Welsh, Clust yr arth, Olcheuraid or Golchwraidd. - French, Sanicle. - German, Sainckel. - Butch and Danish, Sanikel. - Polish, Zankiel. - Italian, Sanicola. - Spanish and Portuguese, Sauicula.


Pentandria, Digynia.




"He needs neither physician nor surgeon who hath bugle and sanicle,' says the old French proverb; and in accordance with the idea is the name borne by the plant in so many European languages, and which refers to its healing properties, being traceable to the Latin verb sano (sanare, to heal); because, as the old herbalist declares, the plant will "make hole and sound all inward wounds and outward hurts." In fact so very sanative is it, that even the herbalists who are most eloquent, or most verbose, in descanting on the virtues of their various potential herbs, scarcely do more than give the above generali-sation of this; just as - following the principle that, "good wine needs no bush" - it is not the greatest men whose names are most frequently blazoned forth by their contemporaries. We are, therefore, compelled - without sharing in the convinced spirit which renders these records short - to speak very briefly, so that perhaps:

"To lytyl schall I seyn I wys."*

When I declare that though formerly resorted to as a remedy in nearly all "the ills that flesh is heir to," it is now wholly disused in medicine; and that its only title to our consideration, is the prescrip-tive right of antiquity, like many another subject to which we might point.

The only British species is the wood-sanicle (S. Europaea), which is a common plant in woods and thickets, whose straggling umbels bear a small white blossom, while the finely-serrated leaves present a handsome appearance; not at all in accordance with the name Clust yr arth, or "Bear's-ear," given to it in Welsh.

* "English Medical manuscript." See above, p. 88.