patientia). X 1/12. Seed-time: July to October. Range: Throughout the Unite...
-Willow-Leaved Dock. Rumex Mexicanus, Meisn
Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: May to September. Seed-time: July to November. Range: Labrador to British Columbia, southward to Maine, Michigan, and Minnesota, and alo...
-Broad-Leaved Dock. Rumex Obtusifolius, L. Bitter Dock, Butter Dock, Blunt-leaved Dock
Introduced. Perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: June to August. Seed-time: August to November. Range: Throughout the United States and southern British America. Habitat: Fields,...
-Tall Sorrel Rumex Acetbsa, L. Garden Sorrel, Sour Dock
Introduced. Perennial. Propagates by seeds and by rootstocks. Fig. 54. - Broad-leaved Dock (Rumex obtusifolius). X 1/8. Time of bloom: May to July. Seed-time: June to August. Range: ...
-Field Sorrel. Rumex Acetosella, L. Horse Sorrel, Sheep Sorrel, Redtop Sorrel, Sourweed, Sourgrass
Introduced. Perennial. Propagates by seeds and by rootstocks. Time of bloom: May to September. Seed-time: June to November. Range: All parts of North America except the extreme North. Habi...
-Prostrate Knotweed. Polygonum Aviculare, L. Doorweed, Knotgrass, Matgrass
Native. Annual or perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: June to October. Seed-time: July to November. Range: Nearly everywhere in North America, Europe, and Asia. Habitat: Cultiva...
-Erect Knotweed. Polygonum Erectum, L
Native. Annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: July to September. Seed-time: August to October. Range: Ontario to the Northwest Territory, southward to Tennessee and Arkansas. Habitat: Yards, ...
-Bushy Knotweed. Polygonum Ramosissimum, Michx
Native. Annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: July to September. Seed-time: August to October. Range: Maine to New Jersey on the Atlantic Coast; in the West from Minnesota to the Northw...
-Swamp Smartweed
Polygonum Muhlengergii, Wats. (Polygonum emersum, Britton) Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds and by rootstocks. Time of bloom: July to September. Seed-time: August to October. Range: ...
-Pennsylvania Smartweed. Polygonum Pennsylvanicum, L. Glandular Persicary, Purplehead
Native. Annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: July to October. Seed-time: August to November. Range: Eastern Canada and United States to Minnesota, southward to the Gulf of Mexico. Habitat: M...
-Common Smartweed Polygonum Hydropiper, L. Water-pepper, Biting Knotweed
Native. Annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: June to September. Seed-time: July to November. Range: Throughout North America. Naturalized in the Eastern States, but indigenous in the N...
-Mild Water-Pepper. Polygonum Hydropiperoides, Michx
Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: June to September. Seed-time: July to October. Range: New Brunswick to Minnesota, southward to Florida and Mexico; also in California...
-Lady's Thumb. Polygonum Persicaria, L. Spotted Smartweed, Spotted Knotweed, Red-shanks, Heartweed, Peach-leaved Persicary
Introduced. Annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: June to October. Seed-time: July to November. Range: Throughout the American Continent except the extreme North, and in most parts o...
-Black Bindweed. Polygonum Convolvulus, L. Wild Buckwheat, Knot Bindweed
Introduced. Annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: June to September. Seed-time: July until cut off by frost. Range: Throughout North America except the extreme North. Habitat: Fields and wast...
-Climbing False Buckwheat. Polygonum scandens, L. (Tiniaria scandens, Small.). Hedge Bindweed, Hedge Buckwheat
Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: June to September. Seed-time: July to October. Range: Throughout the United States and southern British America. Habitat: Moist soil; twining ...
-Winged Pigweed. Cycloloma Atriplicifolium, Coult
Native. Annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: July to September. Fig. 63. -Climbing False Buckwheat (Polygonum scan-dens). X 1/4. Fig. 64. - Winged Pigweed (Cy-cloloma atriplic...
-Fireball. Kdchia Scoparia, Schrad. Mexican Fireweed
Introduced. Annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: July to September. Seed-time: September to November. Range: Locally in most of the states; most common in the Middle West. Habitat: ...
-Mexican Tea. Chenopodium Ambrosioides, L. Spanish Tea, Jerusalem Tea, Jesuit Tea, Ambrosia
Introduced. Annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: July to September. Seed-time: August to October. Range: Tropical America, northward to Ontario and westward to Pacific Coast. Habitat: Old pa...
-Jerusalem Oak. Chenopodium Botrys, L. Feather Geranium, Turnpike Geranium
Introduced. Annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: July to September. Seed-time: August to October. Range: Nova Scotia to Oregon, southward to Georgia and Mexico. Habitat: Roadsides a...
-Strawberry Blite. Chenopodium Capitatum, Asch. Blite Mulberry, Strawberry Spinach
Native. Annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: June to August. Seed-time: July to September. Range: Nova Scotia to Alaska, southward to New Jersey, Illinois, and Minnesota, and in the Ro...
-Oak-Leaved Goosefoot Chenopodium Glaucum, L
Introduced. Annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: June to September. Seed-time: August to November. Range: Throughout North America except the far North. Habitat: Cultivated ground; waste places...
-Maple-Leaved Goosefoot. Chenopodium Hybridum, L
Native. Annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: July to September. Seed-time: August to November. Range: Quebec to the Northwest Territory and British Columbia, southward to Pennsylvania,...
-Smooth Pigweed. Chenopodium Album, L. White Goosefoot, Lamb's Quarters, Fat Hen, Mealweed, Meldweed
Introduced. Annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: June to September. Seed-time: August to November. Range: Throughout the world. Habitat: Cultivated fields, gardens, waste places. A succulent...
-Nettle-Leaved Goosefoot. Chenopodium Murale, L. Sowbane, Swine's Bane
Introduced. Annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: June to September. Seed-time: August to November. Range: Maine to British Columbia, southward to Florida and Mexico. Habitat: Cultiv...
-Spreading Orache. Atriplex Patula, L
Introduced. Annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: Late July to October. Seed-time: September to November. Range: Nova Scotia and Ontario to New Jersey and Ohio; also in northwestern Uni...
Corispermum hyssopifdlium, L. (Corispermum nitidum, Kit.) Native. Annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: July to September. Seed-time: September to November. Range: Shores of the Grea...
-Russian Thistle. Salsola Kali, L. Var. tenufolia, G. F. W. Meyer. Russian Cactus, Russian Tumbleweed, Tumbling Thistle
Introduced. Annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: July to September. Seed-time: Earliest flowers mature as early as September, later ones clinging to the plant until nearly springtime. Range: O...
-Russian Pigweed. Axyris Amarantoides, L
Introduced. Annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: June to July. Seed-time: July to August. Range: Manitoba, Minnesota, and the Dakotas. Habitat: Grain fields, meadows, railway embankments, roads...
-Rough Pigweed. Amaranthus Retroflexus, L. Redroot Pigweed, Chinaman's Greens
Introduced. Annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: July to September. Seed-time: August to November. Range: Throughout North America except the far North. Native of tropical America and ...
-Tumbleweed. Amardnthus groecizans, L. (Amardnthus albus, L.). White Pigweed, Tumbling Pigweed
Native. Annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: June to September. Seed-time: July to October. Range: Throughout North America except the far North; most common in the plains regions of t...
-Prostrate Pigweed. Amaranthus Blitoides, Wats. Matted Pigweed, Low Amaranth
Native. Annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: June to September. Seed-time: July to October. Range: Maine to Minnesota, southward to New Jersey, Texas, and Arizona. Habitat: Dry soil; c...
-Spiny Amaranth. Amaranthus Spinosus, L. Prickly Careless Weed, Soldier Weed
Introduced. Annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: June to September. Seed-time: Late July to November. Range: Massachusetts to Michigan, Illinois, and Kansas, southward to the Gulf of Mexico....
-Water Hemp. Acnida Tuberculata, Moq
Native. Annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: July to September. Seed-time: August to October. Range: Vermont and Massachusetts to Manitoba and the Dakotas, southward to Louisiana and New Mex...
-Juba's Bush Iresine Paniculata, Ktze. Blood-leaf
Introduced. Annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: July to September. Seed-time: August to October. Range: Ohio to Kansas, and southward to the Gulf of Mexico. Habitat: Dry fields, me...
-Froelichia. Froelichia Floridana, Moq
Native. Annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: June to September. Seed-time: July to November. Range: Southern Wisconsin and Minnesota to Colorado, southward to Texas and Florida. Habitat: Dry...
-Pokeweed Or Pokeberry. Phytolacca Decandra, L. Virginia Poke, Scoke, Garget, Pigeon Berry, Ink Berry, Cancer Jalap, Redweed
Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: July to September. Seed-time: Late August to November. Range: Maine and Ontario to Minnesota, southward to Florida and Texas. Habitat...
-Heart-Leaved Umbrella-Wort. Oxybaphus nyctagineus, Sweet (Allionia nyctaginea, Michx.). Wild Four o'clock
Umbrella Plant. Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: May to August. Seed-time: June to September. Range: Manitoba to the Northwest Territory, southward to New Mexico, ...
-Hairy Umbrella-Wort
Oxybaphus hirsutus, Sweet (Allionia hirsuta, Pursh.) Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: July to August. Seed-time: August to September. Range: Wisconsin to the Plains o...
-Narrow-Leaved Umbrella-Wort
Oxybaphus linearis, Robinson (Allionia linearis, Pursh.) Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: June to August. Seed-time: July to September. Range: Minnesota to Utah, southwa...
-Hogweed. Boerhaavia Erecta, L
Introduced. Annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: June to November. Seed-time: July to December. Range: South Carolina to Florida, Texas, and Mexico. Habitat: Cultivated crops, meadows, and w...
-Knawel. Scleranthus Annuus, L. German Knot-grass
Introduced. Annual and winter annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: March to October. Seed-time: May to November. Range: Eastern United States and Canada, from Quebec and Ontario to Florida. ...
-Forked Chickweed. Anychia Polygonoides, Raf
Native. Annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: June to September. Seed-time: July to October. Range: Maine to Minnesota and southward to Florida, Alabama, and Arkansas. Habitat: Gardens,...
-Carpetweed. Mollugo Verticillata, L. Indian Chickweed, Whorled Chickweed
Native. Annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: May to September. Seed-time: June to October. Range: New Brunswick to Ontario and Minnesota, southward to the Gulf of Mexico. Habitat: Gard...
-Spurry. Spergula Arvensis, L. Corn Spurry, Sandweed, Pickpurse
Introduced. Annual or winter annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: June to August. Seed-time: July to September. Range: Throughout eastern United States and Canada. Habitat: Cultivat...
-Thyme-Leaved Sandwort. Arenaria Serpyllifolia, L
Introduced. Annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: May to August. Seed-time: June to September. Range: Throughout North America except the far North. Habitat: Dry soil; waste places. A very sl...
-Grass-Leaved Stitchwort. Stellaria graminea, L. (Alsine graminea, Britton). Lesser Stitchwort, Grassy Starwort
Introduced. Perennial. Propagates by seeds and by rootstocks. Time of bloom: May to July. Seed-time: June to August. Range: Nova Scotia, Quebec, and Ontario, southward to New Jersey and Pennsylvania. ...
-Common Chickweed. Stellaria media, Cyrill. (Alsine media, L.). Starwort, Starweed, Winterweed, Birdweed
Introduced. Annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: Throughout the year. Seed-time: Throughout the four seasons. Range: Throughout the world. Habitat: Gardens, cultivated fields, lawns...
-Field Mouse-Ear Chickweed Cerastium Arvense, L
Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds and by rootstocks. Time of bloom: April to July. Seed-time: May to August. Range: Labrador to Alaska, southward to Georgia, Missouri, and California. Habitat:...
-Common Mouse-Ear Chickweed Cerasiium Vulgatum, L
Introduced. Perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: May to September. Seed-time: June to October. Range: Throughout North America except the extreme North. Habitat: Fields, meadows, yards, road...
-Purple Cockle. Agrostemma Githago, L. (Lychnis Githago, Scop.). Corn Cockle, Corn Rose, Corn Campion, Crown of the Field, Mullein Pink
Introduced. Annual and winter annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: Late May to July. Seed-time: July to August. Range: Throughout the world, wherever grain is grown. Habitat: Grain fields, r...
-Ragged Robin. Lychnis Flos-Cuculi, L. Meadow Pink, Meadow Campion, Cuckoo Flower
Introduced. Perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: June to August. Seed-time: July to September. Range: New Brunswick to New Jersey, and westward to Ohio. Habitat: Moist soil; meadows and w...
-Red Campion. Lychnis Dioica, L
Introduced. Biennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: June to September. Seed-time: July to October. Range: Nova Scotia, Ontario, New England, and the Middle States. Habitat: Grain fields, meadows...
-White Cockle. Lychnis alba, Mill (Lychnis vespertlna, Sib.). Evening Lychnis, White Campion
Introduced. Biennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: Late June to September. Seed-time: August to October. Range: Eastern and middle United States and Canada. Habitat: Grain fields, m...
-Sleepy Catchfly. Silene Antirrhina, L
Native. Annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: June to September. Seed-time: Late July to October. Range: Ontario and New England to British Columbia, southward to Florida and Mexico. Habitat:...
-Forked Or Hairy Catchfly. Silene Dichotoma, Ehrh
Introduced. Annual and winter annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: July to September. Seed-time: August to October. Range: Eastern United States, Maine to Texas; also on the Pacific...
-Night-Flowering Catchfly. Silene Noctiflora, L. Clammy Cockle, Sticky Cockle
Introduced. Annual and winter annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: June to September. Seed-time: July to October. Range: Nova Scotia to Manitoba, southward to Florida and Missouri. ...
-Bladder Campion. Silene latifolia, Britten and Rendle (Silene inflata, Sm.). White Bottle, Cow-bell, Bubble Poppy, Spattling, Behen
Introduced. Perennial. Propagates by seeds and by rootstocks. Time of bloom: Late May to August. Seed-time: July to October. Fig. 99. - Night-flowering Catchfly (Silene nocti-flora). X 1/4 ...
-Bouncing Bet. Saponaria Officinalis, L. Soapwort, Scourwort, Fuller's Herb, Old Maid's Pink, Hedge Pink, Sweet Betty, Wild Sweet William, Lady-by-the-Gate, London Pride
Fig. 100. -Bladder Campion (Silene lati-folia). X 1/3 Introduced. Perennial. Propagates by seeds and by rootstocks. Time of bloom: July to September. Seed-time: Late August to November. Range...
-Cow Cockle. Saponaria Vaccaria, L. Cow-herb, Spring Cockle, Pink Cockle, China Cockle
Introduced. Annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: June to July. Seed-time: July to August. Range: Ontario to British Columbia, southward to the Gulf of Mexico. Locally very abundant, especial...
-Purslane. Portulaca Oleracea, L. Pussley, Wild Portulaca, Duckweed
Introduced. Annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: Late June until cut off by frost. Seed-time: July until killed by frost. Range: Throughout North America except the northern part. Habitat: C...
-Cursed Crowfoot Ranunculus Sceleratus, L. Celery-leaved Crowfoot, Ditch Crowfoot, Bog Buttercup
Native. Annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: May to August. Seed-time: June to October. Range: New Brunswick to Minnesota, southward to Florida; also in the Rocky Mountains, Colorado, and Utah....
