To be able to carve a turkey at table it requires a certain amount of self-possession, for they are frequently very fat. and. therefore, more difficult to manipulate than a pullet. Unless it cannot be avoided, the legs of a roast turkey should not be detached, serving only the breast part: this is done in two distinct ways: the first consists of cutting the breast pieces in crosswise slices slightly on the bias as shown in the figure; the second by cutting the fillets lengthwise from the breasts without having any upper breast part; in either case it is proper before beginning to detach the wings from both sides with a part of the breast adhering. When the thighs are wanted, detach them one after the other; clip off the drum sticks at the knee joint and then divide the second joint meats in pieces, leaving the drum stick whole. The gravy that is to be served with a roast turkey should always be in a separate sauceboat.

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Fig. 38.