Weigh the cherries before they are stoned, and allow to every pound of fruit a quarter of a pound of lump-sugar; when they are stoned set them over a slow fire to heat, then take them out of the liquor and put the sugar to them, and let them stand till it is dissolved. Then set them over the fire and let them just boil. Allow them to stand until they are quite cold, or, if convenient, for two or three days, in the syrup; afterwards strain them, and spread them on sieves to dry, either on a stove or in the sun, or in an oven after the bread is drawn.

The same syrup will do again for more fruit.

How To Dry Without Sugar

Stone, and set them over the fire in the preserving-pan; let them simmer in their own liquor, and shake them in the pan. Put them in china common dishes; next day give them another scald, and put them when cold on sieves to dry in an oven of temperate heat. Twice heating, an hour each time, will do them.

Put them in a box, with a paper between each layer.