Nutmeatose Salad No. 1

To each half pound of nutmeatose, cut in small slices, add a dressing made of 1/2 cup of nut cream, 1/2 cup of slightly diluted lemon-juice, 1 egg, 1 teaspoonful of sugar, and 1/2 tea-spoonful of salt. Beat the whites and yolks separately, then mix them. Pour slowly over them the heated mixture of sugar, salt, and lemon-juice, stirring rapidly all the time. Add lastly the cream, and heat until it thickens.

Nutmeatose Salad No. 2

Take good firm nutmeatose, cut it in small slices, and cook in a double boiler for an hour or more, then drain off the liquid, and pour the nutmeatose into the salad dish.

Make a dressing by rubbing smooth the yolks of 4 hard-boiled eggs, with 1 teaspoonful of peanut oil or any oil desired, 1 teaspoonful of salt, and the juice of 1 lemon, diluted with enough water to make 1 cupful. It is best to mince some celery very fine, and distribute among the pieces of nutmeatose without breaking the nutmeatose. Then pour over it the dressing. The liquid in which the nutmeatose was cooked can be used instead of water if desired.