-Small-Flowered Crowfoot. Ranunculus Abortivus, L. Abortive Buttercup, Kidney-leaved Crowfoot
Native. Biennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: Late April to August. Seed-time: June to September. Range: Labrador to Manitoba, southward to Florida and Texas. Habitat: Moist soil; ...
-Early Buttercup. Ranunculus Fascicularis, Muhl. Early Crowfoot, Tufted buttercup
Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: April to May. Seed-time: Late May to July. Range: New England and Ontario to Manitoba, southward to the Carolinas, Texas, and Arkans...
-Creeping Buttercup. Ranunculus Repens, L
Native and introduced. Perennial. Propagates by seeds and by stolons. Time of bloom: May to July. Fig. 106. - Early Buttercup (Ranunculus fascicularis). X 1/3. Seed-time: Late June to Augu...
-Bulbous Buttercup. Ranunculus Bulbosus, L
Introduced. Perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: May to July. Seed-time: July to October. Fig. 107. - Creeping Buttercup (Ranunculus repens). X1/3. Range: Throughout the United S...
-Meadow Buttercup Ranunculus Acris, L. Tall Crowfoot, Butter Flower, Blister Flower, Goldcup, Kingcup
Introduced. Perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: May to September. Seed-time: June to October. Range: Throughout the United States and Canada; most common and troublesome at the North. Habit...
-Thimbleweed. Anemone Virginiana, L. Tall Anemone, Virginia Anemone
Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: June to August. Seed-time: July to September. Range: Nova Scotia and Maine to Manitoba and Minnesota, southward to the Carolinas and Kan...
-Field Larkspur. Delphinium Consolida, L. Knight's Spur, Lark-heel
Introduced. Annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: June to August. Seed-time: July to September. Range: New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Ohio, southward to Florida; locally in the Northern ...
-Dwarf Larkspur. Delphinium Tricorne, Michx. Stagger Weed
Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: May to June. Seed-time: June to July. Range: Pennsylvania to Minnesota and Nebraska, southward to Georgia and Arkansas. Habitat: Upla...
-Sky-Blue Larkspur. Delphinium azureum, Michx. (Delphinium carolinianum, Walt.). Carolina Larkspur, Azure-flowered Larkspur
Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: May to July. Seed-time: July to September. Range: Virginia, the Carolinas, and Georgia, to Arkansas and Missouri, northward to Minnesota and t...
-Tall Mountain Larkspur. Delphinium Glaucum, S. Wats. Cow Poison, Smooth Larkspur, Large Larkspur
Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: June to August. Seed-time: August to October. Range: California, Idaho, and Montana, northward to Alaska. Habitat: Foothills and moun...
-Purple Larkspur. Delphinium Bicolor, Nutt. Poison Weed
Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: May to August, according to altitude. Seed-time: July to September. Range: Colorado and Wyoming to Oregon, northward to Alaska. Habitat: Hills...
-Small Larkspur. Delphinium Minziesii, Dc
Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: April to July, varying with altitude. Seed-time: June to September. Range: Northern Colorado to California, and northward to British ...
-Western Larkspur
Delphinium trollifolium, Gray Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: April to June. Seed-time: June to August. Range: Oregon, Washington, Idaho and British Columbia. Hab...
-Common Barberry. Berberis Vulgaris, L
Introduced. Perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: May to June. Seed-time: Fruit ripe in September, but persistent on the stems until winter. Range: Eastern and Middle United States. Hab...
-Great Celandine Chelidonium Majus, L. Swallow-wort, Tetterwort, Felonwort, Wart-weed, Kill-wart, Devil's Milk
Introduced. Biennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: April to August. Seed-time: June to September. Range: Maine to Ontario, southward to Virginia. Habitat: Farmyards, roadsides, waste pla...
-Field Poppy. Papaver Rhoeas, L. Corn Poppy, Redweed, Canker Rose
Introduced. Annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: June to August. Seed-time: July to September. Range: Semi-arid lands of the Southwest, where seed-wheat from southern Europe has been s...
-Long Smooth-Fruited Poppy. Papaver Dubium, L
Introduced. Annual. Propagates by seed. Time of bloom: June to August. Fig. 117.- Field Poppy (Papaver Rhoeas). X 1/5 Seed-time: July to September. Range: Southern Pennsylvania and Ohio...
-Prickly Poppy Argemone Mexicana, L. Mexican Poppy, Thistle Poppy, Devil's Fig
Introduced. Annual or biennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: June to September. Seed-time: August to November. Range: New Jersey, Ohio, and the Middle Western States, southward to Flor...
-Gray Berteroa. Berteroa Incana, Dc. Hoary Alyssum
Introduced. Annual and winter annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: June to September. Seed-time: July to October. Range: Maine to Michigan, southward to New Jersey and Missouri. Hab...
-Penny Cress. Thlaspi Arvense, L. Frenchweed, Stink-weed, Stinking Mustard, Bastard Cress, Wild Garlic
Introduced. Annual and winter annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: As soon as snow melts in spring, beginning on autumn plants already budded; spring seedlings bloom later and continue until fa...
-Common Peppergrass. Lepidium Virginicum, L. Tongue Grass, Bird's Pepper
Native. Annual and winter annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: May to September. Seed-time: Late June to October. Range: Nova Scotia to Minnesota, southward to Florida, Texas, and Mexi...
-Green-Flowered Peppergrass. Lepidium Apetalum, Willd
Introduced. Annual and winter annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: May to August. Seed-time: June to September. Range: Maine, New York, and Ontario, to the Northwest Territory, California, a...
-Field Peppergrass Lepidium Campestre, R. Br. Field Cress, Cow Cress, Poor Man's Pepper, Yellow Seed, Mithridate Mustard
Introduced. Annual and winter annual. Propagates by seed. Time of bloom: April to July. Seed-time: Late May to August. Range: New Brunswick and Ontario to Michigan, southward to Virginia and the Mi...
-Swine Cress. Coronopus didymus, Sm. (Senebiera didyma, Pers.). Lesser Wart Cress, Carpet Cress
Introduced. Annual or biennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: March to June. Seed-time: Early May to August. Range: Newfoundland to Florida and Texas, westward to California. Habitat: Yards, ...
-Shepherd's Purse. Capsella Bursa-Pastoris, Medic. Caseweed, St
James' Weed, Mothers' Hearts. Introduced. Annual and winter annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: March to November in the northern part of the country. All the year round where not covere...
-False Flax Camelina Saliva, Crantz. Wild Flax, Gold Of Pleasure
Introduced. Annual and winter annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: June to August. Seed-time: July to September. Range: Ontario to Manitoba, southward to Ohio, Iowa, and South Dakota. ...
-Ball Mustard Neslia Paniculata, Desv
Introduced. Annual or biennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: June to September. Seed-time: July to October. Range: Ontario, Manitoba, and British Columbia, Minnesota and the Dakotas. ...
-Wild Radish Raphanus Raphanistrum, L. Jointed Charlock, White Charlock
Introduced. Annual or biennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: June to September. Seed-time: July to October. Range: New Brunswick to Ontario, southward to Rhode Island, Pennsylvania and...
-Charlock Or Wild Mustard. Brassica arvensis, Ktze. (Brassica sinapistrum, Boiss). Kedluck, Skelliek, Herrick, Field Kale
Introduced. Annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: May to September. Seed-time: June to October. Range: Throughout North America except the extreme North. Habitat: Grain and clover fi...
-Indian Mustard
Brassica juncea, Cosson Introduced. Annual or biennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: May to July. Seed-time: June to August. Range: Ontario to Manitoba, southward to Georgia and Kan...
-White Mustard
Brassica alba, Boiss (Sinapis alba, L.) Introduced. Annual or biennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: June to August. Seed-time: July to September. Range: Locally in most parts of No...
-Black Mustard
Brassica nigra, Koch. (Sinapis nigra, L.) Introduced. Annual or biennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: June to September. Seed-time: July to November. Range: In most parts of the Am...
-Sand Rocket. Diplotaxis Muralis, Dc
Introduced. Annual or biennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: June to August. Seed-time: July to September. Range: Nova Scotia to New Jersey and Pennsylvania, westward to Michigan. H...
-Hare's-Ear Mustard Conringia Orientalis, Dumort. Rabbit-ears, Hare's-ear Cabbage, Klinkweed
Introduced. Annual and winter annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: Late June to September. Seed-time: August to October. Range: Ontario and Manitoba, Minnesota and the Dakotas. Appeari...
-Garlic Mustard. Alliaria Officinalis, Andrz. Hedge Garlic, Jack-by-the-hedge, Sauce-alone
Introduced. Biennial. Propagates by seeds. Fig. 133. -Hare's-ear Mustard (Conringia orientalis). X 1/3. Time of bloom: May to June. Seed-time: July to August. Range: Ontario to Ohio,...
-Hedge Mustard Sisymbrium Officinale, Scop
Introduced. Annual or biennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: May to November. Seed-time: July to December. Range: Throughout North America except the extreme North. Habitat: Fields,...
-Tumbling Mustard Sisymbrium Altissimum, L
Introduced. Annual or winter annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: June to July. Seed-time: First seed ripe in July. Plants dry and ready for tumbling in September. Range: All states of th...
-Green Tansy Mustard
Sisymbrium incisum, Engelm. Var. filipes, Gray Native. Biennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: Late June to July. Seed-time: July to August. Range: Ontario and Manitoba, Minnesota an...
-Wormseed Or Treacle Mustard. Erysimum Cheiranthoides, L
Introduced. Annual or winter annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: June to August. Seed-time: July to September. Range: Newfoundland to Alaska, southward to North Carolina and Tennessee...
-Winter Cress Barbarea Vulgaris, R. Br. Herb Barbara, St
Barbara's Cress, Yellow Rocket, Rocket Cress. Native. Biennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: April to June. Seed-lime: June to August. Range: Labrador to the Pacific Coast, southward to Virg...
-Scurvy Grass
Barbarea verna, Asch. (Barbarea proecox, Sm.) Introduced. Perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: April to June. Seed-time: June to August. Range: Massachusetts to Virginia, and wes...
-Bulbous Cress. Cardamine Bulbosa, B.S.P. Bitter Cress, Spring Cress
Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds and by tuber-bearing rootstocks. Time of bloom: April to June. Seed-time: May to July. Range: Nova Scotia to Minnesota, southward to Florida and Texas. Habita...
-Clammyweed Polanisia Graveolans, Raf. Clammy Clover, Stinking Clover
Native. Annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: June to August. Seed-time: Late July to October. Range: Quebec to the Northwest Territory, southward to Maryland, Tennessee, and Colorado. ...
-Pink Cleome. Cleome Serrulata, Pursh. Rocky Mountain Bee-plant, Stinking Clover, Stinkweed
Native. Annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: July to September. Seed-time: Late August to November. Range: Minnesota, Iowa, and Missouri, westward to the Rocky Mountains, New Mexico, and Ari...
-Mossy Stonecrop Sedum Acre, L. Wall Pepper, Biting Orpine, Golden Moss, Creeping Jack, Pricket
Introduced. Perennial. Propagates by seeds and by rooting at the joints. Time of bloom: June to August. Seed-time: July to September. Range: New Brunswick to Ontario, southward to Virginia and Ohio...
-Live-Forever. Sedum Stoloniferum, Gmel
Introduced. Perennial. Propagates by seeds and by stolons. Time of bloom: June to July. Seed-time: August to September. Range: Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Maine. Habitat: Fields and roadsi...
-Common Opine Or Live-Forever. Sedum Purpureum, Tausch. (Sedum Telephium, L.). Live-long, Aaron's Rod, Purse Plant, Pudding-bags
Introduced. Perennial. Propagates by seeds, by tubers, and by rooting at the joints. Time of bloom: June to September. Seed-time: August to October. Range: Quebec to Ontario and Michigan, sou...
-Meadow-Sweet. Spiroea Latifolia, Borkh. Quaker Lady, Meadow Queen
Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: June to August. Seed-time: August to October. Range: Eastern North America from Newfoundland to Virginia. Habitat: Rocky pastures, ro...
-Willow-Leaved Meadow-Sweet. Spiroea Salicifolia, L
Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: June to August. Seed-time: August to October. Range: Newfoundland to the Rocky Mountains, southward to Georgia and Missouri. Habitat: Moist meado...
-Hardhack. Spiroea tomentosa. Steeple-bush, Woolly Meadow-sweet
Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: June to August. Seed-time: August to October. Range: Nova Scotia to Manitoba, southward to Georgia and Kansas. Habitat: Moist meadows and swam...
-Rough Cinquefoil. Potentilla Monspeliensis, L. Tall Five-finger, Norway Cinquefoil
Native. Annual or biennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: June to September. Seed-time: July to October. Range: Labrador to Alaska, southward to Georgia, Texas, and Mexico. Habitat: Dry...
-Silvery Cinquefoil. Potentilla Argentea, L
Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: May to September. Seed-time: Late June to November. Range: Nova Scotia to the Dakotas, southward to Maryland and Kansas. Native also ...
-Shrubby Cinquefoil Potentilla Fruticosa, L. Yellow Hardhaek, Prairie Weed, Black Brush, Chester Flower
Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: May to October. Seed-time: Seeds remain on the plant until winter, being usually scattered between December and March. Range: Labrador to Alaska,...
-Silverweed. Potentllla Anserina, L. Goose Grass, Goose Tansy
Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds and by many-jointed runners which take root at the nodes. Time of bloom: May to September. Seed-time: July to November. Range: Throughout North America; also ...
-Common Cinquefoil Or Five-Finger. Potentilla Canadensis, L
Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds and by stolons. Time of bloom: April to August. Seed-time: June to September. Range: Maine and Quebec to Minnesota, southward to Georgia and Oklahoma. ...
-White Avens
Geum canadense, Jacq. (Geum album, Gmel.) Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: June to August. Seed-time: July to September. Range: Nova Scotia to Minnesota, southward to...
-Dewberry. Rubus villous, Ait. (Rubus procumbens, Muhl.). Running Blackberry, Trailing Bramble
Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: Late April to June. Seed-time: Fruit ripe in June in southern part of its range, in July farther north. Range: Newfoundland and Ontario ...
-Tall Hairy Agrimony
Agrimonia gryposepala, Wallr. (Agrimonia hirsuta, Bieknell) Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: June to August. Seed-time: August to October. Range: Nova Scotia and Main...
-Soft Agrimony
Agrimonia mollis, Britton Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds and by tubers. Time of bloom: July to October. Seed-time: August to November. Range: Connecticut to Michigan, southward to ...
-Small-Flowered Agrimony. Agrimonia Parviflora, Ait
Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: July to October. Seed-time: August to November. Range: Connecticut to Ontario, Michigan, and Kansas, southward to Georgia and Louisiana....
-Sweet Brier. Rosa rubiginosa, L. (Rosa eglanteria, Mill.). Eglantine, Sweetleaf Rose
Introduced. Perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: June to July. Seed-time: Hips ripe in September but remain on the bushes until winter. Range: Nova Scotia to Ontario and Michigan, s...
-Prairie Rose. Rosa Arkansana, Porter. Running Brier-rose, Prairie Bramble
Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds and by rootstocks. Time of bloom: June to July. Seed-time: Hips ripe in autumn but retained until winter. Range: Manitoba, Minnesota, and the Dakotas, s...
-Wild Black Cherry. Primus Serotina, Ehrh
Native. Perennial. Propagates by the stones, or pits. Time of bloom: May to June. Seed-time: A drupe, ripe in August and September. Range: Nova Scotia to Florida, westward to the Dakotas and ...
