Have a convenient-sized basin, into which put half a pound of the best flour, making a hole in the middle; add half an ounce of yeast, one ounce of butter, a teaspoonful of powdered sugar, and half ditto of salt, over which pour three large wineglassfuls of lukewarm milk; mix the whole, by degrees, with your hand, (using a little more flour,) until forming a stififish paste; rub off the paste which adheres to your fingers, and form the whole into a ball, which leave at the bottom of the basin, covered over with a clean cloth, and set it half an hour to rise, in a warmish place, after which throw a little flour upon a dresser, cut the paste into pieces the size of eggs, mould them of a round, oval, or any other shape you may fancy, egg over with a paste-brush, and place them upon a baking-sheet, or upon the bottom of the oven if clean and not too hot; bake quickly.

Rolls are made with soda and cream of tartar; a teaspoonful of the first to two of the latter. Or, with sour cream and soda, instead of yeast.