Cup Pudding.

Make a batter as for waffles; to one pint of milk allow two eggs and enough flour to thicken, one teaspoonful baking powder, stirred in the flour. Butter a sufficient number of teacups and fill with this and fruits in layers. Set cups in a steamer, boil water underneath for one hour. Serve while hot with sugar and cream. Any jam or raw apples chopped fine is nice with this.

Lemon Pudding.

The juice and grated rind of one lemon, one cup sugar, yolks of two eggs, three tablespoonfuls corn starch,

a pinch of salt, one pint sweet milk; mix corn starch and part of milk to a smooth paste, add lemon and sugar, egg well beaten and the rest of the milk. Line a jelly tin with a rich puff paste one-fourth inch thick, pour custard in, and bake until done; beat whites to a stiff froth, with two tablespoonfuls of sugar, spread over the top, return to oven and brown; serve with whipped cream. This is a rich but not expensive pudding.

Brown Betty.

Chop two cups of tart apples; put a layer into a deep dish, buttered; sprinkle with sugar, and a little butter and cinnamon; cover with breadcrumbs, and add more apple. Continue till the dish is full, add a thick layer of crumbs, cover closely, and steam for nearly an hour in a slow oven. Then uncover and brown quickly. Eat warm with sweet sauce, or sugar and cream.