-Wild Senna. Cassia Marilandica, L. American Senna, Yellow Locust Plant
Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: July to August. Seed-time: September to October. Range: New England to Florida, westward to Michigan and Indiana. Habitat: Moist, ope...
-Coffee Senna. Cassia Occidentalis, L. Negro Coffee, Magdad Coffee
Introduced. Annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: July to August. Seed-time: August to September. Range: Virginia to Indiana and southward to the Gulf of Mexico. Habitat: Meadows and...
-Partridge Pea. Cassia Chamoecrista, L. Large-flowered Sensitive Pea
Native. Annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: July to September. Seed-time: September to November. Range: Massachusetts to Minnesota, southward to the Gulf of Mexico. Habitat: Dry, s...
-Rattle-Box. Crotalaria Sagittalis, L. Rattleweed, Wild Pea
Native. Annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: June to July. Seed-time: August to October. Range: Massachusetts to Florida, along the coast; bottom lands of the Missouri River in South D...
-Dyer's Greenweed Genista Tinctoria, L. Woad-waxen, Dyer's Broom, Dyer's Whin, Base Broom, Alleluia
Introduced. Perennial. Propagates by seeds and by woody, creeping rootstocks. Time of bloom: June to July. Seed-time: July to August. Range: Maine to Massachusetts and eastern New York. Ha...
-Wild Lupine. Lupinus Perennis, L. Sun Dial, Wild Pea, Old Maid's Bonnets
Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: May to June. Seed-time: Late June to August. Range: Maine and Ontario to Minnesota, southward to the Gulf of Mexico. Habitat: Dry, sandy...
-Nebraska Lupine. Lupinus Plattensis, S. Wats
Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds and by rootstocks. Time of bloom: June to July. Seed-time: July to August. Range: Nebraska, Wyoming, and the Dakotas. Habitat: Plains; pastures and m...
-Silvery Lupine. Lupinus Argenteus, Pursh. Blue Pea, Blue Bean
Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: July to August. Seed-time: August to September. Range: Nebraska and the Dakotas to the plains of the Columbia River, southward to New...
-Low Lupine. Lupinus Pusillus, Pursh. Blue Pea, Low Blue Bean
Native. Annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: April to June. Seed-time: June to August. Range: Kansas, Nebraska, and the Dakotas, westward throughout the whole Rocky Mountain region to ...
-Rabbit-Foot Clover. Trifolium Arvense, L. Stone Clover, Old-field Clover, Pussy Clover, Hare-foot Clover
Introduced. Annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: May to July. Seed-time: June to August. Range: Throughout eastern North America. Habitat: Meadows, pastures, grain fields, roadsides, and ...
-Yellow Or Hop Clover. Trifolium Agrarium, L
Introduced. Annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: June to August. Seed-time: July to September. Range: Nova Scotia and Ontario to Michigan and Iowa, southward to Virginia. Habitat: Meadows, r...
-Low Hop Clover. Trifolium Procumbens, L
Introduced. Annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: May to September. Fig. 164. - Yellow or Hop Clover (Trifolium agra-rium). X 1/3. Seed-time: June to October. Range: Throughout th...
-White Sweet-Clover. Melilotus Alba, Desv. White Melilot, Tree Clover, Cabul Clover, Bokhara Clover, Honeylotus
Introduced. Biennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: June to October. Seed-time: August to November. Range: Throughout North America except the far North. Habitat: Roadsides and waste places; ...
-Yellow Sweet-Clover. Melilotus Officinalis, L. Yellow Melilot, Hart's Clover, King's Clover, Balsam-flowers
Introduced. Biennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: June to October. Seed-time: August to November. Range: Throughout North America except the far North. Habitat: Roadsides and waste places; com...
-Black Medick Medicago Lupulina, L. Yellow Trefoil, Hop Medick, None-such, Black-seed Hop Clover
Introduced. Annual. Propagates by seeds. Fig. 166.-Yellow Sweet-clover (Meli-lotus officinalis). X 1/3. Time of bloom: March to December. Seed-time: May until snow-covered. Range: Th...
-Bur Clover. Medicago hispida, Gaertn. (Medicago denticulata, Willd.). Toothed Medick, Winter Medick
Introduced. Annual or biennial. Propagates by seeds. Fig. 167.-Black Medick (Medicago lupulina). X 1/3. Time of bloom: May to July. Seed-time: July to September. Range: Nova Scotia a...
-Bird's-Foot Trefoil Lotus Corniculatus, L. Bloom-fell, Ground Honeysuckle, Cat's Clover, Crow-toes, Sheep-foot
Introduced. Perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: June to September. Seed-time: July to October. Range: Waste places and on ballast in New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, about the seaports of ...
-Hoary Pea. Tephrosia virginiana, Pers. (CrAcca virginiana, L.). Wild Sweet Pea, Turkey Pea, Goat's Rue, Catgut, Devil's Shoe-strings
Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds and by slender, creeping rootstocks. Time of bloom: June to July. Seed-time: August to September. Range: Ontario to Manitoba, southward to Florida, Texas, and ...
-Woolly Loco-Weed. Astragalus Mollisimus, Torr. Crazyweed, Purple Loco, Stemmed Loco, Texas Loco
Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: April in the southern limit of its range, to June at the northern limit. Seed-time: June to August. Range: South Dakota and Wyoming, southward to...
-Stemless Loco-Weed. Oxytropis LambErti, Pursh. (AragAllus spicatus, Rydb.). Colorado Loco-vetch, White Loco-weed, White Rattleweed
Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: April at southern limit of range, August at northern limit. Seed-time: June to October. Range: Minnesota to the Saskatchewan and British Columbia...
-Wild Liquorice. Glycyrrhiza Lepidota, Pursh. Sweet-root
Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds and by rootstocks. Time of bloom: May to August. Seed-time: July to October. Range: Ontario, Manitoba, and Minnesota, to Hudson Bay, westward to British...
-Hoary Tick-Trefoil. Desmodium canescens, DC. (Meibomia canescens, Ktze.). Seed Ticks, Wool Ticks
Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: June to September. Seed-time: August to November. Range: New England and Ontario to Minnesota and Nebraska, southward to Florida, Louisi...
-Showy Tick-Trefoil
Desmodium canadense, DC. (Meibomia canadensis, Ktze.) Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: July to September. Seed-time: Late August to November. Range: New Brunswick to ...
-Bush Clover. Lespedeza Violacea, Pers
Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: July to September. Seed-time: August to October. Range: New England to Minnesota, southward to Florida, Louisiana, and Kansas. Habita...
-Common Vetch. Vicia Sativa, L. Spring Vetch, Pebble Vetch, Tare
Introduced. Annual or winter annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: June to August. Seed-time: July to September. Range: Eastern Canada and New England to the Dakotas, and southward to t...
-Cow Vetch Vicia Cracca, L. Tufted Vetch, Blue Vetch, Bird Vetch, Tine Grass, Titters, Cat Fitch, Cat Peas
Introduced. Perennial. Propagates by seeds and by rootstocks. Time of bloom: June to August. Seed-time: July to September. Range: Newfoundland to British Columbia, southward to New Jersey, Kentucky...
-Hairy Vetch. Vlcia Villosa, Roth. Winter Vetch, Hairy Tare
Introduced. Annual or biennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: May to September. Seed-time: June to October. Range: Locally in most parts of the country, but most common in the southern ...
-Everlasting Pea. Lathyrus Latifolius, L
Introduced. Perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: July to August. Seed-time: August to September. Range: Locally from Ontario to southern New York and Connecticut. Habitat: Fields, meadows...
-Tuberous Wild Pea. Ldthyrus Tuberosus, L. Wild Sweet Pea, Tuberous Sweet Pea
Introduced. Perennial. Propagates by seeds and by tuber-bearing rootstocks. Time of bloom: June to August. Seed-time: August to October. Range: Locally established in Vermont and Ontario. Hab...
-Meadow Pea Lathyrus Pratensis, L. Yellow Vetchling, Yellow Tar-fitch, Craw-Peas, Mouse-Peas
Introduced. Perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: June to August. Seed-time: July to September. Range: New Brunswick, Maine, Massachusetts, New York, and Ontario. Habitat: Locally...
-Trailing Wild Bean Strophostyles Helvola, Britton. Native. Annual. Propagates By Seeds
Time of bloom: June to September. Seed-time: July to October. Range: Atlantic States from Massachusetts to Florida; along the Great Lakes from Quebec to Minnesota, and southward through the Miss...
-Pink Wild Bean
Strophostyles umbellata, Britton Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds and by rootstocks. Time of bloom: July to September. Seed-time: August to October. Range: New York to Missouri, sout...
-Small Wild Bean. Strophostyles Pauciflora, S. Wats. Few-flowered Wild Bean
Native. Annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: July to September. Seed-time: August to October. Range: Indiana to Minnesota and Nebraska, southward to the Gulf of Mexico. Habitat: Fields...
-Yellow Wood Sorrel. Oxalis stricta, L. (Xanthoxalis stricta, Small). Upright Wood Sorrel, Sheep Sorrel, Sheep Poison, Sour-grass
Native. Annual or perennial. Propagates by seeds and by woody rootstocks. Time of bloom: April to September. Seed-time: Late May to October. Range: Nova Scotia to South Dakota, southward to F...
-Lady's Sorrel
Oxalis corniculata, L. (Xanthoxalis corniculata, Small) Native. Annual or perennial. Propagates by seeds and by stolons. Time of bloom: March to late October at the northern limits of range; throug...
-Small-Flowered Crane's-Bill Geranium Pusillum, Burm. F
Introduced. Annual or biennial. Propagates by seed. Time of bloom: May to September. Seed-time: June to October. Range: Ontario to British Columbia, southward to North Carolina, Nebraska, and...
-Alfilaria Or Filaree Erodium Cicutarium, L'Her. Pin Clover, Pin Grass, Pin Weed, Stork'sbill, Heron's-bill
Introduced. Annual or biennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: April to September. Seed-time: Late May to October. Range: Nova Scotia to Oregon, southward to New Jersey, Texas, and Mexico. Very a...
-Ground Bur-Nut. Tribulus Terrestris, L. Land Caltrop
Introduced. Annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: June to August. Seed-time: July to September. Range: Iowa, Illinois, Kansas, and Nebraska; also about Atlantic seaports. Habitat: Pastu...
-Spurge Nettle Jatropha Stimulosa, Michx. Bull Nettle, Tread-softly
Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: May to September. Seed-time: June to November. Range: Virginia and Tennessee, south and west to Florida, Louisiana, and Texas. Habita...
-Hogwort. Croton Capitatus, Michx
Native. Annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: July to September. Seed-time: August to October. Range: New Jersey to Iowa, southward to Georgia and Texas. Habitat: Dry, sandy fields, ...
-Three-Seeded Mercury. Acalypha Virginica, L. Wax-balls, Copper-leaf
Native. Annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: June to September. Seed-time: August to November. Range: Nova Scotia to Minnesota, southward to Florida and Texas. Habitat: Rich, moist ...
-Thyme-Leaved Spurge. Euphorbia Serpyllifolia, Pers
Native. Annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: May to September. Seed-time: June to October. Range: Michigan to California, southward to Mexico, Texas, and Florida. Habitat: Sandy, al...
-Upright Spotted Spurge. Euphorbia Preslii, Guss. (Euphdrbia nutans, Lag.). Stubble Spurge, Pasture Spurge, Eyebright, Slobber Weed
Native. Annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: May to October. Seed-time: June to November. Range: All of North America east of the Rocky Mountains except the extreme north. Habitat: Dry fields a...
-Hairy Spurge
Euph6rbia hirsuta, Wiegand Native. Annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: June to September. Fig. 186. - Upright Spotted Spurge (Euphorbia Preslii). X 1/2. Seed-time: July to Octob...
-Spotted Spurge Euphorbia Maculata, L. Creeping Spurge, Milk Purslane, Spotted Matweed
Native. Annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: June to October. Seed-time: July to November. Range: Throughout the American Continent except the far North. Habitat: Gardens, fields, roadsides....
-Snow-On-The Mountain. Euphorbia Marginata, Pursh. White-margined Spurge
Native. Annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: May to September. Seed-time: June to October. Range: Minnesota to Colorado, southward to Texas, spreading eastward to Ohio; introduced in E...
-Flowering Spurge. Euphorbia Corollata, L. White-flowered Milkweed, Poison Milkweed
Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds and by rootstocks. Time of bloom: June to October. Seed-time: July to November. Range: Ontario to Minnesota, southward to Kansas, Texas, Louisiana, a...
-Toothed Spurge. Euphorbia Dentata, Michx
Native. Annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: July to September. Seed-time: August to November. Range: Pennsylvania to Wyoming, southward to Louisiana, Texas, and Mexico. Habitat: Ri...
-Painted Leaf. Euphorbia heterophylla, L. (Poinsettia heterophylla, Small). Cruel Plant, Various-leaved Spurge
Native. Annual or biennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: May to October. Seed-time: June to November. Range: Illinois to Montana, southward to Mexico, Texas, and Florida. Widely dis...
-Leafy Spurge. Euphorbia Esula, L. Tithymal, Faitour's Grass
Introduced. Perennial. Propagates by seeds and by rootstocks. Time of bloom: June to August. Seed-time: July to October. Range: Southern Maine to New Jersey, westward to Michigan. Habitat:...
-Sun Spurge. Euphorbia Helioscopia, L. Wartgrass, Wartweed, Sunweed, Little-good, Cat's Milk, Wolf's Milk, Mouse-Milk
Introduced. Annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: June to October. Seed-time: July to November. Range: Eastern Quebec to Ontario, southward to Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Illinois. Habit...
-Cypress Spurge. Euphorbia Cyparissias, L. Quack Salver's Grass
Introduced. Perennial. Propagates by seeds and by rootstocks. Fig. 189.-Sun Spurge (Euphorbia Helioscopia). X1/4. Time of bloom: June to September. Seed-time: July to November. Range...
-Poison Sumac Rhus Vernix, L. Swamp Sumac, Poison Dogwood, Poison Ash, Poison Elder, Thunderwood
Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: June. Seed-time: Fruit ripe in late summer but retained until winter. Range: New England and southern Ontario to Minnesota, southward to Flori...
-Poison Ivy. Rhus Toxicodendron, L. (Rhus radicans, L.). Poison Oak, Poison Creeper, Three-leaved Ivy, Climath, Black Mercury, Markweed
Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds and by rootstocks. Time of bloom: Late May to July. Seed-time: Fruits attain full size in August but remain on the stem until late in winter. Range: Nova Scotia ...
-Indian Mallow. Abutilon Theophrasti, Medic. (Abutilon Avicennoe, Gaertn.). Velvet Leaf, American Jute, Butter Print
Introduced. Annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: July to October. Seed-time: August to November. Range: Maine to South Dakota, southward to Florida and Texas. Also on the Pacific Sl...
-Red False Mallow
Malvdstrum coccineum, Gray Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: May to August. Seed-time: July to October. Range: Manitoba to British Columbia, southward to Texas and ...
-Prickly Sida. Sida Spinosa, L. Thistle Mallow, Spiny Sida
Introduced. Annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: Late May to September. Seed-time: July to October. Range: Maine to Michigan, Iowa, and Kansas, southward to Florida and Texas. Habit...
