Dinner For Eight People


Hare Soup. Cod's Head and Shoulders. Oyster Sauce.

Side Dishes Handed, Principal Dishes.

Oyster Patties. Saddle of Mutton.

Cotelettes a la Maintenon. Boiled Turkey.

Vegetables - Potatoes, mashed. Seakale stewed white.

Second Course

As handed.

Brace of Partridges. Cabinet Pudding. Jaune Mange, Punch Jelly. Cheese Fondu.

Of this dinner the soup may be made the day previously; also the oyster patties, jaune mange, and Punch jelly. The remaining six dishes would be within the compass of a moderate cook's powers; while cheerful conversation, ease, and comfort in partaking of the dinner will render it quite as possible that it may be a success, as far more pretentious entertainments.

The housekeeper must take care that the cutlets, which are generally (in London) sent trimmed and ready from the butcher, are not kept long cut apart. A very clever and experienced lady has told us that this makes the difference between dried up and mellow tasting cutlets. The joint should hang till the cutlets are required. If sent cut from the butcher's they should not be quite disjointed, and should be put up close together and so tied till required. A chop, cutlet, or steak left all night before it is dressed loses great part of its juices by evaporation.

Second Dinner For Eight Persons, March

Clear Gravy Soup, or Mock Turtle. Brill.

Side Dishes Handed

Sweetbreads. Veal Olives.

Principal Dishes

Calfs Head, Tongue, and Brains. Sirloin of Beef.

Vegetables - Potato Balls. Brocoli.

Second Course

Guinea Fowl. Ratafia Pudding. Cream. Jelly.

Third Dinner. June

Green Pea Soup. Salmon.

Side Dishes Handed

Mousse de Volaille. Lobster Patties.

Principal Dishes

Fore-quarter of Lamb. Boiled Chickens and Tongue.

Vegetables - Young Potatoes. Green Peas.

Second Course

Stewed Pigeons. Gooseberry Tart and Clotted Cream or Custard.

Strawberry Cream. Iced Pudding.

Fourth Dinner. October

Oxtail Soup. Stewed Eels. Side Dishes Handed. Curried Chicken. Kromeskies.

Principal Dishes

Saddle of Mutton. Roast Goose.

Vegetables - Potatoes and French Beans.

Second Course

Pheasant. Maizena Pudding. Charlotte Russe. Apricot Tart.

More Expensive Dinners, January

Turtle Soup. Clear Gravy Soup.

Cod's Head and Shoulders. Cutlets of Sole.

Side Dishes Handed

Tendons de Veau. Stewed Pigeons. Rissoles.

Fillets of Duck.

Principal Dishes

Saddle of Mutton. Roast Turkey.

Vegetables - Potatoes. Seakale. Brocoli.

Second Course

Partridges. Grouse.

Queen Mab Pudding. Louis Philippe's Pudding.

Lemon Cream. Claret Jelly.

Cheese Fondu. Souffle.


White Soup. Green Pea Soup.

Salmon. Sole Normande.

Side Dishes Handed

Lobster Patties Savoury Vols-au-Vent.

Stewed Sweetbreads. Kidneys Saute au Vin.

Principal Dishes

Lamb stewed in Green Peas. Fricandeau of Veal.

Vegetables - Potatoes. Green Peas. Asparagus.

Second Course

Ducklings and Green Peas. Iced Venice Pudding.

Ratifia Pudding. Orange Jelly. Chocolate Cream.