Bacon Omelet

Take the requisite amount of finely-minced lean bacon, and place in a fryingpan with a little butter or lard, and fry until done. Have ready a sufficient number of eggs well-beaten with salt and pepper, and stir into the bacon. When cooked, take out and serve on a dish.

Smoked Beef Omelet

Warm a little finely-minced beef in a fryingpan with a lump of butter and add a dozen or so beaten eggs, making into an omelet.

Cepes Omelet

Fry half a dozen cepes cut into small pieces in one-half ounce of butter for two minutes. Beat a dozen eggs in a bowl, season with one pinch of salt and one-half pinch of pepper, pour them over the cepes, and make an omelet as described under omelets.

Cheese Omelet Baked

Cut some strips of cheese about one-fourth of an inch thick, arrange them around the sides of a baking-dish and spread sifted browned breadcrumbs over the bottom; place thin slices of cheese over this, and then three or four eggs, unbroken, salt and pepper to taste, spread on a little grated cheese and finally another layer of the browned breadcrumbs. Place a few lumps of butter on the top, set the dish in the oven and bake for from ten to fifteen minutes, or until the eggs are quite firm, but not hard. When done, serve as hot as possible.

Parmesan Cheese Omelet

Break two eggs into a basin and dust over with a very little pepper and cayenne. Put one ounce of butter into a pan rubbed over with garlic. When it is boiling, pour in the eggs and hold the pan over the fire until the omelet is set; then put a tablespoonful of grated Parmesan cheese on one-half of it, cover with the other half, cook for a minute longer, and serve immediately.

Chicken's Liver Omelet

After partially boiling the liver, cut it into small pieces, put them in a fryingpan with butter, two or three button mushrooms, a shallot and a tablespoonful of parsley, all finely-minced; season to taste with salt and pepper and fry them for ten minutes. Turn them into a basin, and when cold, beat in three eggs. Put a lump of butter in an omelet-pan, and when melted, put in the omelet and fry it. Serve it on a folded napkin or a fancy dish-paper on a hot dish, and garnish with fried parsley.

Crab Omelet

Take six ounces of boiled crab-meat and cut it into small pieces; place them in a sautepan together with one wineglassful of white wine and about one-fourth of an ounce of butter. Dampen with one teacupful of strong hot bechamel sauce and let these cook together for five minutes. Make an omelet with one dozen eggs, and with the use of a skimmer, place the stewed crab in the middle, fold over the side opposite the handle, pour in the garnishing, fold up the other side, turn it all onto a hot dish, lay the sauce round it, and serve.

Egg And Truffle Omelets

Cut into thin slices a small quantity of truffles, put them into a stewpan with a little brown sauce, and boil very gently. Prepare a sufficient quantity of plain egg omelets, spread on the truffles, and fold them up. Spread a folded napkin over a hot dish, arrange the omelets on it, and garnish with parsley.