-Paroquet Bur
(Sida, acuta, Burm.) (Sida stipulata, Cav.) Native. Annual or perennial. Propagates by seed. Time of bloom: June to November. Seed-time: July to December. Range: The Gulf States from Flori...
-Common Mallow. Malva Rotundifolia, L. Dwarf Mallow, Running Mallow, Round Dock, Cheeses, Shirt-button Plant, Maul
Introduced. Biennial or perennial. Propagated by seeds. Time of bloom: May to October. Seed-time: June to November. Range: Throughout North America except the extreme North. Habitat: Cultivated gro...
-Musk Mallow. Malva Moschata, L
Introduced. Perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: June to August. Seed-time: July to September. Range: Eastern Canada, New England, and Middle States. Habitat: Meadows, roadsides,...
-Bladder Ketmia. Hibiscus Tribnum, L. Flower-of-an-hour, Goodnight-at-noon, Shoofly Plant, Venice Mallow
Introduced. Annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: July to September. Seed-time: August to October. Range: Nova Scotia to Minnesota, southward to Florida. Habitat: Cultivated ground, roadsides...
-Okra Or Gumbo. Hibiscus Esculentus, L
Introduced. Annual or perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: July to September. Seed-time: September until cut off by frost. Range: Southeastern and Gulf States. An escape from cultiv...
-Common St. John's-Wort. Hypericum Perforatum, L. Herb of St
John, Speckled John. Introduced. Perennial. Propagates by seeds and by runners from the base of the stem. Time of bloom: June to September. Seed-time: July to October. Range: Throughout British Ame...
-Shrubby St. John's-Wort. Hypericum Prolificum, L
Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: July to September. Seed-time: August to October. Range: New Jersey to Southern Ontario and Minnesota, southward to Georgia and Arkansas....
-Dwarf St. John's-Wort Hypericum Miitilum, L
Native. Annual or perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: July to September. Seed-time: August to October. Range: Nova Scotia to Manitoba, southward to Florida and Texas. Habitat: Damp...
-Passion-Flower. Passiflora Incarnata, L. Passion-vine, May-pop
Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: May to August. Seed-time: July to October. Range: Virginia to Missouri, southward to Florida and Texas. Habitat: Dry soil; troublesom...
-Prickly Pear. Opuntia Rafinesquii, Engelm. (Opuntia humifiisa, Raf.). Indian Fig, Old Man's Hands
Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds and by the rooting of broken joints. Time of bloom: June to August. Seed-time: July to September. Range: Ohio, Michigan, and Minnesota, southward to Kentucky, ...
-Brittle Prickly Pear Opuntia Fragilis, Haw
Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds and by the rooting of broken joints. Time of bloom: June to August. Seed-time: July to September. Range: Minnesota to British Columbia, southward to Uta...
-Globe Cactus. Mamillaria Vivipara, Haw. Ball Cactus, Purple Cactus
Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: June to July. Seed-time: Early in the following summer. Range: Manitoba to Alberta, southward to Kansas, Colorado, and Utah. Habitat:...
-Missouri Cactus. Mamillaria missouriensis, Sweet. Nipple Cactus, Bird's-nest Cactus
Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: May to June. Seed-time: The following spring. Range: South Dakota to Kansas and Texas. Habitat: Dry soil; prairies, rocky foothills. ...
-Clammy Cuphea. Ciiphea petiolata, Koehne (Parsonia petiolata, Rusby). Clammy Loosestrife, Blue Waxweed, Tarweed, Red-stem, Sticky-stem
Native. Annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: July to October. Seed-time: August to November. Range: Rhode Island to Ontario, Illinois, and Kansas, southward to Georgia and Louisiana. Most commo...
-Seed-Box. Ludvigia Alternifolia, L. Rattle-box
Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: June to September. Seed-time: July to October. Range: New Hampshire to Ontario and Michigan, southward to Florida, Kansas, and Texas....
-Water Purslane. Ludvigia palistris, Ell. (Isnardia palustris, L.). Ditch Purslane, Marsh Purslane, False Loosestrife
Introduced. Perennial. Propagates by seeds and by rooting at the joints. Time of bloom: June to October. Seed-time: July to November. Range: Nova Scotia to Manitoba and Oregon, southward to Florida...
-Great Willow-Herb. Epilobium angustifolium, L. (Chamcenerion angustifolium, Scop.). Fireweed, Spiked Willow-herb
Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: July to August. Seed-time: August to September. Range: Labrador to Alaska, southward to North Carolina and Kansas, in the Rocky Mountains t...
-Common Evening Primrose. Oenothera biennis, L. (Onagra biennis, Scop.). Field Primrose, Tree Primrose, Fever Plant, Night Willow-herb
Native. Biennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: June to September. Seed-time: August to November. Range: Labrador to Florida, westward to the Rocky Mountains. Habitat: Dry soil; fields, meado...
-Sundrops. (Enothera fruticosa, L. (Kneiffia fruticosa, Raimann). Day Primrose, Perennial Primrose
Native. Perennial. Propagated by seeds. Time of bloom: June to August. Seed-time: August to October. Range: Nova Scotia to Minnesota, southward to Georgia and Louisiana. Habitat: Dry soil;...
-Biennial Gaura. Gaura Biennis, L
Native. Biennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: July to September. Seed-time: August to October. Range: Quebec and Ontario to Minnesota, southward to Georgia, Mississippi, Arkansas, and...
-Woolly Gaura. Gaura Villosa, Torr
Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: June to September. Seed-time: July to October. Range: Prairies, Kansas to Arkansas and Texas. Habitat: Cultivated crops, grain fields...
-Sanicle Or Black Snakeroot. Sanicula Canadensis, L
Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: June to August. Seed-time: August to October. Range: Massachusetts to Nebraska, southward to Florida and Texas. Habitat: Shrubby upla...
-Poison Hemlock. Conium Maculatum, L. Deadly Hemlock, Spotted Cowbane, Spotted Parsley, Poison Stinkweed, Wode Whistle, Herb of St
Bennet. Introduced. Biennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: June to July. Seed-time: August to September. Range: New England and Middle Atlantic States, westward to Michigan and Indi...
-Water Hemlock. Cicuta Maculata, L. Spotted Cowbane, Beaver Poison, Musquash Root, Muskrat Weed, Death-of-man, Children's Bane
Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: June to August. Seed-time: August to October. Range: Newfoundland to Manitoba, southward to Florida and New Mexico. Habitat: Low grou...
-Fool's Parsley. Aethusa Cynapium, L. False Parsley, Dog's Parsley, Dog Poison, Fool's Cicely
Introduced. Annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: June to August. Seed-time: August to October. Range: Nova Scotia to Virginia, westward to the Mississippi River. Habitat: Fields and...
-Meadow Parsnip. Thaspium Aureum, Nutt
Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: June to July. Seed-time: August to September. Range: New York to the Carolinas, westward to Arkansas and Nebraska. Habitat: Moist meadows, ...
-Wild Parsnip. Pastinaca Sativa, L. Field Parsnip, Madnep, Tank
Introduced. Biennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: June to August. Seed-time: August to October. Range: All parts of the United States and Canada. Habitat: Roadsides and waste place...
-Cow Parsnip. Heracleum Lanatum, Michx. Woolly Parsnip, Masterwort
Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: June to July. Seed-time: August to September. Range: Labrador to Alaska, southward to North Carolina, Missouri, Utah, and California. ...
-Wild Carrot. Daucus Carota, L. Queen Anne's Lace, Bird's Nest Weed, Devil's Plague
Introduced. Biennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: June to September. Seed-time: August to December. Range: Throughout North America except the far North. Habitat: All soils; meadows, pastur...
-Narrow-Leaved Laurel Kalmia Angustifolia, L. Dwarf Laurel, Sheep Laurel, Sheep Poison, Lambkill, Calfkill, Wicky
Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: June to July. Seed-time: Ripe in September, but often persistent on the shrub until winter. Range: From Newfoundland to Hudson Bay and southward ...
-Stagger-Bush. LyOnia mariana, D. Don. (Pieris mariana, B. and H.). Maryland Andromeda, Calfkill, Sheepkill
Native. Perennial. Propagated by seeds. Time of bloom: May to June. Seed-time: August to September. Range: Rhode Island to Florida on the Atlantic slope; also in Tennessee and Arkansas. Habit...
-Scarlet Pimpernel Anagallis Arvensis, L. Red Chickweed, Poison Chickweed, Wink-apeep, Shepherd's Clock, Poor Man's Weather Glass, Poisonweed (on the Pacific coast)
Introduced. Annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: May to September. Seed-time: June to October. Range: Newfoundland to Vancouver Island and southward to Florida and Texas. Most abundant on the P...
-Spreading Dogbane Apocynum Androscemifolium, L. Wandering Milkweed, Milk Ipecac, Honey-bloom, Bitter-root
Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds and by rootstocks. Time of bloom: June to August. Seed-time: August to October. Range: Anticosti to British Columbia, southward to Georgia, Nebraska, an...
-Black Indian Hemp Apocynum Cannabinum, L. American Hemp, Indian Physic, Choctaw Root, Bowman's Root, Amy Root, Dropsy Root, Rheumatism weed
Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: June to August. Seed-time: August to October. Range: Anticosti to British Columbia, southward to Florida, Texas, and southern California...
-Butterfly Weed Asclepias Tuberose, L. Orange Milkweed, Orange root, White Root, Pleurisy Root, Wind Root, Swallow-wort
Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: June to August. Seed-time: August to October. Range: Ontario to Minnesota, southward to Florida, Texas, and Arizona. Habitat: Dry fields and past...
-Swamp Milkweed. Asclepias Incarnata, L
Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: July to September. Seed-time: Late August to October. Range: New Brunswick to the Northwest Territory, southward to Tennessee, Louisiana...
-Showy Milkweed. Asclepias Speciosa, Torr
Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: June to August. Seed-time: August to October. Range: Minnesota to British Columbia, southward to Arkansas, Utah, and California. Habitat...
-Common Milkweed. Asclepias Syriaca, L. Silkweed, Cottonweed
Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds and by rootstocks. Time of bloom: June to August. Seed-time: August to October. Range: New Brunswick to the Northwest Territory, southward to Georgia, M...
-Climbing Milkweed. Gonolobus Laevis, Michx. (Ampelanus albidus, Britton). (Enslenia albida, Nutt.). Angle-pod, Sand Vine, White Swallow-wort
Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: June to August. Seed-time: August to October. Range: Pennsylvania to Kansas, southward to Florida and Texas. Habitat: Fence rows and thickets...
-Black Swallow-Wort
Cynanchum nigrum, Pers. (Vincetoxicum nigrum, Moench) Introduced. Perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: June to September. Seed-time: August to October. Range: Massachusetts to Mi...
-Wild Sweet Potato Vine. Ipomaea Pandurata, G. F.' W. Mey. Man-of-the-Earth, Mecha-Meck
Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: May to September. Seed-time: Late June to October. Range: Eastern Canada and New England to Michigan and Kansas, southward to Florida an...
-Field Bindweed Convolvulus Arvensis, L. European Bindweed, Small-flowered Morning- Glory, Cow-bind, Bell-bind
Introduced. Perennial. Propagates by seeds and by horizontal roots that bud new plants. Fig. 223. - Wild Sweet Potato Vine (Ipomoea pandurata). X 1/4. Time of bloom: June throughout the su...
-Hedge Bindweed Convolvulus Septum, L. Great Bindweed, Bracted Bindweed, Hedge Lily, Rutland Beauty, Devil's Vine
Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds and by rootstocks. Time of bloom: June to August. Seed-time: Late July to October. Range: Nova Scotia to Minnesota, southward to the Carolinas, Missouri, and Neb...
-Clover Dodder. Cuscuta Epithymum, Murr. Love-vine, Strangle Weed, Hairweed, Devil's Hair, Devil's Gut, Hellbind
Introduced. Annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: June to September. Seed-time: August to October. Range: Locally in most of the states. Habitat: Wherever the clovers or alfalfa are extensively ...
-Flax Dodder
Cuscuta Epilinum, Weihe Introduced. Annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: June to August. Seed-time: Late August to October. Range: Wyoming, Idaho, the Dakotas, and other states where f...
-Field Dodder
Cuscuta arvensis, Beyrich Native. Annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: July to September. Seed-time: August to October. Range: New York to the Northwest Territory, southward to Florida...
-Common Dodder. Cuscuta Gronovii, Willd. Wild Dodder, Onion Dodder
Native. Annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: July to September. Seed-time: August to October. Range: Nova Scotia to Manitoba, southward to the Gulf of Mexico. Habitat: Moist shady p...
-Skunkweed. Navarretia squarrosa, H. and A. (Gilia squarrosa, H. and A.). Stinkweed, Pepperweed, Sticky Gilia
Native. Annual or biennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: May to July. Seed-time: June to September. Range: Washington, California, and Nevada. Habitat: Grain fields, meadows, and vi...
Ellisia Nyctelea, L. (Macrocalyx Nyctelea, Kuntze.) Native. Annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: April to June. Seed-time: May to July. Range: New Jersey to Minnesota and the Saskatchewan...
-Indian Heliotrope. Heliotropium Indicum, L
Introduced. Annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: May to September. Seed-time: July to November. Fig. 229. - Field Nyctelea (Elli-sia Nyctelea). X 1/4 Range: Virginia to Ohio and Ill...
-Hound's Tongue. Cynoglassum Officinale, L. Dog Bur, Dog's Tongue, Woolmat
Introduced. Biennial. Propagates by seeds. Fig. 230. - Indian Heliotrope (Heliotropium indicum). Time of bloom: June to August. Seed-time: July to September. Range: Quebec to Minneso...
-Blue Bur. Lappula echinata, Gilibert (Echinospermum Lappula, Lehm.). European Stickseeds, Sheep Bur, Burseed, Burweed, Bur Forget-me-not
Introduced. Annual or winter annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: June to August. Seed-time: July to September. Range: Nova Scotia to British Columbia, southward to Virginia, Indiana, and Nebra...
-Virginia Stickseed. Lappula virginiana, Greene. Beggar's Lice, Beggar's Ticks
Native. Biennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: June to August. Seed time: July to September. Range: New Brunswick to western Ontario and Minnesota, southward to the Gulf of Mexico. Habit...
-Many-Flowered Stickseed Lappula Floribunda, Greene. Western Sheep-bur, Western Stickseed, Large-flowered Stickseed
Native. Biennial or perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: June to August. Seed time: July to September. Range: Ontario and Minnesota to the Saskatchewan and British Columbia, southwa...
-Yellow Burweed Amsinckia Intermedia, F. And M. Yellow Tarweed, Fireweed, Yellow Forget-me-not
Native. Annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: May to July. Seed-time: June to August. Range: Pacific Coast. Habitat: Grain fields, meadows, pastures, and vineyards. An unpleasant,...
-Comfrey. Symphytum Officinale, L. Healing-herb, Knit-back, Backwort, Bruise-wort, Slippery-root, Asses' Ears
Introduced. Perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: June to August. Seed-time: August to October. Range: Newfoundland to Minnesota, southward to Maryland. Habitat: Moist meadows, along ditch...
-Small Bugloss. Lycopsis Arvensis, L
Introduced. Annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: June to September. Seed-time: August to November. Range: Quebec to western Ontario and Minnesota, southward to Virginia. Habitat: Dry o...
-Wheat-Thief. Lithospermum Arvense, L. Stoneseed, Field Gromwell, Corn Gromwell, Redroot, Pigeonweed, Bastard Alkanet
Introduced. Annual or biennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: Early May to August. Seed time: July to September. Range: Quebec to Ontario and Michigan, southward to Georgia and Kansas. Habitat: ...
