No. 1.

4 quarts peaches or pears 2 pounds white sugar 2 cups vinegar

1/2 ounce stick cinnamon 1/4 ounce whole cloves

Dip the peaches quickly in hot water and remove the skins. Remove skins from the pears by paring. Boil the sugar, the vinegar, and the cinnamon for twenty minutes. Place a few of the peaches at a time in the sirup, and cook them until they are tender. Pack them into clean jars, placing a few cloves in each jar. Adjust the rubbers, and fill each jar to overflowing with the hot sirup. Adjust the covers, and seal the jars immediately.

No. 2.

1/2 peck peaches or pears 2 pounds brown sugar Cloves

1 pint vinegar

1 ounce stick cinnamon

Select large, firm peaches or pears and prepare as in preceding recipe. Make a sirup by boiling the brown sugar, vinegar and cinnamon together for five minutes. Stick two cloves in each fruit, put them into the sirup and cook until soft. This sirup is sufficient for a half peck of fruit, but it is better to put only half this quantity into the sirup at a time.