Vienna Bread - How to Shape a Twist or Plait - Horseshoes and Crescents - Brioches - Baking.

Powder Bread

The making of " Standard " bread will present no difficulty to the cook who has mastered the directions for breadmaking given on page 3534, vol. 5, Every Woman's Encyclopedia, as the process is exactly as therein described.

The success and value of a Standard loaf depend upon the flour used. This should be unadulterated, ground from good, well-cleaned wheat, in which the germ and inner layer of bran are preserved, and not refined away by bleaching processes.

When baked the resulting loaf should be of an appetising, deep creamy tint, with a sweet nutty flavour, and of a fine, light texture.

The advantages and benefits derived from eating bread made from pure, unadulterated flour were fully discussed in Every Woman's Encyclopaedia, Vol. 3, page 1976.

Fancy Bread

Though it would not be desirable or wholesome to live entirely on fancy breads, yet at times a change of bread is really good and is always greatly appreciated.

The dainty, shiny rolls and twists to be seen in bakers' windows are by no means difficult to make at home, and amply repay any trouble they may entail.