Goose's Giblets Stewed With Apples

After cleaning the giblets thoroughly, cut them up and put them in a stewpan with an onion stuck with three cloves, a small bunch of parsley and a little water; dust in salt and pepper and stew them gently; peel some apples, cut them in quarters and core; put them in a stewpan with a small quantity of water, a slice of lemon peel, brown sugar to taste, and cook them gently until soft, but without breaking; put one ounce of butter in a saucepan with a tablespoonful of flour, and stir it over the fire until brown; then mix in a small quantity of the cooking liquor of the giblets; strain the syrup off the apples, mix it in with the sauce and stir over the fire until thick and smooth. Take a tablespoonful of currants, wash them thoroughly and put them in boiling water until plump. Remove the onion and parsley from the giblets, pour the sauce in with them and color darkly with caramel. After draining them, mix the currants, and the quarters of apples in with the giblets and make all hot together.

Deviled Leg Of Goose

Remove all the water from a tablespoonful of fresh butter by beating it up with a little salt; add to it one saltspoonful each of dry mustard and white pepper, half a saltspoonful of dried salt and any kind of chutney, also a small quantity each of sugar and cayenne. Work these to a paste, spread it over the leg of a cold cooked goose so as to cover it, put it on a gridiron and broil both sides over a clear fire. Serve at once.

Stewed Goose Livers

Take six goose's livers, clean and wash them thoroughly, and put them in a stewpan with two or three shallots, a piece of parsnip, a small bunch of sweet herbs, with a few sprigs of parsley tied up in it, two or three cloves, salt and pepper to taste and about three-quarters of a pint of clear stock. Move the saucepan to the side of the fire when boiling and keep the contents simmering gently until the livers are tender. When cooked take the livers out of the saucepan, being very careful not to break them, and cut them into slices. Take some of their cooking liquor to make the sauce, strain it into a small stewpan, thicken it with a little flour kneaded with butter, and stir it over the fire until boiling; next put into it a few sliced mushrooms and the sliced livers and let the whole simmer gently at the side of the fire for a few minutes. Turn the livers and mushrooms with the sauce over them on to a hot dish, garnish with thin rolls of fried bacon and small croutons of bread fried brown in butter, and serve.

Pate Of Foies Gras

Select a good-sized goose's fat liver and remove the gall with care, put the liver into a pan of boiling water to set, taking care that it does not boil, then take it out and let it cool. Put two tablespoonfuls of finely-chopped onions into a sautepan with a little rasped bacon and fry, but without allowing it to color. Cut the liver into large squares, put it into the pan with the onions and add eight ounces of raw truffles cut up into smaller squares or dice; sprinkle over a little salt and add a few spices to season. Place the pan over the fire for eight minutes or so, tossing it now and then, then take it from the fire and let the contents cool. Chop fine half a pound each of lean veal and fat bacon, mix in with them two or three tablespoonfuls of breadcrumbs soaked in milk and squeezed thoroughly dry, mince it up a little more and season with salt and pepper. Place this mince in a basin, add some trimmings of truffles and the fat liver also chopped very fine, and half a pound of lean ham cut into small dice or squares. Butter a hot pie mould, place it on buttered paper on a baking sheet, line it with short paste, put a layer of the mince at the bottom and sides, then fill it with a round flat of paste, decorate it, leave a hole in the center, brush it over with egg and bake for an hour and a half in a moderate oven. As soon as the paste begins to color place a piece of buttered paper over it. When it is done remove the top of the pie, wipe off as much of fat as possible, mask the contents with brown sauce reduced with Madeira and trimmings of truffles, and serve very hot.