Sago Jelly

One cup sago, 1 quart water or milk, rind of lemon, nutmeg. Wash the sago well, and soak for 3 hours; boil in the same water or milk until transparent.

Tapioca Jelly

Wash a cup of tapioca through several waters, soak all night, and boil until transparent; add sugar and lemon-iuice while boiling, and put away to cool when done.

Indian Meal Gruel

Mix half a cup of Indian meal with a very little water, stir until perfectly smooth; to 3 cups of boiling water, salted, add the meal, stirring it in slowly; let it boil 1/2 hour; it can be retained on the stomach when almost everything else is rejected.

Boiled Flour Gruel

Tie a cup of flour in a cotton cloth and boil three hours. Then take it out and when cold remove the soft outside part and grate the inner part when wanted for use. Thicken milk with it as for common porridge, and season with sugar and salt. It is a most excellent and agreeable food for teething children with tendency to bowel complaint. And it is equally good for invalids.

Milk Porridge

Half pint milk and 1/2 pint water; heat to boiling and stir in 1 teaspoon flour mixed with 1 tablespoon cold water. Let cook 5 minutes. Salt slightly. In cases of diarrhea, season with pepper and nutmeg.

Milk Porridge

Mix 1/2 cup flour with 1 cup water to a smooth paste. Add to it 1 pint boiling milk. Let cook about 10 minutes in a double boiler. Salt and flavor as liked.

Beef Tea

One pound lean beef, cut very small, put into a wide-mouthed bottle, corked closely; set the bottle into a kettle of water, and keep it boiling for 2 hours; strain the liquid and season. Chicken can be used the same way.

Mrs. Garfield's Beef Extract

One pound lean beef cut fine, put into I pint cold water; add 6 drops muriatic acid. Mix thoroughly, let stand 1 hour, strain and press until all the liquid is extracted.

Raw Beef - Very Nutritious

Chop lean fresh beef very fine. Season with pepper and salt, and spread on slices of buttered bread, either white or Graham.

Chicken Broth

Boil the first and second joints in a quart of water till tender. Season lightly with salt and pepper.

Dried Beef Broth

Slice dried beef very thin and cover with boiling water. Set back on the stove, closely covered, for 1/2 hour. Season with small lump of butter and pinch of pepper. Serve with crackers or bread cut in dice.

Mutton Broth

Boil 1 pound lean mutton or lamb in I quart unsalted water. When very tender, take out, strain the water; add a table-spoon rice previously soaked in a little warm water. Simmer 1/2 hour. Stir often, season to taste; add 4 tablespoons milk; simmer again, and serve hot with cream crackers.

Cream Soup

To 1/2 cup good cream add 2 cups boiling water. Serve with bits of toast, and salt lightly.

Cracker Relish

Put 1 quart milk in a saucepan on the stove. When it comes to a boil, season with butter, salt, and pepper, and drop into it 1/2 pound, or less, of oyster crackers, or broken crackers. Let stand half a minute, take right up and serve hot. Good for breakfast or tea - either for well or sick.

Cracker And Egg

Mrs. J. R. Jackson.

Pour enough boiling water on 3 soda crackers to saturate them; add 1 teaspoon butter, a pinch of pepper and salt. To this add 2 soft-boiled eggs, and serve hot.

Egg And Sponge Cake

Boil a cup of new milk. Beat the white of an egg to a stiff froth, and scald in the milk; then stir the beaten yolk with 1 tablespoon sugar. Let boil up and pour it over a slice of sponge cake, after flavoring with 1/2 teaspoon of any essence liked.


Take thin pieces of light bread, or a couple of crackers, in a bowl. Put in a small lump of butter, grate some nutmeg, or use cinnamon, if preferred. Pour over boiling water. Sweeten to taste. Add spirits, if required.

Cider Panada

Pour 1/2 cup water over a slice of nice toast. Sprinkle lightly with nutmeg and sugar. Then add 4 tablespoons cider. Wine may be used, if preferred.

For Weak Stomachs

Take corn and roast it the same as coffee. Grind it in a coffee-mill and make into a mush, gruel, or thin cakes - baked - and give either warm or cold with whatever seasoning the stomach will bear. Boiled in milk, it is excellent for summer complaints.

Tomato Custard

Mrs. J. R. Jackson.

Strain 1 pint stewed tomatoes through a sieve; add 4 beaten eggs, 1 pint new milk, 1 cup sugar, 1 tablespoon flour. Bake in small tins.

Dried Flour For Teething Infants

Tie 1 cup flour in a piece of muslin; put into cold water and boil 3 hours. Turn out and dry in the sun, or in a moderate oven. Grate a tablespoon to a cup of boiling milk and water, half and half. Make the flour smooth with a little cold milk before stirring in. Salt a little.