124. - Cod Sounds. - Ragout

The sounds should not be much soaked, but thoroughly cleaned. Simmer them for a short time, broil them, having first floured them; when they are just tender, stew them in white gravy which has been well seasoned, add a little cream, a bit of butter, a spoonful of flour, give it a boil, flavor with nutmegs a small piece of lemon-peel, and a dash of pounded mace; serve.

125. - Slices Of Cod

Three slices make a small dish; put them in a baking-dish, cover them over with some good second stock, a little essence of anchovies; when done thicken the stock, and pass it through a tammy, pour it over your fish, season with cayenne pepper, and salt, and lemon juice; if for capers add them, if for maitre d'hotel, add cream and parsley chopped fine.

126. - Codfish Au Geatin

This is the best mode of using the re mains of a dressed codfish. Put some cold oyster-sauce at the bottom of a pie-dish, then a layer of the codfish (seasoned with pepper, salt, and an atom of nutmeg), with any of the liver and sound that remains; then repeat the layers of sauce and fish until the dish is full; cover it with bread-crumbs, sprinkle a little butter over, and bake for about half an hour.

127. - Cod Omelette

Break into small pieces the thickest parts of a dressed cod, season it with a little grated nutmeg and a little pounded mace, beat up six eggs well and mix with it, forming it into a paste, fry it as an omelette, and serve as hot as possible.

128. - Fish Cake

Take the meat from the bones of any kind of cold fish, which latter put with the head and fins into a stewpan with a pint of water, a little salt, pepper, an onion, and a fagot of sweet herbs to stew for gravy. Mince the meat, and mix it well with crumbs of bread and cold potatoes (equal parts), a little parsley and seasoning. Make into a cake, with the white of an egg, or a little butter or milk; egg it over and cover with breadcrumbs, then fry a little brown. Pour the gravy over, and stew gently fifteen minutes, stirring it carefully twice or thrice. Serve hot, and garnish with slices of lemon, or parsley.

129. - To Cook Sheepshead

Rub it with salt and lemon before putting it into the water. To every six quarts of water add one pound of salt Boil a twenty pound fish twenty minutes. Serve on a napkin; garnish with parsley, and eat it with shrimp or lobster sauce.

Fried Whiting.

Fried Whiting.

130. - Whiting And Gbatin

Skin the whitings, and turn their tails into their mouths; put them into a buttered sautepan, with a table-spoonful of chopped onions and four of brown sauce over each; sprinkle over them breadcrumbs and butter, and bake in a moderate oven half an hour. Dress them on a dish without a napkin. Put twelve table-spoonfuls more brown sauce into the pan. with a tea-spoonful of chopped mushrooms, one of chopped parsley, one of essence of anchovy; pepper, salt, and sugar a little; pour round the dish, and brown it with a salamander.