The simplest carbohydrate is a sugar which cannot be broken up into other sugars. Such a simple sugar is called a monosaccharid. There are two common in foods, glucose and fructose; a third, galactose, is derived from more complex sugars. Two simple sugars united chemically make a double sugar or disaccharid; thus cane sugar or sucrose will yield glucose and fructose, while milk sugar or lactose will yield glucose and galactose, and maltose will yield two portions of glucose. These three disaccharids are the only common ones. Starches, dextrins, and cellulose or vegetable fiber are made of many simple glucose groups, and are hence called polysaccharids. All carbohydrates to be used by the body must be reduced to simple sugars. Glucose needs no digestion therefore, but the double sugars must be split by enzymes into two simple sugars in the intestinal juice, one for each kind, namely, sucrase (sucrose-splitting), maltase (maltose-splitting) and lactase (lactose-splitting). The digestion of starches and dextrins begins in the mouth, where amylase (starch-splitting) changes starch first to dextrin and finally to maltose, and maltase may change a little of the maltose so formed into glucose. In the stomach there are no enzymes acting on carbo-hydrates, but the digestion may continue under the influence of swallowed saliva for a time. In the pancreatic juice there is another amylase, which completes the splitting of starch to maltose, and then the intestinal maltase can reduce this to glucose, which will be absorbed. Cellulose cannot be digested and simply serves to add bulk to the diet.