How To Stop The Flow Of Blood

Bind the cut with cobwebs and brown sugar, pressed on like lint. Or, if you cannot procure these, with the fine dust of tea. When the blood ceases to flow, apply laudanum.

How To Relieve Asthma

Soak blotting or tissue paper in strong saltpetre water. Dry, and burn at night in your bed-room. I know this to be an excellent prescription.

Antidotes To Poison

For any poison swallow instantly a glass of cold water with a heaping teaspoonful of common salt and one of ground mustard stirred in. This is a speedy emetic When it has acted, swallow the whites of two raw eggs.

If you have taken corrosive sublimate take half a dozen raw eggs besides the emetic. If laudanum, a cup of very strong coffee. If arsenic, first the emetic, then half a cup of sweet oil or melted lard.

Cologne Water. (Fine.) (No. 1.)

1 drachm oil lavender.

1 " " bergamot.

2 " " lemon.

2 " " rosemary. 50 drops tincture of musk. 8 " oil of cinnamon. 8 " " cloves. 1 pint of alcohol.

Cologne Water. (No. 2.)

60 drops oil of lavender. 60 " " bergamot.

60 " " lemon.

60 " orange-flower water. 1 pint of alcohol.

Cork and shake well.