The lady who holds the enviable position of being the wife of, perhaps, the wealthiest man in England was Miss Van Raalte prior to her marriage, in February, 1912. Lord de Walden's income is estimated at £300,000 a year, and his wife herself is very wealthy, being a daughter of the late Charles Van Raalte, J.p., a wealthy stockbroker, who inherited a large fortune from his father.

Lady de Walden Foulsham & Banfield

Lady de Walden Foulsham & Banfield

Miss Van Raalte - who was a debutante in 1909, when nineteen years of age - had known Lord de Walden for some considerable time before her marriage. The marriage was extremely popular with the people at Brownsea and Poole, where both Lord de Walden and the Van Raaltes are highly esteemed. Lady de Walden is also a general favourite in London society. She has a very fine voice, which has been most carefully trained by M. Jean de Reszke, who thinks highly of his pupil. Lady de Walden is "Margot" among her friends, and is a great devotee of outdoor life.