Chocolate Sauce (For Ice Cream and Puddings)

2 ounces bitter chocolate 2 cups sugar 1 quart water

2 tablespoons cornstarch 2 teaspoons vanilla 1/4 teaspoon parafin

Make a syrup of the sugar and water. Add the chocolate, parafin and the cornstarch which has been dissolved in a little cold water. Cook three minutes. Add vanilla, cool and keep in a jar in the icebox for use over ice cream and over certain puddings.

Frosted Chocolate

Make sufficient quantity of hot chocolate for needs. Cool and chill in icebox. Serve in tall glasses with plenty of cracked ice.

Frosted Cocoa

Same as for frosted chocolate.

Frosted Russian Chocolate

2 cups strong boiling black

coffee 2 ounces chocolate 1/2 cup sugar

2 cups scalded milk 1 tablespoon cornstarch Cinnamon Nutmeg grated

Dissolve cornstarch in coffee and cook in double boiler with coffee, chocolate, spices and sugar. Then add the milk to this thickened liquid. Stir well and boil for one quarter hour. Serve chilled with some cracked ice in tall glasses.

Maple Float

2/3 cup milk

2 tablespoons maple syrup

1 egg yolk Whipped cream

Beat egg yolk. Add syrup and milk and beat or shake. Pour into glass; add whipped cream. Serve with sweet wafers. Especially liked by children; a wholesome, nourishing drink.

Iced Tea

Pour strained fresh made strong tea into glasses one-half full of ice cubes. Sweeten to taste and decorate with one slice of lemon. The quicker the chilling, the better the flavor.

Iced Coffee

Strain boiled coffee, add sugar to taste, chill and add cream. Serve in tall glasses with ice.


1   lemon

2  cups water

4 tablespoons sugar

Squeeze out juice of one lemon. Dissolve sugar in lemon juice and then add water. Serve with ice cubes and decorate with one slice lemon and sprig of mint.


Same as for lemonade.


Juice of three fresh limes Cold water

2 tablespoons sugar Sprig of mint

Place all ingredients in tall glass of cracked ice.

Mint Squash

Four sprigs of mint Juice of one lemon

1 tablespoon powdered sugar Ginger ale

Bruise all but tip of one sprig of mint in a glass. Add strips of lemon rind, juice of the lemon, sugar and chill. When ready to serve, fill glasses with ice cubes, pour over ginger ale and serve with sprig of mint on top of ice.

Black Cow

Place four tablespoons of vanilla ice cream in a tall glass; pour over strong root beer and serve.

Cider Punch

1 quart cider

1   quart white grape juice

2  quarts water

Juice of two oranges Juice of two lemons 1 cup sugar

Grate part of orange and lemon rinds.

Dissolve sugar in fruit juices; pour in cider and add grated

rinds. Pour over lump of ice for use in a punch bowl.

Citrus Punch

Juice of 6 lemons Juice of 6 oranges 1/2 cup green maraschino

cherries 1/2 cup red maraschino


1 cup sugar

1   cup pineapple shredded

2  quarts charged water 2 cups water

Make a syrup of the sugar and water; boil for five minutes. Cool and when cold add the fruit and fruit juices. When perfectly cold pour in charged water and serve over ice.

Lemon Ice Punch

Place one quart of lemon ice (or orange ice) in a punch bowl. Stir in ginger ale. When made thick, may be used with a meat course; when thin, serve as a cold drink.