Take six good-sized chicken fillets, cut off the minion fillets and the thin skin of the larger ones, form these into equal shapes and put them into a sautepan with a little butter, giving them a slightly curved inclination when in the pan, pour over a little more butter, cover with paper, and cook them until quite done. Take the minion fillets, trim and contise them with a few small pieces of cooked beef tongue; put them into a sautepan with a little butter to cook, giving them a curved shape in the pan. In the meantime put a circular rice socle on a dish, mask it with Montpelier butter, and again on its center place a small socle two inches in diameter and three and a half inches in height, and mask this again with more Montpelier butter. Take the fillets out of the pan when done, place them on a strainer to drain, and put them when they are perfectly cold into hot chicken chaudfroid sauce, and then when they are cold put them on a dish on the larger rice socle, leaning against the smaller one, with a truffle cut a quarter of an inch thick and of the size of the end of the fillets placed between them. Garnish the top of the socle with chopped aspic jelly, and serve.