Gullasch (Hungarian)

Take three big onions to three pounds of beef, which should be cut in squares and well salted. Cut the onions quite fine, and fry in a large shallow stew-pan in oil or butter. Put the beef in the pan with the onions and stew about two hours. Do not add water until all the liquid is absorbed. Stir often. About a half-hour before serving, add potatoes cut in small pieces, and stew soft. If more gravy is wanted, boil the potatoes separately and add only just before serving.

(This rule can be made smaller by using one onion to one pound of beef.)

Mexican Stuffed Peppers (1)

Cut large green peppers in halves, take out the seeds, and soak the peppers in salt and water for half an hour. Drain and stuff with a mixture made of tomatoes, bread crumbs, and seasoning to suit; tie the two parts together and boil for half an hour. The peppers may also be stuffed with any chopped meat, or one can vary the stuffing to suit the individual tastes.

Mexican Stuffed Peppers (2)

Cut the tops from green peppers and remove the insides; pour over them sufficient boiling water to cover; stand till the water is cool, then drain and wipe dry. Fill the peppers with well-seasoned cold meat, or a mixture of one cup of cold beef cut in cubes and two small bananas, four ounces of raisins, four ounces of almonds; or with sardines prepared by first removing the skin and bones, then adding a cup of bread crumbs, some grated cheese moistened to suit with tomato juice. Stand in a deep baking-dish, pour over them a cup of tomato soup, or one cup of hot water containing two tablespoonfuls of butter. Bake in a good oven till peppers are tender.

Sholah Pullow (East Indian)

Kid or mutton, and rice, each, one seer; ghee, two thirds of a seer; onions, pallak greens, one quarter of a seer; turnips, beet roots, one third of a seer; moongha, mussur kadhall, chunnah pad-hall, one third of a seer each; cinnamon, four mashas; cloves, cardamon, two mashas each; black pepper, one masha; coriander seed, one tolah; green ginger, two tolahs; salt, three tolahs; garlic, one tolah.

Sholah pullow (as adapted to the chafing-dish). Have already cooked one cup of rice, one cup of diced mutton, beets and turnips sliced thin or diced; add spinach if desired in place of pallak greens. (It is just as good if only the beet is used.) Fry the onions brown in the chafing-dish, using oil or butter in place of ghee. When browned ready, add diced mutton, rice, vegetables, spices to taste, and all the seeds you can get.

Swiss Eggs

Butter well a deep pie-plate, line with thin slices of cheese, pour over this half a cup of cream, seasoned with a little cayenne, break in as many eggs as the plate will hold, keeping the yolk perfect, pour half a cup of seasoned cream over this, and bake from ten to fifteen minutes.

Omelet (Spanish)

Make a plain omelet, allowing one egg to each person and one tablespoonful of water or milk to each egg. When done, fold in the following mixture of vegetables previously prepared: Cut fine and cook together in one rounded tablespoonful of butter, one onion, a tomato, a small green pepper, and a few mushrooms. (The Spanish also serve a plain omelet with tomato sauce.)