Take three fine well covered breasts of mutton; remove with a blow of the knife the bone part covering the tendons, tie up the breasts and put them into a baking tin, having the bottom covered with slices of fat pork, carrots, onions and a bunch of garnished parsley; moisten with sufficient stock (No. 194a) to allow them to swim, bring to a boil on the top of the fire, skim, then place in the oven to cook for two hours and a half, turning the meats over during the time. When the bones can be easily detached drain off the breasts and suppress all the rib bones leaving the tendons on; lay the meats under a weight or in the press ( No. 71) to reduce them to half an inch in thickness, and when cold pare off the skin without touching the fat; trim them into half hearts, dip in melted butter and stick a piece of the bone in the pointed end; broil over a slow fire to a fine color, then dress, glaze and pour a clear gravy (No. 404) over; garnish each bone end with a frill (No. 10).

(1586). Breast Of Mutton Stuffed - Tomato Andalouse Sauce (Poitrine De Mouton Farcie Sauce Toniate A L'Andalouse)

Remove the bony part of a breast of mutton over the tendons open on the straight edge in such a way as to form a pocket and fill this with some of the following stuffing; sew it up and braise the meat in a mirepoix stock (No. 419); when cooked dress glaze and cover with part of the stock reduced to the consistency of half-glaze; serve a tomato Andalouse sauce (No. 550) separately.

For The Stuffing

Chop up finely half a pound of lean, sinewless pork with half a pound of bacon, add to it half a pound of soaked and well pressed bread-crumbs. Season with salt, pepper, nutmeg, chopped onion and a bit of garlic, both of these lightly fried in butter and finish with chopped parsley and two whole eggs.

(1587). Breast, Tendon And Shoulder Of Mutton, Navarin (Poitrine, Tendon Et Epaule De Mouton Navarin)

Cut into half inch pieces one pound of breast, one pound of tendon and one pound of shoulder of mutton. Lay these meats in a vessel, season them with salt, pepper, two cloves, nutmeg, thyme, bay leaf and a bunch of parsley containing a clove of garlic; pour on a quarter of a bottleful of Madeira wine and let marinate for six hours, then drain off the meats, wipe dry and fry them with chopped up fat pork and half a pound of three-quarter inch dice pieces of blanched lean bacon; add to this the Madeira and aromatics with some brown sauce (No.414) and let cook on a moderate fire while skimming off the fat thoroughly. In the meantime prepare some turnips cut out with a one-inch vegetable spoon, fry them in lard and when they begin to brown, sprinkle over some powdered sugar and after they are of a fine color, remove with a skimmer, place in a saucepan and finish cooking in a little of the brown sauce taken from the stew, and wetting with some stock (No. 194a). Dress the stew, range the turnips around and pour over the gravy from both the meat and turnips reduced together with half a pint of white wine and strained through a tammy (No. 159).

(1588). Haricot Of Breast Of Mutton With Turnips (Haricot De Mouton Aux Navets)

Have three pounds of breast of mutton cut up into two inches pieces; fry them in six ounce of butter letting them get a fine color, then drain them through a colander; trim and cut the bones. pare square, add one ounce of flour to the butter and when slightly browned, moisten with the three pints of broth, (No. 194a) boil, skim off the fat and strain through a tammy. Set all this into a clean saucepan and add to it the well-pared pieces of meat, add two carrots, two onions, one with three cloves in it, a bunch of parsley garnished with bay leaf, thyme and a clove of garlic, salt and pepper; let boil until the meat is well cooked and the sauce properly reduced. Pare two pounds of turnips the same shape as pigeon's eggs, fry them in butter and as they first begin to brown, sprinkle over with powdered sugar, and when they have attained a very fine color, put them into the stew removing the fat pieces an hour before serving allowing them all to cook together After the meat is done, which can easily be perceived if the bones detach easily, remove the carrots, onions and parsley, then dress the meat and garnish with the turnips; strain the sauce and pour it over; in case the sauce be too thin reduce it until it acquires proper consistency.