Baked California Pudding

Beat well three eggs with three-quarters of a pint of milk, sweeten to taste with sugar and flavor with a few drops of essence of almonds, add three-quarters of a wine-glassful of pale brandy; stir the preparation over the fire until it has become thickened, then move it off; put some small pieces of stale sponge-cake into a pie dish with an ounce and a half of thinly-shredded citron peel, pour the custard over it and leave it for half an hour. Then slightly warm six ounces of butter and beat it with an equal amount of fine sugar until frothy. Spread this mixture over the pudding and bake for an hour, and serve either hot or cold.

Caramel Pudding

Cream together two breakfast cupfuls of warmed butter and sugar. Add ten eggs (yolks and whites beaten separately), and two breakfast cupfuls of preserved damsons, removing the stones. Beat all together very lightly and season with two teaspoonfuls of flavoring extract, vanilla or other flavoring. Prepare an open tart-case of pattern paste, fill with the ice-caramel preparation, and bake in a quick oven.

Baked Cheese Pudding

Beat thoroughly four or five eggs and mix with them one ounce of butter melted to the substance of oil and one gill of cream, then stir in two tablespoonfuls of sifted breadcrumbs and one pound of grated cheese. Pour this mixture into a dish lined with puff paste, and bake.

Chestnut Pudding

Boil and peel about fifty or sixty fine chestnuts, and when well-cooked, pound or crush them fine; add the minced rind of half a lemon, one-fourth of a pound of powdered sugar, a dessertspoonful of orange flower or rose water, a breakfast cupful each of breadcrumbs and sweet biscuit in crumbs, and a teacupful of rich cream; then mix in with half a dozen eggs well-beaten up, yolks and whites together. Put the whole into a buttered mould, sprinkle it with sugar and set it for a moment under a glowing salamander.

Christmas Pudding

Separate the yolks of six eggs from the whites. Take two breakfast cupfuls of rich mincemeat, put into it the yolks of six eggs and beat them well with it for four or five minutes; whip the whites to a froth, and have ready six ounces of flour. Add to the pudding first a little flour and then a little beaten white of egg, and so on alternately until both flour and eggs are used up, beating each addition well in. Butter the inside of a good-sized mould and put the pudding into it, giving it room to swell; cover firmly, plunge it into boiling water, and keep boiling rapidly for five hours.

Clifton Pudding

Put four ounces of ground rice into a saucepan with two breakfast cupfuls of cream, and boil gently until the mixture begins to thicken, stirring occasionally. Place the yolks of six eggs in a bowl, whisk them well with the whites of two eggs, and add gradually four ounces of finely-crushed loaf sugar, two tablespoonfuls of brandy, three ounces of blanched and pounded sweet almonds, and the grated rind of half a lemon. Remove the ground rice mixture from the fire, and when it is cool, stir in the other mixture; pour the whole into a well-buttered pie-dish, place a few slices of candied peel on the top, stand the pudding in a moderate oven, and bake for nearly or quite twenty-five minutes; then take it out and serve it either hot or cold.