How To Bake Kugelhupf

1 lb. flour.

2 oz. Fleischmann's Yeast.

7 oz. butter.

4 oz. sugar.

7 eggs.

1/2 teaspoon salt.

3 oz. almonds.

1/2 lb. raisins.

1/2 lb. currants.

1/4 lb. chopped citron.

1 1/2 cups milk (2-3 pint).

Lemon flavor.

Set sponge with milk, which latter must be luke-warm, keeping the sponge rather soft, and allow to rest until it breaks.

The yeast is dissolved in the milk before adding the flour.

Meanwhile work the sugar and butter into a creamy consistency; when light add the yolks one by one. Mix the remaining flour with the fruit.

When sponge is ready add the mixture of the sugar, butter and yolks, mix very lightly, then add the whites of eggs previously beaten into a froth. Mix together half, then add fruit with flour and mix until smooth.

This should not be worked or beaten much, but the mixture should be lifted into each other, and as soon as smooth fill into kugelhupf moulds previously greased and dusted; the bottom of the moulds bestrewn with blanched and fine-sliced almonds.

Allow to rest until 2-3 over original size; then bake in moderate oven. When done turn out of moulds, allow to cool, then dust with powdered sugar or frost with white fondant flavored with lemon or vanilla.

How To Bake Babas

The same as for kugelhupf, but use 1 lb. raisins, 1 lb. currants, 1/2 lb. citron, 2 oz. orange peel and 4 ounces of chopped almonds. Give this cake very little proof and bake in very cool oven.

When baked allow to cool, then saturate with brandy syrup. This syrup is made in the following manner.

Boil 1 pt. water with 1 lb. sugar, skim off after boiling, then allow to cool to blood-heat, add 1 pt. of Jamaica rum or brandy and the juice of 2 lemons.