-Common Gromwell. Lithospermum Officinale, L. Pearl Plant, Graymile, Littlewale
Introduced. Perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: May to August. Seed-time: July to September. Range: Quebec to Minnesota, southward to New Jersey. Habitat: Fields, pastures, road...
-Hoary Puccoon. Lithospermum Canescens, Lehm. Paint Plant, Gray Gromwell
Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: April to June. Seed time: June to August. Range: Ontario to the Northwest Territory, southward to Virginia, Alabama, and Arizona. Hab...
-Viper's Bugloss Echium Vulgare, L. Blueweed, Blue Devil, Blue Thistle, Viper's Herb, Snake Flower
Introduced. Biennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: June to September. Seed-time: August to November. Range: New Brunswick to Ontario and Nebraska, southward to Georgia. Habitat: Fields, meadows...
-European Vervain Verbena Officinalis, L. Holy herb, Herb-of-the-Cross, Simpler's Joy, Enchanter's Plant
Introduced. Annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: June to September. Seed-time: July to November. Range: New England and Middle Atlantic States, southward to Florida and Texas. Also on t...
-White Vervain. Verbena Urticoefolia, L. Nettle-leaved Vervain
Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: June to September. Seed-time: August to November. Range: New Brunswick to Minnesota, southward to Florida and Texas. Habitat: Fields, meado...
-Blue Vervain. Verbena Hastata, L. Wild Hyssop, Simpler's Joy
Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: June to September. Seed-time: August to November. Range: Nova Scotia to British Columbia, southward to Florida and New Mexico. Habitat: ...
-Large-Bracted Vervain. Verbena Bracteosa, Michx
Native. Annual or perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: May to July. Seed-time: June to August. Range: Minnesota to British Columbia, southward to Georgia, Florida, Texas, and California. Hab...
-Hoary Vervain. Verbena Stricta, Vent. Woolly Vervain, Mullen-leaved Vervain
Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: June to September. Seed-time: August to November. Range: Ontario to Minnesota and Wyoming, southward to Tennessee, Texas, and New Mexico. Habi...
-Creeping Bugleweed. Ajuga Reptans, L. Carpenter's Herb, Sicklewort, Brown Bugle
Introduced. Perennial. Propagates by seeds and by stolons. Time of bloom: May to July. Seed-time: June to August. Range: Eastern Canada and New England to southern New York. Habitat: Field...
-American Germander. Teucrium Canadense, L. Wood Sage
Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: June to September. Seed-time: August to November. Range: New England to Nebraska, southward to Georgia and Texas. Habitat: Moist grassla...
-Blue Curls. Trichostema Dichotomum, L. Bastard Pennyroyal
Native. Annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: July to October. Seed-time: August to November. Range: Maine to Kentucky, Florida, and Texas. Habitat: Dry soil; fields and waste places...
-Horehotund. Marrubium Vulgare, L. Marrube, Houndsbene, Marvel
Introduced. Perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: June to September. Seed-time: August to November. Range: Maine and Ontario to South Carolina, Tennessee, and Texas. British Colum...
-Catnip Or Catmint. Nipeta Cataria, L
Introduced. Perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: June to September. Seed-time: July to November. Fig. 242. - Common Hore-hound (Marrubium vulgare). X 1/4. Range: New Brunswick...
-Ground Ivy. Nepeta hederacea, Trevisan.. Field Balm, Gill-over-the-Ground, Gill-ale, Ale-hoof, Cat's Foot
Introduced. Perennial. Propagates by seeds and by rootstocks. Fig. 243. -Catnip or Catmint (Nepeta Calaria). X 1/4. Time of bloom: April to July. Seed-time: Late May to August. R...
-Heal-All. Prunella Vulgaris, L. Self-heal, Hock-heal, Heart-of-the-Earth, Carpenter's Herb, Sicklewort
Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds and by rooting at the nodes. Time of bloom: May to October. Seed-time: June to November. Range: Nearly all parts of the world. Native to Europe and Asia. Habi...
-Hemp Nettle Galeopsis Tetrahit, L. Dog Nettle, Bee Nettle, Stinging Nettle, Wild Hemp, Bastard Hemp
Introduced. Annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: June to August. Seed-time: August to October. Range: Newfoundland to British Columbia and Alaska, southward to North Carolina and Michigan. Habi...
-Henbit. Lamium Amplexicaule, L. Dead Nettle, Blind Nettle, Bee Nettle
Introduced. Annual or biennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: April to October. Seed-time: May to November. Range: New Brunswick to Ontario and Minnesota, southward to Florida and Arkan...
-Motherwort Leonurus Cardiaca, L. Lion's-tail, Lion's-ear, Cowthwort
Introduced. Perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: June to September. Seed-time: August to November. Range: Nova Scotia to Minnesota and Nebraska, southward to North Carolina. Habi...
-Hedge Nettle Stachys Palustris, L. Roughweed, Marsh Woundwort, Clown's Heal, Dead Nettle
Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: June to September. Seed-time: August to November. Range: Newfoundland to the Northwest Territory, southward to New York, Michigan, and I...
-American Pennyroyal Hedeoma Pulegioides, Pers. Mock Pennyroyal, Squaw Mint, Stinking Balm, Mosquito Plant, Tickweed
Native. Annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: July to September. Seed-time: August to October. Range: Cape Breton Island to Ontario and Minnesota, southward to Florida and Nebraska. Habitat: Thi...
-Calamint Or Wild Basil. Satureja vulgaris, Fritsch (Clinopodium vulgare, L.). Field Basil, Stone Basil, Horse Thyme, Basil-weed
Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds and by stolons. Time of bloom: June to August. Seed-time: August to October. Range: Nova Scotia to Manitoba, southward to West Virginia, and in the Rock...
-Bugleweed. Lycopus Virginicus, L. Water Horehound, Ditch Horehound, Virginia Horehound, Buglewort, Paul's Betony
Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds and by stolons. Time of bloom: July to September. Seed-time: August to November. Range: Labrador to British Columbia, southward to Florida, Alabama, and Misso...
-Peppermint Mentha Piperita, L. Lamb Mint, Brandy Mint
Introduced. Perennial. Propagates by seeds and by rootstocks. Time of bloom: June to September. Seed-time: August to November. Range: Nova Scotia to Ontario and Minnesota, southward to Florid...
-Spearmint Mentha Spicata, L. Lamb Mint, Mackerel Mint, Garden Mint, Our Lady's Mint, Sage of Bethlehem
Introduced. Perennial. Propagates by seeds and by stolons. Time of bloom: June to September. Seed-time: August to November. Range: Nova Scotia to Ontario and Minnesota, southward to Florida a...
-Bittersweet Nightshade. Solanum Dulcamara, L. Woody Nightshade, Blue Bindweed, Felon-wort, Poison Berry
Introduced. Perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: May to September. Seed-time: First fruits ripe in August but late clusters often cling to the vine until winter. Range: New Brunswic...
-Common, Or Black, Nightshade. Solatium Nigrum, L. Deadly Nightshade, Duscle, Poison Berry, Hound's Berry, Stubble Berry
Native. Annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: July to October. Seed-time: Berries ripe in late August, but frequently are still maturing when plants are winterkilled. Range: Nova Scotia...
-Horse Nettle Solanum Carolinense, L. Sand Brier, Bull Nettle, Bull Thistle, Apple of Sodom, Tread-soft
Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds and by rootstocks. Time of bloom: May to September. Seed-time: July to November. Range: Massachusetts, Connecticut, and southern Ontario, to Iowa and Kansas, sou...
-White Horse Nettle Solanum Elozagnifolium, Cav. Prickly Nightshade, Silver-leaved Nightshade, Blue-top, Trompillo
Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds and by rootstocks. Time of bloom: May to September. Seed-time: July to November. Range: Missouri and Kansas to Texas and Arizona. Habitat: Plains and prairies; m...
-Buffalo Bur. Solanum Rostratum, Dunal. Beaked Nightshade, Sand Bur, Colorado Bur, Texas Thistle, Mexican Thistle
Native. Annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: May to September. Seed-time: July to November. Range: South Dakota to Tennessee, Mississippi, Texas, and Mexico. Locally in the Eastern Sta...
-Mexican Ground Cherry. Physalis ixocarpa, Brotero. Strawberry Tomato, Tomatillo
Introduced. Annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: July to September. Seed-time: Late August to November. Range: Southern and Southwestern States; cultivated for its fruit, and freely es...
-Low Hairy Ground Cherry Physalis Pubescens, L. Bladder Cherry, Dwarf Cape Gooseberry, Husk Tomato, Strawberry Tomato
Native. Annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: July to September. Seed-time: Late August to November. Range: Pennsylvania to California, southward to Florida and Mexico. Habitat: Sandy soils; fie...
-Virginia Ground Cherry. Physalis Virginiana, Mill
Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds and by rootstocks. Time of bloom: July to September. Seed-time: Late August to November. Range: New York to Manitoba, southward to Florida and Louisiana...
-Prairie Ground Cherry. Phsalis Lanceolata, Michx
Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds and by rootstocks. Time of bloom: July to September. Seed-time: Late August to November. Range: Illinois to Wyoming and New Mexico, southeastward to the...
-Apple Of Peru. Nicandra Physalodes, Pers
Introduced. Annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: July to September. Seed-time: Late August to November. Range: Nova Scotia to Ontario, and southward to Florida. Habitat: Fields, roa...
-Black Henbane. Hyoscyamus Niger, L. Fetid Nightshade, Insane Root, Hog's Bean
Introduced. Annual or biennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: June to September. Seed-time: July to October, Fig. 259. - Apple of Peru (Nicandra Physalodes). X 1/6. Range: Nova Scoti...
-Jamestown Or Jimson Weed. Datura Stramdnium, L. Jamestown Lily, Thorn Apple, Mad Apple, Devil's Apple, Devil's Trumpet, Dewtry, Stinkwort, Stinkweed
Introduced. Annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: June to September. Seed-time: September to December. Range: Nova Scotia to Minnesota, southward to Florida and Texas. Habitat: Fields and was...
-Purple Thornapple. Datura Tatula, L
Introduced. Annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: May to September. Seed-time: August to November. Range: Ontario to Minnesota, southward to Florida and Texas. Habitat: Fields and wa...
-Hairy Thornapple. Datura Metel, L
Introduced. Annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: July to September. Seed-time: September to December. Range: New England to Florida, westward to Ohio. Habitat: Roadsides and waste p...
-Mullein Verbascum Thapsus, L. Velvet Dock, Feltwort, Blanket-leaf, Hedge Taper, Candle-wick, Jacob's Staff
Introduced. Biennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: June to September. Seed-time: August to November. Range: Nova Scotia to Minnesota, southward to Florida and Kansas. Habitat: Old fields, pastu...
-Moth Mullein. Verbascum Blattaria, L
Introduced. Biennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: June to October. Seed-time: July to November. Range: Quebec to Minnesota, southward to Florida and Kansas. Habitat: Clover fields, me...
-Yellow Toad-Flax Linaria Vulgaris, Hill. Butter-and-Eggs
Wild Snap-dragon, Flax-weed, Impudent Lawyer, Ranstead. Introduced. Perennial. Propagates by seeds and by rootstocks. Time of bloom: June to October. Seed-time: August to November. Range: ...
-Maryland Figwort. Scrophularia Marilandica, L. Pilewort, Heal-all
Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: July to September. Seed-time: August to October. Range: Massachusetts to South Carolina, Kansas, and Louisiana. Habitat: Lowland mead...
-Foxglove Beard-Tongue
Pentstemon Iaevigatus, Ait. Var. Digitalis, Gray Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: May to July. Seed-time: June to August. Range: New York to Illinois, southward to Virginia and A...
-Purple Foxglove. Digitalis Purpurea, L. Lady-fingers, Pop-dock, Scotch Mercury
Introduced. Biennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: June to August. Seed-time: August to October. Range: British Columbia, Washington and Oregon; also in the East in Virginia and West V...
-Common Speedwell Veronica Officinalis, L. Fluellin, Ground-hele,-Paul's Betony, Upland Speedwell
Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds and by stolons. Time of bloom: May to August. Seed-time: July to October. Range: Nova Scotia to Ontario and Michigan, southward to the Carolinas and Tennessee. A...
-Thyme-Leaved Speedwell. Veronica Serpyllifolia, L
Native and introduced. Perennial. Propagates by seeds and by rooting at the joints. Time of bloom: April to October. Fig. 268. - Common Speedwell (Veronica officinalis). X 1/2. Seed-time: ...
-Purslane Speedwell. Veronica Peregrlna, L. Neckweed, Winter Purslane
Native. Annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: April until frost. Seed-time: Late May until snow-covered. Range: Nova Scotia to British Columbia, southward to the Gulf of Mexico. Habitat...
-Corn Speedwell. Veronica Arvensis, L
Introduced. Annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: Late March to September. Seed-time: May to November. Range: Nova Scotia to Ontario and Minnesota, southward to Florida, Texas, and Kans...
-Field Speedwell. Veronica Agrestis, L. Germander Chickweed, Winter Weed, Garden Speedwell
Introduced. Annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: May to September. Seed-time: June to October. Range: Nova Scotia to Georgia and Texas. Habitat: Fields, gardens, and waste places. Stems very...
-Branched Broom-Rape. Oroadnche Ramosa, L. Hemp Broom-rape, Tobacco Broom-rape
Introduced. Annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: June to August. Seed-time: July to September. Range: Illinois, Kentucky, Tennessee, North Carolina, and New Jersey. Habitat: Hemp and t...
-Clover Broom-Rape Orobonche Minor, J. E. Smith. Lesser Broom-rape, Chokeweed, Herb-bane, Clover Devil, Devil's Root, Hellroot
Introduced. Annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: May to July. Seed-time: June to August. Range: New Jersey southward to North Carolina; locally in a few places in interior states. Habitat: Clov...
-Louisiana Broom-Rape
Orobonche ludoviciana, Nutt. (Myzorrhlza ludoviciana, Rydb.) Native. Annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: June to August. Seed-time: July to September. Range: Illinois to the Saskat...
-Common, Or Broad-Leaved, Plantain. Plantago Major, L. Greater Plantain, Dooryard Plantain, Birdseed Plantain, Waybread
Introduced. Perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: May to September. Seed-time: July to October. Range: Throughout North America except the extreme North. Habitat: Yards and lawns, roadside...
-Red-Stem Plantain. Plantago Rugelii, Dene. Pale Plantain, Rugel's Plantain
Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: June to September. Seed-time: July to October. Range: Maine and Ontario to North Dakota, southward to Florida and Texas; locally establi...
-Narrow-Leaved Plantain. Plantago Lanceolata, L. Rib Grass, Ribwort, Ripple Grass, English Plantain, Black Plantain, Buckhorn
Introduced. Perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: April to October. Seed-time: May to November. Range: New Brunswick to the Northwest Territory and Alaska, southward to Florida and Kansas....
-Hoary Plaintain Plantago Media, L. Gray Ribwort, Gray Buckhorn, Woolly Plantain, Sweet-flowered Plantain
Introduced. Perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: May to September. Seed-time: June to October. Range: Maine to western Ontario, southward to Rhode Island and New York. Locally established in...
-Large-Bracted Plantain. Plantago Aristata, Michx. Western Buckhorn, Bristly Buckhorn, Western Ripple Grass
Native. Annual and winter annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: May to October. Seed-time: June to November. Range: Ontario to British Columbia and Alaska, southward to Louisiana, Texas, and New...
