There are not many actresses who, apart from journeys incidental to the business of touring, have travelled so far as Miss Decima Moore. Accompanying her husband, Major F. G Guggisberg, Director of Surveys on the Gold Coast, to West' Africa in 1905, she penetrated many miles inland where no white woman had ever been seen before. Miss Moore, who is one of a family of clever sisters, one of whom is Miss Eva Moore (Mrs. Esmond), was born at Brighton in 1871, and, after winning a scholarship for singing, made her debut in " The Gondoliers," at the Savoy in 1889. Since then she has appeared in many plays, touring all through Australia and America, and, in addition, has achieved much success as a concert singer at the Albert Hall, St. James's Hall, etc. Miss Moore is a sport-loving actress. " Just to be out in the open air, that's my especial hobby," she says. She is passionately fond of riding, driving, and golf, and is a prominent member of the Ladies' Army and Navy Club.

Miss Decima Moore Bassano

Miss Decima Moore Bassano