For hard and continuous wear, such as on the floors of kitchens, passages, and dining-rooms, on farms or for large families, linoleum makes a very satisfactory covering. A good quality of linoleum is about as durable as wood. Its pliability, elasticity, and quietness especially recommend it for rooms in which there is much walking or standing. Since it comes in wide lengths, a linoleum floor has practically no seams or joints to catch the dirt and can, therefore, be considered a very sanitary material. Battleship linoleum, plain brown in color, often tones in acceptably with woodwork and furniture. A few other good plain colors are procurable. For the kitchen, a modest inlaid or a granite pattern is by many considered more cleanly in appearance. A similar choice of pattern in light colors is also appropriate for bathrooms.

A good grade of linoleum is not cheap, but its lasting qualities repay the initial expense. Cheap grades are not in the long run a good investment.

A linoleum floor should be laid by the firm from whom it is purchased. The inconvenience attendant on the proper laying of a linoleum floor must be borne patiently, because it must be kept in the form of loose pieces until it has adjusted itself to the flatness of the floor, the temperature of the room, and the space which it is to fill.

Since the marks made by furniture show up badly on a new linoleum, the pressure of heavy pieces should be relieved by little blocks under the legs while the linoleum is new; but as the surface becomes harder through care and exposure, it will be found to stand better the necessary wear.