Boil together half a pint of cream with the thinly-shredded rind of half a lemon and a small piece of citron. Place in a basin the yolks of four eggs with four ounces of caster-sugar and beat well, then pour in the boiling cream a little at a time; stand the basin in a bain-marie and stir continually until it begins to thicken, then take it out and mix in a teacupful of very dark caramel. When nearly cool, turn it into a freezing-mould and leave it there until it has about the stiffness of snow. Then blanch and chop an ounce of sweet almonds or pistachio nuts, shred one ounce of candied orange-peel and candied pineapples fine and chop one ounce each of candied cherries and sultanas; place all of these in a basin, pour half a wineglassful of brandy and a similar amount of curacoa and soak for an hour or two. Whisk half a pint of cream and one white of egg to a stiff froth, add the fruit mixture and whipped cream to the frozen mixture and let it remain in the freezer a short time longer. Then pack it in a mould, close tightly and bury it in ice. Make a sauce as follows: Rub the yellow rinds of one orange and one lemon with two or three lumps of sugar, place in a basin and squeeze in the juice of the fruit; add one and a half wineglassfuls of clarified syrup and a wineglassful each of wine and brandy. Work in the freezer until about half frozen, then turn the pudding onto a fancy dish, pile the frozen sauce around it, and serve.