Cut the fish across in sufficiently thick slices to part each joint of the spinal bone; cook them in boiling, salted water, to which has been added branches of parsley, shred onions, and vinegar; when the fish is done, dram, and remove the bones and skin, and lay the slices on a buttered dish, cover over with veloute sauce (No. 415) containing cooked fine herbs (No.385); besprinkle with bread-crumbs, and grated parmesan, and brown the surface nicely in the oven. Serve a veloute sauce separately having it well buttered.

(1165). Haddock, Holland Style (Aiglefin A La Mode De Hollande)

Cut slices from a haddock of a sufficient thickness to strike each joint of the spinal bone; put these into a glazed vessel for twenty-four hours with some fine salt; two hours before serving lay them in a fish kettle and pour over boiling water; keep it on the side of the range at a boiling degree until thoroughly cooked; dress, and garnish around with branches of parsley, and boiled potatoes; serve separately some melted butter.

(1166). Finnan Haddies, Broiled Maitre D'Hotel And Baked With Cream (Aiglefin Fume Grille, Maitre D'Hotel Et A La Create An Gratin)

Finnan baddies is haddock slightly salted and smoked; brush it over with oil; broil on a slow fire; dress and pour over a maitre d'hotel butter (No. 581).

Baked With Cream

Put in a saucepan a little cream to which add a piece of butter kneaded with a little feeula, add a bay leaf, some thyme, basil, mignonette and pepper. Boil, add the haddock and let cook, when done, strain the sauce, add chopped parsley and shredded chives, put the finnan baddies in a buttered dish, cover with the sauce, bestrew with bread-crumbs, sprinkle with butter and bake; serve as soon as it is a fine color.