(3319). Nougat Of Apricots (Nougat D'Abricots)

Make a band of brioche paste (No. 130) an eighth of an inch thick and three inches wide; raise up the edges to form a border, fill this entirely with consistent apricot marmalade (No. 3675) and bake in a moderate oven; after it is done cover the top with a layer of shredded almonds mixed with white of egg and sugar and return it to the oven to color the almonds; as soon as finished take it out and cut the cake across in inch pieces, laying them aside on a wire grate to cool.

(3320). Palms (Palrniers)

Have Some Puff Paste Made To Four Turns (No 146); give it four more, dredging each one with sugar; at the very last one roll out the paste to obtain a six-inch wide baud and fold this into four on its length, making it join on to the first two that were folded, the two lateral ends being in the center, and then another fold doubling up the band. Cut this into transversal slices a quarter of an inch thick and range them on a baking sheet an inch and a half apart, laying them down fiat; sift powdered sugar over and bake in a medium oven; as soon as done detach from the sheet.

(3321). Parisian Cakes (Gateaux Parisiens)

Lay a band of puff paste parings (No. 146) three and a half inches wide by twelve inches long on a baking sheet; on the edges place small narrow bands of the same or else twist the edge to form a border; fill it with vanilla pastry cream (No. 46); prick the bottom and push into a hot oven. As soon as done remove the band and allow to cool. Then cover with a preparation made of very lightly beaten royal icing (No 101) into which shredded almonds have been mixed; dredge over with sugar; cut into crosswise slices an Inch and a quarter in size; place these on a baking sheet, then in the oven to color; remove and stand on a wire grate to get perfectly cold.

(3322). Rice Cakes (Gateaux Au Riz)

Line a few oval-shaped timbale molds, the size of the mold shown in No. 1, Fig. 137. with puff paste parings (No. 146); cover the bottoms with apricot marmalade (No. 3675) and fill up with a mellow rice cooked with cream (No. 160) and flavored with vanilla, finishing it with a few egg-yolks; on each place a little butter; push the cakes into the oven, and when done unmold and mask them over with a layer of apricot marmalade, or powder with icing-sugar.

(3323). Rouen Mirlitons (Mirlitons De Rouen)

Beat well together three eggs, two ounces of sugar, a gill of orange flower water and three gills of cream; strain the whole through a colander. Pour it into tartlet molds lined with puff paste parings (No. 146), dredge with sugar and push carefully into a hot oven to bake.

(3324). Small Savarins (Petits Savarins)

Butter some Savarin molds, dredge shredded almonds on the bottom and fill half full with Savarin paste (No. 148); let rise in a mild temperature until the molds are full, then place them in a brisk oven to bake; unmold as soon as removed and dip them in a syrup made as follows-Into five gills of thirty-two degree cold syrup, add one gill of kirseh, half a gill of maraschino, half a gill of noyau and half a gill of Curacoa; warm this syrup and then dip in the cakes. When they are well soaked place on a wire g'rate to drain.

(3325). Cakes Stuffed With Apricot (Gateaux Fourreas A L'Abricot)

Roll out some putt' paste parings (No. 146) to an eighth of an inch in thickness; cut it into rounds with a channeled pastry cutter (Fig. 16) two and a quarter inches in diameter. Place half these rounds on a moistened baking sheet, till the centers with well-reduced apricot marmalade (No. 3675), wet over the borders and cover with the remaining rounds, fastening them together; egg over twice, mark a rosette on top and push into a brisk oven to bake. When the cakes are almost done sift powdered sugar over and finish cooking, allowing the sugar to melt well.