-Sandwort Plantain Plantago Arenaria, W. And K. Whorled Plantain, Sandwort
Introduced. Perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: All summer. Seed-time: Until bloom is checked by frost. Range: Local in several states of the Middle West. Habitat: Grasslands. ...
-Blue Field Madder. Sherardia Arvensis, L. Spurwort, Herb Sherard
Introduced. Annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: June to July. Seed-time: July to August. Range: Nova Scotia to Ontario and Michigan, southward to New Jersey and Ohio. Habitat: Clover ...
-Goose-Grass, Or Cleavers. Galium Aparine, L. Scratch Grass, Grip Grass, Cling Rascal, Catchweed, Hedgeburs, Sweethearts
Native. Annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: May to September. Seed-time: July to November. Range: New Brunswick to Alaska, southward to Florida and Texas. Habitat: Rich soil; fence rows and...
-Rough Bedstraw. Galium Asprellum, Michx
Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: June to August. Seed-time: July to September. Range: Newfoundland to Ontario, Minnesota, and Nebraska, southward to Missouri and the Car...
-Smooth Buttonweed. Spermacoce Glabra, Michx
Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: June to September. Seed-time: August to October. Range: Ohio to Illinois, southward to Florida, Arkansas, and Texas. Habitat: Wet meadows, banks ...
-Rough Buttonweed. Diodia Teres, Walt
Native. Annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: July to September. Seed-time: August to October. Range: Connecticut to Missouri, southward to Florida, Texas, and New Mexico. Habitat: D...
-Horse Gentian Triosteum Perfoliatum, L. Feverwort, Wild Ipecac, Wild Coffee, Tinker's Weed
Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: May to June. Seed-time: August to October. Range: Massachusetts to Minnesota and Nebraska, southward to Alabama and Kansas. Habitat: ...
-Corn Salad. Valerianella Locusta, Betcke. Lamb's Lettuce, Milk Grass
Introduced. Annual or winter annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: April to July. Seed-time: June to September. Range: Maine to Ontario, and southward to Virginia. Habitat: Old field...
-Teasel. Dipsacus Sylvestris, Huds. Card Thistle, Water Thistle, Gipsy Combs
Introduced. Biennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: July to September. Seed-time: August to October. Range: Maine and Ontario to Virginia, westward to Michigan. Habitat: Pastures, roadsides, fen...
-Wild Gourd. Cucurbita foetidissima, H. B. K. (Cucurbita perennis, Gray). Missouri Gourd, Calabazilla, Fetid Wild Pumpkin
Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: April to July. Seed-time: July to November. Range: Nebraska to California, southward to Texas and Mexico. Habitat: Dry or sandy soil; fields a...
-Star Cucumber. Sicyos Angulatus, L. Nimble Kate, One-seeded Bur Cucumber
Native. Annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: July to September. Seed-time: August to October. Range: Quebec to Minnesota, southward to Florida and Texas. Habitat: Moist, rich soil; banks of ...
-Climbing Wild Cucumber. Echinocystis lobata, T. & G. (Micrampelis lobata, Greene). Wild Balsam Apple, Mock Apple, Fourseeded Bur Cucumber
Native. Annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: July to September. Seed-time: August to October. Range: Nova Scotia to the Saskatchewan, southward to Georgia and Colorado. Habitat: Rich soil; fenc...
-Venus's Looking-Glass. Specularia perfoliata, A. DC. (Legouzia perfoliata, Britton). Clasping Bell-flower
Native. Annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: May to August. Seed-time: June to September. Range: Ontario to British Columbia, southward to Florida and Mexico. Habitat: Sterile open gro...
-Creeping Bellflower
Campanula rapunculoides, L Introduced. Perennial. Propagates by seeds and by rootstocks. Time of bloom: July to August. Seed-time: August to September. Range: New Brunswick to Ontario, sou...
-Tall Bellflower. Campanula Americana, L
Native. Annual or biennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: June to August. Seed-time: August to September. Range: New Brunswick to South Dakota, southward to Georgia, Arkansas, and Kansa...
-Great Lobelia. Lobelia Syphilitica, L
Native. Perennial. Propagated by seeds and by short offsets. Time of bloom: July to October. Seed-time: August to November. Range: Maine and Ontario to South Dakota and Colorado, southward to Georg...
-Indian Tobacco. Lobelia Inflata, L. Wild Tobacco, Asthma Weed, Bladder-pod, Gag-root, Pukeweed, Emetic Root
Native. Annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: July to November. Seed-time: August until the ground is snow-covered. Range: Labrador to the Northwest Territory, southward to Georgia, Arkansas, an...
-Tall Ironweed Or Flat-Top. Vernonia Altissima, Nutt
(Vernonia gigantea, Britton) (Vernonia maxima, Small) Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: July to September. Seed-time: September to November. Range: New York to Michigan a...
-Western Iron Weed. Vernonia Fasciculata, Michx
Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: July to September. Seed-time: September to November. Range: Ohio to South Dakota, southward to New Mexico and Texas. Habitat: Prairies, ...
-Illinois Ironweed
Vernonia illinoensis, Gleason Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: July to September. Seed-time: September to November. Range: Ontario to Minnesota, southward to Ohio, Illinois, and ...
-Woolly Elephant's Foot. Elephdntopus Tomentosus, L. Tobacco Weed, Devil's Grandmother
Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: June to August. Seed-time: August to October. Range: Virginia to Arkansas, and southward to the Gulf of Mexico. Habitat: Rich moist soils; woo...
-Joe-Pye Weed. Eupatorium Purpureum, L. Trumpetweed, Feverweed, Purple Boneset, Queen-of-the-Meadow, Gravel-root, Kidney-root
Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: August to September. Seed-time: September to November. Range: New Brunswick to Manitoba, southward to Florida and Texas. Habitat: Damp meadows...
-Thoroughwort Eupatorium Perfoliatum, L. Boneset, Agueweed, Feverwort, Crosswort, Sweating Plant, Vegetable Antimony
Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: July to September. Seed-time: September to November. Range: New Brunswick to Manitoba and North Dakota, southward to Florida and Texas. ...
-White Snakeroot. Eupatorium urticoefolium, Reichard (Eupatorium ageratoides, L. f.). White Sanicle, Indian Sanicle, Nettle-leaved Sanicle, Deerwort Boneset
Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: July to October. Seed-time: August to November. Range: New Brunswick to Ontario and Nebraska, southward to Georgia, Louisiana, and Oklahoma. Habi...
-Mist Flower. Eupatorium Coelestinum, L
Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: August to October. Seed-time: September to November. Range: New Jersey to Illinois and Kansas, southward to Florida and Texas. Habitat: ...
-False Boneset. Kuhnia Eupatorioides, L. Plume-seed
Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: August to September. Seed-time: September to October. Range: New Jersey to Ohio, and southward to Florida and Texas. Habitat: Dry mea...
-Broad-Leaved Gum Plant. Grindelia squarrosa, Dunal. Gumweed, Scaly Grindelia
Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: June to September. Seed-time: July to October. Range: Illinois and Minnesota to the Saskatchewan, southward to Texas and Mexico, and wes...
-Narrow-Leaved Gum Plant. Grindelia Lanceolata, Nutt
Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: July to August. Seed-time: August to September. Range: Tennessee, Missouri, and Kansas, southward to Louisiana and Texas. Habitat: Meado...
-Maryland Golden Aster. Chrysopsis Mariana, Nutt
Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: August to September. Seed-time: September to October. Range: Southern New York and Pennsylvania, southward to Florida and Louisiana. Habitat: ...
-Hairy Golden Aster. Chrysopsis Villosa, Nutt
Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: July to September. Seed-time: August to October. Range: Wisconsin to Manitoba, and southward to Kentucky, Kansas, Louisiana, and Texas. ...
-Gray Goldenrod. Solidago Nemoralis, Ait. Field Goldenrod, Low Goldenrod, Dyer's Weed
Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: Late July to November. Seed-time: September to December. Range: Quebec to the Northwest Territory, southward to Florida, Texas, and Arizona...
-Soft Or Hoary Goldenrod. Solidago Mollis, Bartl
Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds and by stolons. Time of bloom: July to September. Seed-time: September to November. Range: Manitoba and Minnesota to the Northwest Territory, southward ...
-Canada Goldenrod Solidago Canadensis, L. Tall Yellow-weed, Tall Goldenrod
Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds and by rootstocks. Time of bloom: Late July to October. Seed-time: September to November. Range: Newfoundland and New Brunswick to the Northwest Territo...
-Stiff, Or Hard-Leaved, Goldenrod. Solidago Rigida, L
Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: August to October. Seed-time: September to November. Range: Ontario to the Northwest Territory, southward to Georgia, Texas, and Colorad...
-Narrow-Leaved Goldenrod. Solidago graminifolia, Salisb. (Euthamia graminifolia, Nutt.). Fragrant Goldenrod, Bushy Goldenrod, Creeping Yellow-weed
Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds and by rootstocks. Time of bloom: Late July to October. Seed-time: September to November. Range: New Brunswick to the Northwest Territory, southward to ...
-Bushy Aster. Boltonia Asteroides, L'Her
Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: Late July to October. Seed-time: September to November. Range: New Jersey to Minnesota, southward to Florida, Louisiana, and Nebraska. H...
-Woody Aster
Xylorhiza Parryi, Gray Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: Late May to June. Seed-time: June to early July. Range: Western Wyoming, Colorado, and adjacent Utah. Habitat:...
-New England Aster. Aster Novce-Anglioe, L
Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: August to October. Seed-time: September to November. Range: Quebec to the Northwest Territory, southward to the Carolinas, Alabama, Miss...
-Heart-Leaved Aster. Aster Cordifolius, L
Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: August to October. Seed-time: September to November. Range: New Brunswick to Minnesota, southward to Georgia and Missouri. Habitat: Wood...
-Smooth Aster. Aster Laevis, L
Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: August to October. Seed-time: September to November. Range: Maine and Ontario to North Dakota, southward to Georgia, Louisiana, and Kans...
-White Heath Aster Aster Ericoides, L. Steelweed, Frostweed, White Rosemary, Scrubbush
Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: August to October. Seed-time: September to December. Range: Maine to Ontario and Wisconsin, southward to Virginia and Kentucky. Habitat: Dry soil...
-Many-Flowered Aster. Aster Multiflorus, Ait. White Wreath Aster, Fall Flower
Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds. Fig. 301. - Heath Aster (Aster ericoides). X 1/4. 2f Time of bloom: August to November. Seed-time: September to December. Range: Maine to Onta...
-Tradescant's Aster. Aster Tradescanti, L. Michaelmas Daisy, Farewell Summer
Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: August to October. Seed-time: September to November. Range: Ontario to the Northwest Territory, southward to Virginia, Illinois, and Missouri....
-Willow-Leaved Aster. Aster Salicifolius, Ait
Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: August to October. Seed-time: September to November. Range: Maine and Ontario to Montana, southward to Florida, Missouri, and Texas. Hab...
-Purple-Stemmed Aster Aster Puniceus, L. Early Purple Aster, Red-stalk, Ruddy-stem, Swan Weed, Meadow Scabish, Cocash
Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: July to November. Seed-time: August to December. Range: Newfoundland to Manitoba, southward to Virginia, Ohio, and Illinois. Habitat: Moist field...
-Robin's Plantain. Erigeron Pulchellus, Michx. Blue Spring Daisy, Poor Robin, Rose Petty
Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds and off-sets. Time of bloom: April to June. Seed-time: May to July. Range: Nova Scotia to Ontario and Minnesota, southward to Florida and Louisiana. Hab...
-Philadelphia Fleabane. Erigeron Philadelphicus, L. Skevish, Lowground Fleabane
Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds, stolons, and off-sets. Time of bloom: May to August. Seed-time: June to September. Range: Throughout North America except the far North. Habitat: Alluv...
-White-Top. Erigeron Annuus, L. Tall Whiteweed, Daisy Fleabane, Sweet Scabious
Native. Annual or winter annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: May to November. Seed-time: June to December. Range: Nova Scotia to Alaska, southward to Georgia and Missouri. Habitat: Fields, ...
-Slender White-Top. Erigeron Ramosus, Bsp
Native. Annual or winter annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: May to November. Seed-time: June to December. Range: Nova Scotia to the Northwest Territory, southward to Florida, Louisia...
-Canada Fleabane. Erigeron canadensis, L. (Leptilon canadense, Britton). Horseweed, Bitterweed, Prideweed, Mare'stail, Blood-stanch
Native. Annual and winter annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: June to October. Seed-time: July to November. Range: Throughout North America except the extreme North. Habitat: Grain fields, ...
-Cotton Rose. Gifola germanica, Dumort. Herba Impia, Childing Cudweed, Downy-weed, Owl's Crown, Hoarwort
Introduced. Annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: June to September. Seed-time: August to November. Range: Atlantic States, New York to Georgia. Habitat: Dry fields and pastures. Its oddity ...
-Plantain-Leaved Everlasting. Antennaria plantaginifolia, Richards. Early or Spring Everlasting, Mouse-ear Everlasting, White Plantain, Ladies' Tobacco, Pussy-toes
Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds and by stolons. Fig. 306.-Cotton Rose (Gifola germanica). X1/2. Time of bloom: Late March to June. Seed-time: June to July. Range: Labrador to...
-Field Cat's-Foot
Antennaria neglecta, Greene Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds and by stolons. Time of bloom: April to June. Seed-time: June to July. Range: New Brunswick to Wisconsin and Iowa, southward to Vi...
-Sweet, Or Common, Everlasting. Gnaphalium polycephalum, Michx. (Gnaphalium obtusifolium, L.). Old Field Balsam, Sweet White Balsam, Balsam Posy, Fragrant Everlasting, Many-headed Everlasting, Chafeweed
Native. Annual or winter annual. Propagates by seeds. Fig. 308.- Field Cat's-foot (Antennaria neglecta). X 1/3. Time of bloom: July to September. Seed-time: September to November. Range...
-Clammy Everlasting. Gnaphalium decurrens, Ives. Clammy Balsamweed, Clammy Cudweed, Winged Cudweed
Native. Annual or biennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: July to September. Seed-time: September to October. Fig. 309.-Sweet Everlasting (Gnaphalium poly-cephalum). X1/4. Range: Qu...
-Low Cudweed. Gnaphalium Uliginosum, L. Marsh Cudweed, Wartwort, Mouse-ear
Native. Annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: July to September. Seed-time: September to November. Range: Newfoundland to the Saskatchewan, southward to the states bordering on the Grea...
-Elecampane. Inula Helenium, L. Horseheal, Horse Elder, Scabwort, Elf Dock, Velvet Dock, Yellow Starwort
Introduced. Perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: July to September. Seed-time: August to October. Range: Nova Scotia to Minnesota, southward to North Carolina and Missouri. Habit...
-Compass Plant Silphium Laciniatum, L. Pilotweed, Polar Plant, Turpentine Weed, on the long, naked stalks near their summits; the many rays long, yellow, notched at their tips, pistillate and fertile; disk-florets orange-yellow, perfect but sterile; bracts of the involucre narrowly ovate with long, stiff points spreading nearly as wide as the rays
The achenes, being the fruit of the ray florets, are in rings around the outer edge of the heads, each about a half-inch long, brown, flat, oval, and broadly winged, deeply notched at the top, without...
