Chemistry and its Relations to Daily Life


Professors of Chemistry in the University of Wisconsin

Cloth, 12mo, illustrated, 393 pages. List price, $1.25

If the contributions of chemical science to modern civilization were suddenly swept away, what a blank there would be ! If, on the other hand, every person were acquainted with the elements of chemistry and its bearing upon our daily life, what an uplift human efficiency would receive ! It is to further this latter end that this book has been prepared. Designed particularly for use by students of agriculture and home economics in secondary schools, its use will do much to increase the efficiency of the farm and the home. In the language of modern educational philosophy, it "functions in the life of the pupil."

Useful facts rather than mere theory have been emphasized, although the theory has not been neglected. The practical char-acter of the work is indicated by the following selected chapter headings :

II The Composition and Uses of Water.

IV. The Air, Nitrogen, Nitric Acid, and Ammonia.

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XIII. Leather, Silk, Wool, Cotton, and Rubber.

XV. Commercial Fertilizers.

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XX. Milk and Its Products.

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Practical Physics

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Cloth, 12mo, illustrated, 488 pages. List price, $1.25

"In preparing this book," say the authors in the Preface, "we have tried to select only those topics which are of vital interest to young people, whether or not they intend to continue the study of physics in a college course.

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"To understand any machine clearly, the student must have clearly in mind the fundamental principles involved. Therefore, although we have tried to begin each new topic, however short, with some concrete illustration familiar to young people, we have proceeded, as rapidly as seemed wise, to a deduction of the general principle. Then, to show how to make use of this principle, we have discussed other practical applications. We have tried to emphasize still further the value of principles, that is, generalizations, in science, by summarizing at the end of each chapter the principles discussed in that chapter. In these summaries we have aimed to make the phrasing brief and vivid so that it may be easily remembered and easily used."

The new and noteworthy features of the book are the admirable selection of familiar material used to develop and apply the principles of physical science, the exceptionally clear and forceful exposition, showing the hand of the master teacher, the practical, interesting, thought-provoking problems, and the superior illustrations.

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