Green Apricot Preserve. An Old Constantia Recipe


100 green or unripe Apricots.

Their weight in Sugar.

Prick the fruit with a steel pin, lay them in a deep dish, sprinkle some salt over them (about a dessertspoonful), pour boiling water over them, cover with green vine-leaves (this keeps them green), lay a plate on the top; Now proceed to make the syrup, taking a cup of water to a cup of sugar. When it is boiled and clarified, take the apricots out of the salt water, wash them, and pour the boiling syrup over them. Leave for a night like this. The next day preserve by gently simmering till the fruit is nice and clear.

Ripe Apricot Preserve. Old Dutch Recipe

Apricots can only be preserved by pouring boiling syrup over them, for ten days, boiling the syrup every day; the syrup to be made of sugar, the same weight as the fruit. On the tenth day make a fresh thick syrup; put the apricots in a wide-mouthed jar, pour the thick boiling syrup over them, and cork well.

Apricots In Brandy Preserve


6 1b. of Ripe Apricots or Peaches.

2½ lb. Sugar (boiled to a thick syrup).

Wipe your fruit very clean, prick with a steel pin; pack the apricots or peaches in a jar. Take one tea-cup of thick syrup and one tea-cup of brandy, mix well, and pour over each layer of fruit as you put them in your jar; when filled, put a paper between the top of the jar and lid; set the jar in a saucepan of water, and let it heat to near boiling point, then remove the paper and lid, and when cold cork well. If the lid is one that screws on, no bladder is necessary. Apricots and the " Pavia " peaches are best done this way, and the yellow peach with Mrs. Cloete's recipe.