-Prairie Dock. Silphium Terebinthinaceum, Jacq. Rosin Plant, Prairie Burdock
Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: July to September. Seed-time: August to October. Range: Ontario and Ohio to Minnesota, southward to Georgia and Louisiana. Habitat: Prai...
-Cup Plant. Silphium Perfoliatum, L. Indian Cup, Ragged Cup
Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: July to September. Seed-time: August to October. Range: Ontario to the Dakotas, southward to Louisiana and Texas. Habitat: Prairies; mea...
-Rough Marsh Elder. Iva Ciliata, Willd
Native. Annual. Propagates by seed. Time of bloom: August to October. Seed-time: September to November. Range: Illinois to Nebraska, and southward to Louisiana, Texas, and New Mexico. Habitat...
-Highwater Shrub. Iva Xanthifolia, Nutt. False Ragweed, False Sunflower, Red River Weed, Halfbreed Weed, Burweed Marsh Elder
Native. Annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: Late July to September. Seed-time: September to November. Range: Michigan and Manitoba to the Northwest Territory, southward to Nebraska, N...
-Poverty Weed. Iva Axillaris, Pursh. Small-flowered Marsh Elder
Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds and by rootstocks. Time of bloom: June to August. Seed-time: July to September. Range: Manitoba to British Columbia, southward to Nebraska, New Mexico, ...
-Great Or Giant Ragweed. Ambrosia Trifida, L. Tall Ambrosia, Kinghead, Crownweed, Wild Hemp, Big Bitterweed, Horseweed, Horse Cane
Native. Annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: July to September. Seed-time: August to November. Range: Nova Scotia to Florida, westward to the Northwest Territory, Nebraska, Colorado, and Ark...
-Common Ragweed Ambrosia Artemisiifolia, L. Roman Wormwood, Bitterweed, Wild Tansy, Hayweed, Hogweed, Carrotweed, Stammerwort
Native. Annual. Propagates by seed. Time of bloom: July to September. Seed-time: August to November. Range: United States and Canada from Nova Scotia to British Columbia, southward to Florida...
-Perennial Ragweed. Ambrosia Psilostachya, Dc
Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds and by rootstocks. Time of bloom: June to September. Seed-time: July to October. Range: Illinois to the Northwest Territory, southward to Texas, Mexico,...
-White-Leaved Franseria. Franseria discolor, Nutt.) (Gaertneria discolor, Kuntze.). Bur Ragweed, Creeping Ragweed
Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds and by rootstocks. Time of bloom: July to September. Seed-time: September to November. Range: The Plains region west of the Missouri River, to Wyoming, Colora...
-Woolly Franseria
Franseria tomentosa, Gray (Gaertneria tomentosa, Kuntze) Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds and by rootstocks. Time of bloom: July to September. Seed-time: September to November. Range: Montana...
-Spiny Clotbur Xanthium Spinosum, L. Spiny cocklebur, Thorny Burweed, Dagger-weed, Dagger Cocklebur, Bathurst Bur
Introduced. Annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: July to September. Seed-time: September to November. Range: Ontario to Florida, westward to Illinois, Missouri, and Texas. Also abundan...
-Clotbur. Xanthium Canadense, Mill. Cocklebur, Sheepbur, Buttonbur, Ditchbur, Hedgehog Burweed
Native. Annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: July to September. Seed-time: September to November. Range: Nova Scotia to the Northwest Territory, southward to Texas and Mexico. Abundant on the P...
-Black-Eyed Susan Rudbeckia Hirta, L. Yellow Daisy, Golden Jerusalem, Darkey-head, Nigger-head, Ox-eye Daisy
Native. Biennial. Propagates by seed. Time of bloom: June to October. Seed-time: July to November. Range: United States and Canadian Provinces east of the Rocky Mountains. Habitat: Prairie...
-Purple Cone-Flower. Brauneria purpurea, Britton. Red Sunflower, Black Sampson
Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: July to October. Seed-time: August to November. Range: Virginia to Missouri, southward to the Carolinas, Alabama, and Louisiana. Locally...
-Prairie Cone-Flower. Lepachys columnaris, T. & G. (Ratibida columnaris, D. Don.). Long-headed Cone-flower, Cone-headed Daisy
Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: May to August. Seeed-time: June to September. Habitat: Meadows, roadsides, and waste land. Like its relatives, the Black-eyed Susan and ...
-Common Sunflower. Helianthus Annuus, L
Native. Annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: July to September. Fig. 325. - Prairie Cone-flower (Lepachys columnaris). X 1/4. 2h Seed-time: August to October. Range: Minnesota...
-Stiff Sunflower. Helianthus Scaberrimus, Ell
Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: August to September. Seed-time: September to October. Range: Michigan to the Saskatchewan, and southward to Illinois, Colorado, and Texa...
-Jerusalem Artichoke Helianthus Tuberosus, L. Tuberous Sunflower, Earth Apple, Girasole, Canada Potato
Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds and by short, tuber-bearing rootstocks. Time of bloom: August to September. Seed-time: September to October. Range: New Brunswick and Ontario to the Nor...
-Winged Ironweed. Actinomeris alternifolia, DC. (Verbesina alternifolia, Brit.). Yellow Ironweed, Wingstem
Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: August to September. Seed-time: September to October. Range: New York and New Jersey to Ontario, Iowa, and Kansas, southward to Florida ...
-Sunflower Crownbeard. Verbesina Helianthoides, Michx
Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: June to July. Seed-time: July to August. Range: Ohio to Iowa, southward to Georgia and Texas. Habitat: Dry fields, meadows, and waste...
-Golden Crownbeard
Verbesina encelioides, B. & H. (Ximenesia encelioides, Cav.) Native. Annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: June to August. Seed-time: July to September. Range: Montana southward to Arizona an...
-Lance-Leaved Tickseed. Coreopsis Lanceolata, L
Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: May to August. Seed-time: June to September. Range: Western Ontario to Virginia and Florida. Locally in the Eastern States. Habitat: Meadows, fen...
-Tall Tickseed. Coreopsis Tripteris, L
Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: July to October. Seed-time: August to November. Range: Pennsylvania to Wisconsin, southward to Florida and Louisiana. Habitat: Meadows, ...
-Beggar-Ticks Bidens Frondosa, L. Bur Marigold, Stick-tight, Devil's Bootjack, Pitchfork Weed
Native. Annual. Propagates by seed. Time of bloom: July to September. Seed-time: August to October. Range: Throughout United States and southern British America. Habitat: Moist soil; gardens, field...
-Big Beggar-Tick
Bidens vulgata, Greene Native. Annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: August to October. Seed-time: September to November. Range: Ontario to British Columbia, southward throughout the Un...
-Leafy-Bracted Tickseed
Bidens comosa, Wiegand Native. Annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: August to October. Seed-time: September to November. Range: Maine to Minnesota, southward to Colorado, Georgia, and ...
-Swamp Beggar-Ticks. Bidens Connata, Muhl. Purple-stemmed Stickseed, Harvest Lice
Native. Annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: August to October. Seed-time: September to November. Range: New England to Minnesota, southward to the Carolinas and Missouri. Habitat: Wet...
-Nodding Bur Marigold. Bidens Cernua, L. Double-tooth, Water Agrimony
Native. Annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: July to October. Seed-time: August to November. Range: Nova Scotia to British Columbia, southward to the Carolinas, Missouri, and Californi...
-Spanish Needles. Bidens Bipinnata, L
Native. Annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: July to October. Seed-time: August to November. Range: Rhode Island to Nebraska and Arizona, southward to Florida and Mexico. Also in Europ...
-Tickseed Sunflower
Bidens trichosperma, Britton Native. Annual or biennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: August to October. Seed-time: September to November. Range: Massachusetts to Georgia, and inland t...
-Western Tickseed Sunflower
Bidens aristosa, Britton Native. Annual or biennial. Propagates by seed. Time of bloom: August to October. Seed-time: September to November. Range: Ohio and Michigan to Minnesota, southward t...
Madia sativa, Molina Introduced. Annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: May to October. Seed-time: June to November. Range: Pacific Coast from California to Washington. Habitat: Field...
-Galinsoga. Galinsoga -Parviflora, Cav
Introduced. Annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: June to November. Seed-time: July to December. Range: Massachusetts to Oregon, southward to Georgia and Mexico. Habitat: Gardens, roadsides, ...
-Sneezeweed Helenium Autumnale, L. Sneezewort, Staggerweed, Swamp Sunflower, False Sunflower, Yellow Star
Native. Perennial. Propagates by seed. Time of bloo?n: August to October. Seed-time: September to November. Range: Quebec to Manitoba and the Northwest Territory, southward to Florida, Texas,...
-Purple-Headed Sneezeweed. Helenium Nudiflorum, Nutt
Native. Perennial. Propagates by seed. Time of bloom: June to September. Seed-time: August to November. Range: Virginia to Illinois and Missouri, southward to Florida and Texas. Habitat: Mois...
-Fine-Leaved Sneezeweed. Helenium Tenufolium, Nutt
Native. Annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: Early August to October. Seed-time: September to November. Range: Virginia to Kansas, southward to Florida and Texas. Habitat: Prairies;...
-Blanket Flower. Gaillardia Aristata, Pursh. Great-flowered Gaillardia
Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: May to September. Seed-time: June to October. Range: Minnesota to British Columbia, southward to Colorado, New Mexico, and Texas. Habitat: Pla...
-Fetid Marigold. Dyssodia papposa, Hitchc. (Boebera papposa, Rydb.). Yellow Mayweed, False Mayweed, Yellow Dog-fennel, Stinkweed
Native. Annual. Propagated by seeds. Time of bloom: July to October. Seed-time: August to November. Range: Ontario and Ohio to Minnesota and Nebraska, southward to Texas, New Mexico, and Ariz...
-Yarrow. Achillea Millefolium, L. Milfoil, Thousand-leaf, Sanguinary, Blood-wort, Soldier's Woundwort, Nosebleed Weed
Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds and by rootstocks. Time of bloom: June to October. Seed-time: August to November. Range: Throughout North America, and in most parts of the world. Habitat:...
-Sneezewort Yarrow Achillea Ptarmica, L. White Sneezeweed, White Tansy, Wild Pellitory
Introduced. Perennial. Propagates by seeds and by rootstocks. Time of bloom: July to September. Seed-time: August to October. Range: Newfoundland and New Brunswick to Michigan, southward to Massachuse...
-Mayweed Anthemis Cotula, L. Dog Fennel, Dog Finkle, Dillweed, Fetid Chamomile, Stinking Daisy, White Stinkweed
Introduced. Annual and winter annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: June to October. Seed-time: July to November. Range: All over North America except the extreme North. Native of Europe, but wi...
-Field Or Corn Chamomile. Anthemis Arvensis, L
Introduced. Annual or biennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: May to August. Seed-time: June to September. Range: Nova Scotia to Virginia, and westward to Michigan and Missouri; also on...
-Yellow Chamomile. Anthemis Tinctoria, L
Introduced. Perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: June to September. Seed-time: July to October. Range: Atlantic States from Maine to Maryland; locally in some interior states. Habit...
-Scentless Chamomile Matricaria Inoddra, L. Corn Mayweed
Introduced. Annual or winter annual. Propagates by seed. Time of bloom: June to August. Seed-time: July to September. Range: Newfoundland to New Jersey, westward as far as Michigan. Habita...
-Wild Chamomile. Matricaria Chamomilla, L. Horse Gowan, German Chamomile
Introduced. Annual or winter annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: June to August. Seed-time: July to September. Range: Atlantic States, westward to Ohio. Habitat: Fields, roadsides,...
-Pineapple Weed. Matricaria suaveolens, Buchenau. (Matricaria matricarioides, Porter.). Rayless Chamomile
Native. Annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: May to August. Seed-time: June to September. Range: Atlantic States from New Brunswick to Pennsylvania, naturalized from the Pacific Slope ...
-White Or Ox-Eye Daisy. Chrysanthemum Leucanthemum, L. Var. pinnatifidum, Lecoq. & Lamotte.. Whiteweed, Midsummer Daisy, Poverty Weed, Poorland Flower, Moon-penny
Introduced. Perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: May to October. Seed-time: June to November. Range: Nearly throughout North America. Less common in the South and the West. Habitat: Old fiel...
-Costmary. Chrysanthemum Balsamita, L. Var. tanacetoides, Boiss.. Alecost, Balsam Herb, Mint Geranium
Introduced. Perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: June to September. Seed-time: July to October. Range: Nova Scotia and New England, westward to Ontario and Ohio. Habitat: Roadsides, farmyard...
-Tansy. Tanacetum Vulgare, L. Bitter Buttons, Ginger Plant, Parsley Fern
Introduced. Perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: July to September. Seed-time: August to October. Range: Nova Scotia and Ontario to Minnesota, southward to Georgia and Missouri. Hab...
-Common Mugwort Artemisia Vulgaris, L. Felon-herb, Sailor's Tobacco
Introduced. Perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: July to October. Seed-time: August to November. Range: Nova Scotia to Ontario and Michigan, southward to New Jersey and Tennessee. Habitat: R...
-Biennial Wormwood. Artemisia Biennis, L. False Tansy, Bitterweed
Native and introduced. Biennial. Propagates by seed. Time of bloom: August to October. Seed-time: September to November. Range: Nova Scotia to the Northwest Territory, southward to Pennsylvan...
-Annual Wormwood. Artemisia Annua, L
Introduced. Annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: July to September. Seed-time: August to October. Range: Ontario to Tennessee and Kansas. Habitat: Fields, roadsides, waste places. 2k ...
-Wormwood Or Absinthe. Artemisia Absinthium, L
Introduced. Biennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: July to October. Seed-time: August to November. Range: Newfoundland and New England to western Ontario and Ohio. Habitat: Roadsides and waste ...
-Pasture Sage. Artemisia Frigida, Willd. Low Sage-bush, Wormwood Sage, Wild Sage
Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: July to October. Seed-time: September to December. Range: Minnesota to the Saskatchewan and Idaho, southward to Texas and New Mexico. Ha...
-Common Sage-Bush. Artemisia Tridentata, Nutt. Sage-wood, Sage-brush, Mountain Sage
Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: July to September. Seed-time: August to November. Range: Nebraska to Colorado, Utah, and California, northward to Montana and British Columbia. H...
-Coltsfoot. Tussilago Farfara, L. Coughwort, Ginger Root, Clayweed, Dove-dock, Horsehoof, Foalfoot
Introduced. Perennial. Propagates by seeds and by rootstocks. Time of bloom: Early April to June. Seed-time: May to July. Range: Nova Scotia to Minnesota, southward to Pennsylvania and Ohio. ...
-Sweet Coltsfoot
Petasites palmatus, Gray Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds and by rootstocks. Time of bloom: April to June. Seed-time: May to July. Range: Newfoundland to British Columbia and Alaska, so...
-Butterfly Dock. Petasites vulgaris, Hill. Butter Dock, Flea Dock, Poison Rhubarb, Oxwort, Pestilence Wort, Umbrella Leaves
Introduced. Perennial. Propagates by seeds and by rootstocks. Time of bloom: April to May. Seed-time: Late May to June, Range: Eastern Massachusetts to eastern Pennsylvania. Habitat: Moist soil; c...
-Fireweed, Or Pilewort. Erechtites Hieracifolia, Raf
Native. Annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: July to September. Seed-time: August to October. Range: Newfoundland to the Northwest Territory, southward to Florida, Louisiana, and Mexic...
