The Conic hand is slightly tapering in shape, fingers full at the base, slightly pointed towards the tips. Often called the Hand of Impulse. Generous and sympathetic, fairly quick-tempered, are its possessors. Much influenced by their surroundings; artistic, but often not possessing enough patience to carry out their ideas. Their judgments are greatly made by intuition and instinct.

Fig. 4    'he Philosophic Hand. This is the hand common among Orientals, among people ever seeking wisdom, and who delight in the mysterious and in studying mankind.

Fig. 4- - 'he Philosophic Hand. This is the hand common among Orientals, among people ever seeking wisdom, and who delight in the mysterious and in studying mankind.

fig. 5.--The Conic Hand. This, sometimes called the Hand of Impulse, betokens a generous, artistic, sympathetic nature, and belongs to the person whose judgments are made by intuition and instinct.

The Poetic Hand

The Poetic Hand

The Psychic type is very rarely found pure. The shape is long and slender, the palm tapering, the fingers the same, with pointed tips. It represents a beautiful type, but is the most unpractical and unbusinesslike of all. It gives inspiration, much imagination, and beautiful ideas, also extreme sensi-tivene ss. Very impressionable, and fond of all beautiful things in life, easily affected by joy and grief, such types are almost invariably crushed by the practical types; for since they seldom accomplish anything, there seems little room for them in life.

The Versatile Hand

The Mixed type partakes of two or more of the former types; the palm itself may be of the square order, and one or more of the fingers square, conic, spatulate, or even pointed. It is the most versatile of them all, and can do something of everything; but, as a rule, does not accomplish much, unless its owners have the determination to take up one particular thing and stick to it. These people can adapt themselves to any circumstances, and are much liked as companions.

Fig. 6.   The Psychic Hand. This type of hand is rarely found pure. It is possessed by people who are essentially unpractical and unbusinesslike.

Fig. 6. - The Psychic Hand. This type of hand is rarely found pure. It is possessed by people who are essentially unpractical and unbusinesslike.

Fig. 7.   The Mixed Type. This is the most versatile of hands; its possessor is, as a rule, a  Jack of all trades, and a master of none,  and is much liked as a companion.

Fig. 7. - The Mixed Type. This is the most versatile of hands; its possessor is, as a rule, a "Jack of all trades, and a master of none," and is much liked as a companion.