-Common Groundsel. Senecio Vulgaris, L. Grinsel, Simson, Birdseed, Chicken Weed
Introduced. Annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: April to October. Seed-time: May to November. Range: Newfoundland and Hudson Bay to North Carolina, Michigan, and South Dakota. Also on the P...
-Butterweed. Senecio glabellus, Poir. (Senecio lobatus, Pers.). Cress-leaved Groundsel
Native. Annual. Propagates by seed. Time of bloom: March to June. Seed-time: May to July. Range: North Carolina to southern Illinois and Missouri, southward to Florida, Texas, and New Mexico....
-Stinking Willie Senecio Jacobaea, L. Common Ragwort, Tansy Ragwort, Stagger-wort, St
Jameswort, Cankerweed, Baughlan. Introduced. Perennial. Propagates by seeds and by rootstocks. Time of bloom: June to November. Seed-time: July to December. Range: Newfoundland, Prince Edw...
-Golden Ragwort. Senecio Aureus, L. Squaw Weed, Life Root, False Valerian, Grundy Swallow
Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds and by rootstocks. Time of bloom: May to July. Seed-time: June to August. Fig. 352. - Stinking Willie (Senecio Jacoboea). X 1/6. Range: Newfoundla...
-Great Burdock. Arctium Lappa, L. Beggar's Buttons, Cockle Button, Hardock, Hurr-bur
Introduced. Biennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: July to October. Seed-time: The earlier flowers mature in September, but fruits remain on the stalks all winter if not disseminated nor ...
-Common Burdock. Arctium Minus, Bernh
Introduced. Biennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: July to November. Seed-lime: September; the later ripened burs persistent on the stalks all winter. Range: Throughout North America. Hab...
-Common Or Bull Thistle. Circium lanceoldtum, Hill (Carduus lanceolatus, L.). Spear Thistle, Plume Thistle, Bur Thistle, Lance-leaved Thistle
Introduced. Biennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: July to October. Seed-time: August to November. Range: Newfoundland to Minnesota and Nebraska, southward to Georgia and Missouri. Habitat: ...
-Tall Thistle. Circium altissimum, Spreng. (Carduus altissimus, L.). Roadside Thistle, Horse Thistle
Native. Biennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: Late July to September. Seed-time: August to October. Range: Massachusetts to Minnesota and Nebraska, southward to Florida and Texas. Hab...
-Pasture, Or Fragrant, Thistle
Circium pumilum, Spreng. (Carduus odoratus, Porter) Native. Biennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: July to September. Seed-time: August to October. Range: Maine to Pennsylvania and Delaware....
-Yellow-Spined Thistle
Circium ochrocentum, Gray (Carduus ochrocentrus, Greene) Native. Biennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: May to September. Seed-time: July to October. Range: Nebraska to Nevada, Ariz...
-Canada Thistle. Circium arvense, Scop. (Carduus arvensis, Robs.). Creeping Thistle, Small-flowered Thistle, Perennial Thistle, Cursed Thistle
Introduced. Perennial. Propagates by seeds and by rootstocks. Time of bloom: June to August. Seed-time: July to September. Range: Newfoundland to the northwest provinces and British Columbia, southwar...
-Scotch Thistle. Onopardum Acanthium, L. Cotton Thistle, Downy Thistle, Silver Thistle, Queen Mary's Thistle, Asses' Thistle
Introduced. Annual or biennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: July to September. Seed-time: August to October. Range: New Brunswick and Nova Scotia to Ontario, southward to New Jersey a...
-Purple Star-Thistle. Centaurea Calcitrapa, L. Caltrops, Maize Thorn
Introduced. Annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: June to September. Seed-time: August to November. Range: Atlantic States from Massachusetts to North Carolina; also on the Pacific Coas...
-St. Barnaby's Thistle. Centaturea solstitialis, L. Yellow Star Thistle
Introduced. Annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: July to September. Seed-time: Late August to November. Range: Massachusetts to Ontario and Iowa, southward to the Carolinas and Arkansa...
-Maltese Thistle. Centaurea Melitensis, L. Napa Thistle, Tocalote
Introduced. Annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: June to September. Seed-time: July to October. Range: Atlantic States, mostly in the neighborhood of seaports; also on the Pacific Coas...
-Bachelor's Button Centaurea Cyanus, L. Bluebottle, Blue Bonnets, Ragged Robin, Corn Flower, Hurtsickle
Introduced. Annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: July to September. Seed-time: August to October. Range: Locally in many parts of the country; most common in Quebec, western New York, and Virgi...
-Brown Knapweed. Centaurea Jacea, L. Rayed Knapweed, Brown Centaury
Introduced. Perennial. Propagates by seed. Time of bloom: June to September. Seed-time: Late July to November. Range: New England States, southward to New Jersey. Habitat: Fields, pastures, and waste ...
-Black Knapweed. Centaurea Nigra, L. Horse-knobs, Hardheads, Loggerheads, Hurt-sickle, Spanish Buttons, Black Centaury
Introduced. Perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: July to September. Seed-time: Late August to November. Range: Newfoundland to Ontario, and southward to New Jersey. Habitat: Fields, pastu...
-Blessed Thistle. Cnicus benedictus, L. (Centaturea benedicta, L.). Holy Thistle, St
Benedict's Thistle, Our Lady's Thistle, Bitter Thistle, Spotted Thistle. Introduced. Annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: May to August. Seed-time: June to September. Range: New Bru...
-Nipplewort. Lapsana Communis, L. Succory Dock, Ballogan
Introduced. Annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: June to September. Seed-time: July to October. Range: Quebec and Ontario to Michigan, southward to Pennsylvania and New Jersey; also on the P...
-Lamb Succory. Arnoseris minima, Dumort. Hog's Succory, Dwarf Nipplewort
Introduced. Annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: June to August. Seed-time: July to September. Range: Maine, Ohio, Michigan. Habitat: Fields, waste places. Not a common plant as ...
-Chicory. Cichorium Intybus, L. Succory, Blue Sailors, Bunk
Introduced. Perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: July to October. Seed-time: August to November. Range: Nova Scotia to Manitoba, southward to North Carolina, Missouri, and Nebraska....
-Dwarf Dandelion
Krigia virginica, Willd. (Adopdgon carolinianum, Britton) Native. Annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: April to August. Seed-time: May to September. Range: Maine to Ontario and Minn...
-Cynthia. Krigia amplexicaulis, Nutt. (Adopogon virginicum, Kuntze.). Virginia Goatsbeard
Native. Perennial, Propagates by seeds. Fig. 363. - Dwarf Dandelion (Krigia virginica). X 1/3 Time of bloom: May to September. Seed - time: June to October. Range: Massachusetts to O...
-Gosmore. Hypochaeris Radicata, L. Long-rooted Cat's-ear, Flatweed
Introduced. Perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: May to October. Seed-time: June to November. Fig. 364. - Cynthia (Krigia amplexicaulis). X 1/6. Range: Ontario and Massachusetts ...
-Fall Dandelion Leontodon Autumnalis, L. Autumn Hawkbit, August Flower, Arnica, Lion's-tooth
Introduced. Perennial. Propagates by seeds and by rootstocks. Time of bloom: Late June to October. Seed-time: August to November. Range: Newfoundland to western Ontario and Michigan, southward to Penn...
-Bristly Ox-Tongue Picris Echoides, L. Bugloss Picris, Bitter Bugloss
Introduced. Annual or biennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: July to September. Seed-time: August to October. Range: Locally distributed in Nova Scotia and Ontario and near the seaport...
-Meadow Salsify Tragopogon Pratensis, L. Yellow Goat's Beard, Buck's Beard, Morning Sun, Noon-flower, Nap-at-noon, Go-to-bed-at-noon
Introduced. Biennial or perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: June to September. Seed-time: July to October. Range: New Brunswick to Manitoba, southward to New Jersey, Ohio, and Mich...
-Oyster Plant Tragopogon Porrifolius, L. Vegetable Oyster, Garden Salsify, Purple Goat's Beard, Joseph's Flower, Noon-plant, Jerusalem Star
Introduced. Biennial or perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: June to September. Seed-time: July to October. Range: Ontario to Minnesota and Nebraska, southward to Georgia; also natu...
-Gum Succory. Chondrilla Juncea, L. Skeleton Weed, Naked Weed
Introduced. Biennial. Propagates by seed. Time of bloom: Blossoms most abundantly in July and August, but produces scattering flowers until late autumn. Seed-time: August until frost-killed. Ran...
-Dandelion. Taraxacum officinale, Weber. Blowball, Cankerwort, Doon-head-clock, Yellow Gowan, Witch's Gowan, Milk Witch
Introduced. Perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: All months in the year, where the weather is not at freezing point. Most abundant in spring. Seed-time: Seeds ready for dispersal withi...
-Red-Seeded Dandelion. Taraxacum Erythrospermum, Andrz
Introduced. Perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: April to June. Seed-lime: May to July. Range: Maine to Virginia, westward to Michigan and Illinois. Habitat: Lawns, grasslands, w...
-Field Sow Thistle Sonchus Arvensis, L. Creeping Sow Thistle, Corn Sow Thistle, Milk Thistle, Swine Thistle, Gutweed
Introduced. Perennial. Propagates by seeds and by rootstocks. Time of bloom: June to August. Seed-time: July to September. Range: Newfoundland and Nova Scotia to Manitoba and the Dakotas, southward to...
-Common Sow Thistle. Sonchus Oleraceus, L. Hare's Lettuce, Colewort, Milk Thistle
Introduced. Annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: June to September. Seed-time: July to October. Range: Throughout North America except the far North. Habitat: Fields, roadsides, was...
-Spiny-Leaved Sow Thistle
Sonchus dsper, Hill trate the skin. Stems one to six feet high, smooth, angled, branching, full of milky sap. Lower leaves sometimes pinnatifid but usually undivided and spatulate, tapering to margine...
-Prickly Lettuce. Lactuca Scariola, L. Var. Integrata, Gren. & Godr. Compass Plant, Milk Thistle, English Thistle
Introduced. Annual and winter annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: July to October. Seed-time: August to November. Range: Massachusetts to Georgia and Tennessee, westward to the Missouri ...
-Wild Lettuce. Lactuca Canadensis, L. Wild Opium, Horseweed, Trumpet Milkweed
Native. Annual and winter annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: June to October. Seed-time: July to November. Range: Nova Scotia to the Northwest Territory, southward to Georgia, Alabama, Louisi...
-Arrow-Leaved Wild Lettuce. Lactuca sagittifolia, Ellis. Devil's Ironweed, Horseweed
Native. Biennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: July to September. Seed-time: August to November. Range: New Brunswick and Ontario to Georgia, westward to the Rocky Mountains. Habitat: ...
-Blue Lettuce. Lactuca Pulchella; Dc. Showy Lettuce, Large-flowered Blue Lettuce
Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds and by rootstocks. Time of bloom: June to August. Seed-time: July to September. Range: Western Ontario to the Northwest Territory and British Columbia, southward...
-Hairy-Veined Blue Lettuce. Lactuca Villosa, Jacq
Native. Biennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: July to September. Seed-time: August to October. Range: New York to Illinois and Nebraska, southward to Georgia, Florida, and Kentucky. H...
-Tall Blue Lettuce. Lactuca Spicata, Hitchc
Native. Biennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: July to October. Seed-time: August to November. Range: Newfoundland to Manitoba, southward to the Carolinas, Tennessee, and Iowa. Habitat...
-Rush-Like Lygodesmia. Lygodesmia Juncea, D. Don
Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: June to August. Seed-time: July to September. Range: Wisconsin to the Plains of the Saskatchewan, southward to Missouri and New Mexico. Hab...
-False Dandelion
Pyrrhopappus carolinianus, DC. (Sitilias caroliniana, Raf.) Native. Annual or biennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: April to July. Seed-time: May to August. Range: Delaware to Miss...
-Smooth Hawksbeard
Crepis capillaris, Wallr. (Crepis virens, L.) Introduced. Annual or biennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: July to September. Seed-time: August to October. Range: Atlantic States fr...
-Narrow-Leaved Hawksbeard. Crepis Tectorum, L
Introduced. Annual. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: June to August. Seed-time: July to September. Range: New York and New Jersey, westward to Ontario, Michigan, and Nebraska. Habitat: Fie...
-Rough Hawksbeard. Crepis Biennis, L
Introduced. Biennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: June to August. Seed-time: July to September. Range: New England to Pennsylvania, westward to Michigan. Habitat: Fields and waste ...
-Smooth White Lettuce
Prenanthes racemose, Michx. (Nabalus racemosus, DC.) Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: August to September. Seed-time: September to October. Range: New Brunswick to th...
-Rough White Lettuce
Prenanthes aspera, Michx. (Nabalus asper, T. & G.) Native. Perennial. Propagates by seed. Time of bloom: August to September. Seed-time: September to October. Range: Ohio to South Dakota, ...
-Gall-Of-The-Earth. Prenanthes serpentaria, Pursh (Nabalus serpentarius, Hook). Rattlesnake Root, Lion's Foot, Snake Gentian, Drop Flower, Cankerweed
Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: August to October. Seed-time: September to November. Range: Ontario, New York, and Massachusetts, southward to Florida and Alabama. H...
-Mouse-Ear Hawkweed. Hieracium Pilosella, L. Felon Herb, Mouse Bloodwort, Ling Gowans
Introduced. Perennial. Propagates by seeds and by stolons. Time of bloom: June to September. Seed-time: July to October. Range: Ontario to Michigan, New York, Pennsylvania, and Ohio. Habit...
-Orange Hawkweed Hieracium Aurantiacum, L. Devil's Paintbrush, Devil's Weed, Grim the Collier, Red Daisy
Introduced. Perennial. Propagates by seeds and by stolons. Time of bloom: Early June to September. Seed-time: July to October. Range: Eastern provinces of Canada, New England, and Middle Atlantic Stat...
-Field Hawkweed. Hieracium Pratense, Tausch. King Devil, Yellow Devil
Introduced. Perennial. Propagates by seeds and by stolons. Time of bloom: June to August. Seed-time: July to September. Range: Eastern Quebec to southern New York. Habitat: Fields, meadows...
-Hairy Hawkweed. Hieracium Gronovii, L
Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: July to September. Seed-time: August to October. Range: Massachusetts to Ontario, Illinois, and Kansas, southward to Georgia and Louisiana. Habit...
Bailey, L. H. Cyclopedia of American Agriculture. Cyclopedia of American Horticulture. Farm and Garden Rule Book. Lessons with Plants. Manual of Gardening. Macmillan Co. Beal, W. J. Grasse...
-Scribner, F. Lamson
American Grasses. Department of Agriculture, Washington. Shaw, Thomas. Weeds and How to Eradicate Them. Webb Publishing Co., St. Paul. Small, John K. Flora of the Southeastern United State...
-List Of Plants Distinctly Poisonous Or Mechanically Harmful To Animal Life
Page Aster, Woody Xylorhiza Parryi 429 Barley, Wild Hordeum jubatum 64 ...
Abortive Defective or barren. Achene A small, dry, hard, one-celled, and one-seeded fruit, with tightly fitting and valveless covering. Acute Sharp-pointed. Alternate (leaves) Not...
-Macmillan Books On Kindred Subjects
The Rural Manuals. Edited By L. H. Bailey Manual of Fruit Insects By M. V. Slingerland and C. R. Crosby Illustrated. Decorated cloth, 12mo, $2.00 A practical account of the principal insects ...

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